The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2034, good belly black

"What do you talk about? Can you threate us? You don't turn your attention." Chu Shui said, "Today, we will finally fight. Unless you take the initiative to surrender, let me control you."

"Big Brother, the younger brother does not compete with you, I entered the quenching hole, just to improve myself, actually a experience." Chu Fei Cheng said, "You don't need to be alert to me. I. And I will not let your soul control, I also have an emperor, I also have a genus, will be with you, then you can kill us, but you have to pay a huge price. Even possible brothers Sisters. More terrible is, then the other country teams that have arrived, will take the opportunity to attack you, then you may have a whole army. This is a big joke. "

"Oh ..." Chuquan cheered up, "The younger brother, I know that you will come to the abdomen black fragments. So you can quietly strengthen your strength. However, you can't confuse me. I ask you, do you really resist?"

"Big Brother, it seems that you don't believe me." Chu Fei became depressed, "I have a suggestion that let us share the winning and negative, but no strength. That is where we are single, do not use Emperor, do not use any kings. Use the real strength to fight, the loser die, the winner can get the next party and all treasures. What do you see? "

Chuquan laughed, "You don't make me ask, you will let me give up the advantages of many powerful belongings, fight with you, the abacus is not a fine. However, in order to save strength, I promise you. Come, Let's fight. "

After that, he jumped to the empty, and he hooked his hand.

He is more than 50 years older than Chu Fei, and he is also super good.

Therefore, his foundation is much smoldering than Chu.

Now he has been cultivated to the ghosts.

It is only one step to practice to the realm of ghosts.

And Chu Feicheng is now only cultivating the middle of the ghost.

This is a gap between the mountains.

In addition, Chuquan has a lot of treasures, he certainly has absolute grasp the killing.

"Zhang Bin brothers, please help me again, good people do the bottom, send Buddha to the west. Waiting for me to do the reinforcement, be sure to repay you. I can promise you two requirements, plus the previous one, three What? "

Chu Feicheng is secretly across.

"Yours, if you are so belly, I will cut your egg."

Zhang Bin smiled.

" ..."

Chu Fei became evil, because he knew that Zhang Bin had promised.

Although Zhang Bin has a magical ability, he is a personal experience. With the help of Zhang Bin, a powerful opponent has been killed, and all the treasures of each other are received.

There was a long sword in his hand, and a arrow rushed over.

The same attack like Chuquan is like a silver leak.

He showed a magical body method, fast, weird, looks in front, but blinks appears behind.

Due to the wisdom, see the north of the south.

Why can't you touch where he is.

"Yes, yes, you are really a genius of peerlessness, actually cultivating a hundred changing shadow, no wonder you want to fight with me. It is also no wonder that the father will value you." Chuquan work hard The no-hole attack, while admiring.

Look, he doesn't panic at all, as if he doesn't feel any pressure at all.

"Rapid, zoom, surprised one sword ... '

Chu Fei Cheng suddenly shouted in the heart, his speed suddenly increased too much, the sword in his hand was crazy, with a breath of destroying everything.


Black light is bursting.

The sound is scream.

This sword is really possible to kill Chuquan.


Chuquan's face has floated the cold laugh.

He suddenly retired one step, the sword in his hand became a black dragon.

Roar rushing out.


A shock is very angry.

Spark splash.

Tiandi shakes.

Hurricane also appeared.


When Chu Fei became a shock, the mouth was also screaming in his mouth.

And Chuquan is unhappy, it stands proudly.

The body is spread with a sharp pressure and momentum.

Bugi Fei became a powerful one.

Terror is that he rushed up like lightning.

Talculate a thousands of ghosts, attacking Chu Fei as the windshield.

"Dangdang ..."

The sound is shocked, and the two are crazy and kill together.

However, in addition to flying into the bottom of the wind, only the work of the horn, there is no power.

According to this situation, Chu Fei is absolutely no living. Losing is late or later.

"When I am shot, I can't live it ..."

Chu Fei became sweaty, the face was pale, and the voice shouted.

"It's now……"

Zhang Bin said that his mouth is also open, which suddenly issued an incomparably horrible shock wave.

Like lightning, she bombards on Chuquan's head.

He has never been uncomfortable to Chuquan, so he shows the biggest powerful shock.

It not only uses the top scaling energy, but also uses three gods to strengthen.

After five years of hardship, his zoom resistance can be scaled 300 times, and the three gods are doubled, which is six hundred times.

This is docked very deadly.

In an instant, Chuquan is tricking.

His head became a blank, and the attack was also pause.


Chu Fei became big in the heart, shouting crazy.

The sword in your hand is like a head of Chuquan.

Of course, it is the most horrible trick.


A helmet breaks.

The sword is deeply infused.


Chuquan made a scream.

But he still didn't die.

Like the same green smoke, it will be retired.

However, Chu Fei chased back in the back, stabbing his sword in his hand on his body as the rain.

A sword passed, there is a hole.

The soul is to collapse.

He wants to be a drum and kill Chuquan.

"All give me, kill them ..."

Chuquan suffered heavy, the power decline, couldn't resist, he ordered him angrily.

But he was angry with him, he found that his voice did not pass.

Sedied by a singular sound.

This is of course Zhang Bin once again to show the sound abilities, issued a sound wave, interfere with the sound of dealing.

Even, he also secretly showing space law and constitutes a space barrier.

Let the other party can't display the voice of the voice.

Anyway, he is a cloudy and death.

In front of him, how can he not teach each other.

"Puff puff……"

Chu Fei became crazy attacks, and tadded a few transparent cave in Chuquan.

"Ah ..."

Chuquan made a more scream.

His face is filled with the color of the grievances, because he felt that he was documented by Zhang Bin.

There was an emperor in his hand.

It is necessary to throw to Chu Fei.

(I beg you for the recommendation. Thank you.)

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