The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2040, endless darkness, endless horror

"Next, once again robbery, can Wu American can she be ascended?"

Zhang Bin snorted to induce the Meisan, and his face was changed.

Because the color of the umers changed, there is not so dark black.

It seems that there is a lot of dry.

"Not good, Ume people consume some vitality, maybe it may be difficult to recover again. Next time, if there is such a horrible day, the possibility of falling is extremely possible. Must find the treasure life of the same level." Zhang Bin noise Mind, "Alever, you can use a long time to temper yourself, let yourself be more powerful. It is possible to spend the robbery. This time, you are still too eager. It should be in the blessing dozens Year ... The cultivation can't be impatient, you must step by step, slowly become stronger, from all aspects, it is not just the realm of promotion ... "

Summary in detail, Zhang Bin recovered confident, and his body exuded a sharp pressure and momentum of the world.

He stood up and tested his own battle.

The brilliant smile is revealed on his face.

The body is tough too much, and many singular array are derived.

His strength has also been upgraded three times.

And his soul is also strong, destroying the magic light, the moon double sword, and the power of shocking is also a few times.

The power of zooming abilities scaled is also 600 times.

The remaining abilities are also high in boat.

"Now my strength, you should be able to rush any fairy. Perhaps you can be the master of the early days of the immortal."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

"Master, you scared me."

Small corners and numerous cold poisonous geckows are also flying.

Put Zhang Bin Hua, a spoofer.

"Don't worry, the owner will not fall."

Zhang Bin said.

If his book is falling, the soul will immediately condense the body.

These pets and umers can also be recovered.

"The owner, this world is too horrible, there is no immortality, no light, will we still go back?"

Small hoe is recommended.

"Oh, I can't go back, I can only continue to explore."

Zhang Bin sighed.

Through Wu Meiren, he felt that because of the suffering of the robbery, it may also be another reason.

The cutting edge of the umers is outside the dark area. But now it is already in the dark area.

No matter how he makes the umers extend outward, it is still in the endless darkness.

How can I find the dark area?

Now Zhang Bin has finally understood that the dark area is very weird, it may be arranged in a big array of horrible, so anyone has entered, and there is no longer have to go.

This is an incomparably mysterious place.

It is also a place where death.

There is no fairy, there is no treasure, only the darkness of the darkness, and the darkness of life.

In such a place, if it is a foreign further, there is absolutely no living path.

It will become getting getting governing, getting more and more old, and finally falling thoroughly.

The cactus is also good, and the ghost fairy will become dust.

Even if the fairy is going slowly, then falls.

"It belongs to your own strength is the real strength." Zhang Bin's heart has pickedly understanding, "The internal repair is the road, no wonder the magic must be abandoned, revived, started to repair ..."

He began slowly, walking in the endless darkness.

He felt a lonely and felt a rich death atmosphere.

I also feel a thorough cold.

Moreover, gravity is also slowly improved.

Like a big mountain pressure in Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's internal repair is crazy, and a circle is another circle.

Dispelling cold, dispelting silence, resisting horrible gravity.

Many pets have been received by Zhang Bin. Central Dantian.

Otherwise it is absolutely unable to stop such a horrible environment.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin stepped on something on one.

Send a broken sound.

Zhang Bin's eyes shot rays and looked at it.

Then his scalp is numb.

Because the feet are a Beson's hoe.

It has been broken now.

It was broken by him.

Zhang Bin also carefully looking for some, but I didn't find any treasure.

Also, it is caught in such a place.

Xianshi, Materials, Fairy Pharmacy, I have been used early.

Because of the material, there is a fairy, you can use the secret to draw the fairy, moisturize the body.

Zhang Bin continued to travel, his face became serious.

Because the situation is very bad.

Although his Central Dantian planted some immortal medicine, he can produce some immortality, but it is far from being absorbed by his body.

If you can't add fairy gas from the outside, all immortal medicine, Tiandi Pharmaceutical, including his congenital spirit trees, pregnant flowers, can die.

If you can't find the way, his internal repair will not break through, and he will die in this dark world.

Of course, he is definitely a lot to live in the external repair of this world.

Zhang Bin also let the Meisher who drilled into the ground and explored the following.

But let him fear that there is no land at all.

It is endless dark, there is no end.

It is almost impossible to escape.

However, Zhang Bin still has no panic.

He continued to wander in this endless darkness.

From time to time, there is still a knee.

Of course, it is only a good practice.

Because the external tributics must borrow the fairy gas, fairy medicine and Tianmoubao in the outside universe.

However, this does not have such conditions.

"Detonate hole, there is such a horrible world. Why is it?"

Zhang Bin has been thinking about this problem.

But he can't find the answer.

Soon, 10 years have passed, Zhang Bin is still in the depths of the dark area.

However, he did not have a lot of money this decade.

Only deepened many of the ambient feelings.

There is no breakthrough in the realm.

He is still in the early days of Xianshi.

The internal repair is also the middle of the infant.

Distance to later, there is still a distant distance.

Zhang Bin has finally discovered that he has entered a different place.

It seems that the darkness is saving, and there is a faint light.

"Could I go to the end of the dark?"

Zhang Bin is secretly looking forward.

But he still didn't have any optimism, because the breath of death is more rich.

There is no minority, and there is no heaven and earth aura.

There is no more plants.

From this case, it can't see the hope of the darkness.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin had a creepy feel.

It seems that the horror monsters are staring at him.

He slowly slammed his head and saw it.

Then he saw a person.

A dead person.

It should be a dead cactus, there is almost no muscles, and the snow-white skeleton is a pale light.

Only the head is still a rotten meat.

His white bones held a short knife tightly ...

(I beg you for the recommendation, thank you.)

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