The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2035, good vicious means

"Shock ..."

However, Zhang Bin once again issued an incomparable horror shocked sound wave.

Hold again on Chuquan's head.

After so many years of cultivation, Zhang Bin's shock energy increased by a lot.

Therefore, it will continue to shock this for a while.

Chuquan's head turned again into a blank, forgot to use the emperor.

And Chu Fei became a look of his left hand, he took the emperor.

At the same time, the sword in his hands was crazy, and the neck of Chuquan was cut off.

The head flesh.


Chuquan made a scream.

His head and body collapsed simultaneously.

But it is a combination again, and there is no difference before.

"Big Brother, you are so powerful, actually cultivate the secret law of the soul, but you don't struggle, you can't be my opponent." Chu Fei became whispered, "Now you have lost, your genus Lower belongs to me, they will only listen to my order, so now you are alone, you still go peace of mind. "

At the same time, he lifted the emperor in his hand.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

Chuquan made a big shouting.

How is he how bright? When did you have a loss?

Just actually by Zhang Bin, even the emperor was taken away.

He still has an emperor, but sorrow is that he dare not take it out, because it is worried and shocked, it is robbed.

"Go together……"

He shouted angrily.

Give him the next attack.

Unfortunately, his voice is still scattered by Zhang Bin's intangible surge, can't be passed to him.

And his belongings see Chuquan or no order, of course, there is no shot.

After all, two of them are fighting in one side.

The winner can get everything to get the other party.

" ..."

Chu Fei became the extreme of Zhang Bin, and he made an incomparable evil.

Rush up, crazy attacks.

He is reluctant to use the emperor, and we must completely kill the deal with it with the help of Zhang Bin.

Chuquan has suffered from hitting, even if it is hard to block, but still can't stand.

Instead, it was once tatched out several caves.

At this moment, he finally understood that today is miserable.

May give Chu Fei into a wedding dress.

"We die together."

Chuquan's face floated. Among his eyes, he suddenly shot two black light, slamming on the leaves of the big tree.

This is a honeycomb!

" ..."

Unparalleled sounds.

The trees on the wood leaves are completely irritated, they flew from the leaves, covering the sky, killing all the ghosts with all the breath.

They are really quirky, look like leaves, thin, like a sharp blade.

And it is madly rotating.

The speed is incredible.

" ... ..."

Wherever, trees fractured, branched into a powder.

Rock is also broken.

It's too horrible.

"Quick escape ..."

All ghosts are scared, and they are crazy.

But their speed is too slow.

Partially chased by the leaf insect, and then cut into pieces.

The armor could not stand at all, and the fairy was also smashed into pieces.

"Blend ..."

Chu Fei is also almost scared, and immediately run, and then I don't dare to attack Chuquan.

And Chuquan is a whistling, and the lightning flees.

What is angry is that he ran away from Zhang Bin and others.

Because he is a sin, it is, it is extraordinant to chasing his leaves.

Take so many kinds of trees to kill Zhang Bin and others, it is to kill Zhang Bin and others.

And he is a soul, no weight, and the speed is of course very fast.

He can naturally escape.

"Good guy, this Chuquan is a singer."

Zhang Bin was darkly jealous, but his face was full of acknowledgment.

I want to Yin him Zhang Bin, the other party is still a bit.

He suddenly took the worms of the waist.

Countless iron worms rushed out like the Yangtze River river, wrapped in the murderous murder to pounce to Chuquan and countless leaves.


Chuquan scared the soul, and he immediately showed the magical secret law, and the soul is a snoring. It has become a countless black smoke.

Go on the side as the wind.

I escaped in the most dangerous area.

It was once again combined into a soul, and his face was full of smile, and it was full.

He is a soul, there is a magical escape ability.

This time, Zhang Bin will definitely die without burial.

As for him, it can also escape from most.

Even, wait until he can also take the opportunity to kill Chu Fei.

Yes, he ruled the trees and worms than Zhang Bin's torrential worms, which definitely kill the iron lines, and then kill Zhang Bin and others.

In an instant, the iron worms are bombarded with the leaves.

" ... ..."

Many iron nematodes were shardd by sharp leaves.

However, there are some kinds of cocktuss to be bitten.

However, in turn, it is the wind in the gornet.

They madly rotate advance, where they have passed, the iron worms become fragments.

However, the iron line insect is also very cattle, it has become a fragment, but it has become more.

Of course, the war has dropped a lot. You can't threaten the leaf insect.


Zhang Bin's face has a surprise.

His mind, many cold poisonous geckows suddenly flew out, shake the body, turned into a dragon, the mouth opened, spit horrible cold and poisonous gas for many trees.

Under the increase of zooming abilities, the power of cold and poisonous gas is also enhanced.

Many leafworms have been screaming, and the face has also floated the color of fear and stopping forward.

Looking at many cold tigers with a jealous eye.

The cold poison wall is not dare to rush, because the number of each other is too much.

If it is a war, there is inevitable to have a cold poison.

"Give me in ..."

Zhang Bin took off the gourd in the waist and flew to the air.

In a gesti gourd, it becomes a large and shining colorful light.

Single summones.

Many of the trees can't resist, all the swarm flies.

There is no other place.

"Nima, how is this bastard to have such a magical treasure?"

The eyes of Chuquan looking away are straight, and the face is full of greedy colors.

If you can kill Zhang Bin, get Zhang Bin's gourd, can you sweep everything?

"Brothers, help me with him, I must thank ..."

Chu Fei ran over with him, looked at Zhang Bin, looked at Zhang Bin, and said.

"Chuquan is too powerful, it is not easy to do it. I have no grasp." Zhang Bin said low voice. "However, we can try this so much ..."

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