The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2039, difficult to rob

"Hey ..."

In addition to launching many different resistance, Zhang Bin is still working hard to cultivate the internal power law.

His internal repair is circulating in the meridians.

It is a bit of circulating.

The potential is also excavated.

The speed of recovery is also a little faster.


Thunder crazy bombardment, there is no stop.

There is no pause.

Zhang Bin's arm is coke.

The two feet are also chemically formulated.

Most of the body becomes coke under the bombardment of horror Thunder.

Then it is flying ash.


Thunder still did not stop, continue to crazy bombardment.

Zhang Bin's body slowly collapsed, and it became flying ash.

Only Dantian, heart and head were left.

Not completely destroyed.

Perhaps it feels the crisis of death.

The cells of the head and Dantian have a magical change, almost all cracks.

Explosing the quiver of the spring, repairing the cells, so that the body quickly recovers.

"Bang ..."

Zhang Bin's heart cell is a purple thunder that burst into horrible, madly dominated to the sky.

And the Thunder in Heaven.

This is the confrontation of the internal repair and the outside.

If the strength of the universe is used, there is no role.

Zhang Bin's time abilities, zooming in the gods, spatial abilities, at this moment, have lost the effect.

Only the 10th thunder can fight against the sky.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin's the development of the inside of Zhang Bin is still very beautiful.

Still can't fight the death of this universe.

Zhang Bin's Thunder sent out quickly destroyed.

The horrible four-color Thunder bombards the heart of Zhang Bin on Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin's heart slowly became coke.

The Thunder in the cells in the cells also become rare.

Finally, it is completely stagnant.

However, the heart is still not chemical as flying gray, just coke.

It seems that there is a strange force in hidden.

There is also a vitality in gestation.

"Bang ..."

The world is getting fierce, and it is extremely horrible.

The four-color Thunder is just like the Yangtze River river.

The heart of Zhang Bin's head Dantian is completely overwhelmed.

The breath of death is also engraving Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's head became coke.

Dantian is also chemical into coke.

Even the most powerful congenital spirit is also destroyed, only a stump remains.

Countless world demonics are also completely destroyed.

Such a horrible Thunder bombarded a month.

Zhang Bin brain completely collapsed, only one thumb is so big. But the surface is also chemically coke.

And Jianzheng also flew to the side, the vain of the Jie Di also slammed, and the sigh was issued.

And her eyes are also looked at Zhang Bin's last bone.

This bone is connected to the Ume Americans.

Ume people are in such a horrible thunder, or if there is anything.

Nothing loss.

Perhaps, it is because Wu Meiren planted on Zhang Bin's brain, and he made him a little bit of cereal bone.

Thunder is still unwilling, still crazy bombardment.

However, no matter how she bombards, this bone is still not destroyed.

Finally, the robbery finally stopped.

The four color clouds in the sky are scattered.

The heavens and the earth become dark.

I can't see anything.

"Master ... ..."

Small corners and many too clear cones have sent a sad voice.

Those leafworms are also very sad.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin's brain bones made a touch of white light.

... ...

The singular voice sounded.

Coke crack, the brain bone of the snow is like a jade.

Then start rapidly, extends.

Muscles are also growing.

Gradually, the head is formed.

The neck formed, the chest is also formed.

Slowly close to the coke that only leaves the peanuts, the coke is immediately blaming, and then splits rapidly, becomes large, becomes a red heart.

The package is in the breast.

Gradually, the waist formed, the muscles turned into a coke's Dantian covered.

The green light shot in Dantian.

Boosheng machine flows in the world of Dantian.

The roots of the Central Dantian Tiandi, the root of the fairy medicine began to make a tender branch.

The congenlined tree is also a branch, and it is rapidly and growing high.

After three days and three nights, Zhang Bin's body was completely recovered.

All Dantian has also emerged.

The inexpensive baby of Dantian is also recovered, and it has grown up.

Zhang Bin opened his eyes. His face was filled with confused colors. The mouth also made a shocking voice: "It is impossible, absolutely impossible, how do I suddenly cultivate into Yuan Ying's medium? External repair also cultivated to At the beginning of the fairyland? "

I have experienced such a horrible natural robbery, I should have a big injury, and I have to recover, how can I do for many years.

But he not only has a big injury, but broke through the bottleneck, internal repair, and foreign decoration have great progress.

This kind of thing is simply a little fantasy.

Let him be difficult to believe, but even, he is doubting that he is dreaming.

At that time, he just knew that this time the internal repair is too horrible, he thought that he didn't have it.

Because the body is destroyed, the cells of Dantian and the heart have been completely killed.

No cells are active.

Then he found out that his head collapsed.

Almost all cells were destroyed by Thunder, and the memory of cell replication was also erased.

As for his soul, I have already killed the horror of the sky.

Although I said, I cultivated to him, as long as there is a cell that does not die, this cell can be resurrected again.

But if the cell's memory is wrapped.

Even if you resurrect, there is no memory.

If all cells die, even the resurrection is impossible.

But let him surprised that Ume people have packed into a bone, so that this bone is not destroyed.

No, it can't be said that it is not destroyed.

It is the sole bone area that is connected with the Ume Americans is not destroyed.

It seems that there is a strange vitality to pass from the umers.

A few cells have been protected.

It also protects the memory of cells.

Let him have a resurrection capital.

Then rely on these cells.

Under the effect of no death, with the help of the vitality of Ume, his body is slowly recovered. His soul is also combined again, or there are six gods, and more pure. There is no impurities.

"How can I recover so fast? How can I repair the external repair broke through the bottleneck, even, the internal repair is broken through two bottlenecks." Zhang Bin was very confused, "Is it a beautiful result of Wushen transport?"

Then Zhang Bin was afraid of a while, this inside and outside, and it is really a horrible.

I'm almost falling.

If there is no American, the body will definitely become flying ash.

Can only use the soul to condense the body and resurrect again.

It is necessary to practice so far, it takes many years.

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