The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2032 Road Training

"Good baby, it is called black stone helmet in the future."

But Zhang Bin is still gratifying and happy.

Because he suffers such a horrible force, his potential is really excavated.

The cycle speed of internal repair is also automatically accelerated.

More cells are cracking, and there is real gas flow.

Cell planets are also mysterious changes.

Zhang Bin once again tapped some of the accompanying pendant mines of black Yao, and returned.

Dare to dive, because the following flames are more horrible, even five-color flames appear.

At this time, Zhang Bin also has a special idea.

If it is thoroughly melted, it is a special armor in the future.

That maybe you can withstand the crazy burning of the colorful flame.

Then I can sneak into deeper places and may even latten the quenching hole.

That is, the plan of your own fraud is fully implemented.

However, the premise is that you have to be strong, and you will have a lot of flames and zoom.

That can melt the black weather, remove impurities, and refine the armor.

Finally, Zhang Bin returned to the blessing.

"Bin brother, where did you go?"

The silver screen princess said nervously.

She woke up from the cultivation, I found Zhang Bin.

She is anxious.

Now Zhang Bin is the only reliable.

Her destiny has been associated with Zhang Bin.

"I just went to see, I found some special ore, refined a special armor."

Zhang Bin said, "You don't worry about me at all, I have so many fairy kings, and there are emperors ..."

"I told her, don't worry, but she is still worried."

Phoenix came over with a fragrant, and said.

Her face has also floated the color.

The pretty face of the silver screen is also inexplicably flying out of the shame.

"All, dig fairy medicine, we are ready to start ..."

Zhang Bin didn't delay, and Zhang Bo is also abandoned.

This is the most magical treasure of this blessing is a sharp breast milk.

But it has been obtained by them.

In addition, there are many fairy medicine, which can be dug.

Soon, they fell to the land and continue to be trekd from the plateau plateau.

This time, Zhang Bin came very difficult.

Because he is wearing a black stone armor, heavily great.

However, in this way, Zhang Bin's performance is not as good as two printers.

And three teases are similar.

It is also the talents of Xianwang.

Tsui Cui said that they have to go to the best blessing, but it is about five years.

If you walk in five years, the Bin will make a lot of powerful.

The cold poisonous gecko is also row on the ground, and their speed is not a little.

Even Zhang Bin also put it out of the tamed iron lines.

The food of the Iron nematode is actually a variety of ore.

Tooth sharp pole.

In the flame plateau, there are many ore, so, don't worry about food.

"Phoenix, now our team is very powerful."

The silver screen princess is very excited and excited. "You must compete into a queen, then do the demon emperor."

"All because Zhang Bin's sake, no him, I have n'thing."

Phoenix's face is also flying out of the laughter of flowers, and I looked at Zhang Bin at a glance.

Her force is really strong, there are more than 500 people, there are two kinds of horrible pets, cold poisonous gecko and iron nematodes.

"Brothers, you say that the iron line is powerful, or the cold poisonous wall?"

Ma Rufei asked curiously.

"Cold poisoning cold ..."

"Iron thread!"

"Cold Tiger ..."


When everyone suddenly became a red ear.

But there is no result.

Finally, they let Zhang Bin judge.

"Diffuxite has two horrible areas of the cold ice and flame plateau. Can not be said to be more horrible. In fact, it is almost very powerful. The cold poison is the strongest overlord of the cold ice. Plus a very powerful Zoom can be great than the iron nematode. After all, the iron nematode is very powerful and horrible, but it is impossible to be a flame plateau's hegemony. "Zhang Bin said so much," Don't watch the iron worm so much, but if it is killing, iron nematode It is necessary to collapse. "

"To the right, zoom can be too busy, to show the zooming energy, the cold and poison of the cold poisonous gecko, and there is a sharp teeth, and you can definitely kill everything."

"The cold poisonous gecko is too cattle, once held the zooming God tree too many years, no one can dig away from the Shenshu."


Three teasings, Tian Guangjin, Li Taqing, the frog woman is excited to discuss.

"Hey, Ma Rufei really thought I was a cold poisonous gecko?"

The king of the cold poisonous gecko suddenly jumped to the shoulders of Ma Ru Fei, whispered.

"Don't you?"

Ma Rufei was stunned.

"Of course, it is not, in fact, I am a little corner, they are all my belongings, too clear, but we are the soul into the residence." The little corner said.

"I rely on, you are actually a little corner ... Little corner, you are too big."

"Baby, you are all too late ..."


Three teasing, Tian Guangjin, Li Taqing, all excited.

And many cold poisonous geckoes are also proud, climbed up their body.

Or on your neck or on your head.

Even if you still shrink your body, set on their fingers.

After all, they used to play with them.

Suddenly laughter, rang into a piece.

"Little corner, you are the strongest, absolutely killing anything ..."

Ma Rufei began to shoot a small horns.

"Hey ..."

The little corner has made a whispering gesture, "Ma Rufei, I tell you, except for the master, I am not afraid, but I am still afraid of frog women, I feel that she can kill me."

"The frog woman is a magical monster that the frog is cultivated, and the born 78 Dantian, and there is an incomparably horrible my life, plus the cultivation of Zhang Bin, and learned a lot of magical skills. Her strength is really horrible. Maybe you can really kill the cold tiger. "

Ma Rufei secretly embarrassed in his heart.

To be honest, he is also aware of the frog woman.

He felt that the frog woman and Zhang Bin were also secretly hidden.

There is no great thing to show too much.

But it is a strange pressure to people.

In this way, they did not stop.

Gradually, they went deep into the depths of the flame plateau, and gravity arrived at a very horrible point.

Many players can't support it again, only the fairy king can also support.

Of course, the nine guys who took the giant bear can also support it.

Therefore, people who cannot be supported have entered Zhang Bin's space container.

Zhang Bin despite his twisting, but he has not fallen.

The cold poisonous wall is already on the shoulders of Zhang Bin and others, and the body is turned into a ring set on their fingers, wrist, neck.

As for the iron nematode, it has also entered the insects.

For the iron nematoma born in the flame plateau, long-term life has been used to terror gravity and intangible flame, continue to withstand gravity and intangible flame, and there is nothing to use.

They need to take super magical minerals to continue to become powerful.

Zhang Bin also found a secret, black Yao's accompanying mine, who likes to eat very much.

But there is not much eaten, after all, it is too hard.

When Zhang Bin also supported, it will stop rest, or enter the blessing cultivation, become powerful, completely recover, will continue to move ...

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