The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2041, the dead spirit, and enter the desperate situation

Step by Death is walking to Zhang Bin, and its body has spread a violent pressure and momentum.

That is the power of Xianjun.

Obviously, he is the repair of Xianjun before.

But he is falling in the dark area.

"Big horror?"

Zhang Bin's sweat is erected, and it feels a thorough cold.

He didn't think of it, in this dark area, can you still encounter a big horror? And the dark area of ​​this quenching is related to the big terrorist horror crossing time and space?

His hand has a virtual god sword, and the eyes are also shot.

For such a big horror, there is no other way, it can only die.

In the blink of an eye, the dead spirit rushed over with the murder of the sky, and the short knife in his hand came crazy.

The cold is bursting, and the murder is rushing.

This knife, blocking Zhang Bin any retreat.

The only way can only hard fight.

This knife is the magical, Zhang Bin has never seen it.


Zhang Bin's sword in his hand.

Sword breaks the sky!


The sword is together.

Zhang Bin flew away, the arms were shaking.

However, the is standing proud, that is, it is a step.

Moreover, it hurts the lightning like a lightning, and Zhang Bin launched a crazy to the ultimate attack.

Don't kill Zhang Bin, he won't give it.


Zhang Bin greeted, he showed a lot of abilities, including terror, strong abilities, time abilities and spatial abilities, and the dead spirit crazy fight together.

However, Ren Zhang Bin did his best.

Also can't defeat the dead.

Instead, he is a defeat.

The body was taken out of the wound.

This dead spirit is powerful.

Because it also masters the scaling energy of terror.

The multiple of the zoom is not absolute to Zhang Bin.

This is simply desperate.

"Bang ..."

Zhang Bin's heart suddenly burst into a bright purple thunder, and she bombarded her eyes on the dead.

The dead spirit is back, but there is still no fighting power, or very fierce.


Zhang Bin took the body, crazy attacks, and the foreign power of the internal repair also continued to explode.

The thunder of the universe is very different.

Playing the December Festival to defeat.


Zhang Bin finally grabbed a chance, and slammed a knife and broke the neck of the dead.

Dead's head flew out.

Falling on the ground, rolling well.

Zhang Bin breathed the big mouth, and took the head of the dead spirit.

He hopes to hear the consequences of the residual soul of the dead spirit.

"It turns out that this is the truth ..." quick escape ... "

The dead spirit suddenly said clear words.

Unfortunately, the words have not been finished, and the energy of his residual soul crashed, annihilated.

The dead head and the other bones are also rumized into a powder.

A faint black smoke drifts.

"Is there anything in the dark area?" Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "The darkness of the time and space is the dark area of ​​the quenching hole, the big horror is the death of this area? What control is it? Can you initiate such a horrible attack? Is the universe in control? "

He picked up the dead knife and received the central Dantian.

This knife is also a very good fairy, but Zhang Bin is not good at the knife, there is no refining.

He took a break and continued to travel.

A few days in a breath.

Then Zhang Bin also saw the horror scene.

A team of death lifted a bronze coffin and came slowly from the distance.

Silent and invisible, dissemination of a strangeness.

Even Zhang Bin has a cold.

It is really creepy.

He immediately turned into a black stone, only the fist is so big.

lie on the floor.

At the same time, he secretly spoke.

I have to see what this team is doing.

But let Zhang Bin fearful is that this team is coming straight.

Put a coffin on the ground.

Then the coffin cover opens, rich black fog.

The horrible breath is also taken out.


Suddenly, the power of the coffin made a power of swallowing the heavens and the earth, just on the stone turned into Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's reaction is not too late, and a slap is swallowed into the coffin.

The cover of the coffin is also closed instantly.

Even a gap is not left.

Many dead spirits lift the coffin, quickly forward ...

When I entered the coffin, under the action of mysterious power, Zhang Bin returned to human form.

And Zhang Bin's face has become serious.

He didn't think about escaped immediately, but observed the interior space of the coffin fine.

The space is not very large, it is slightly larger than the space of the Putong coffin, which can stand inside inside inside and not to touch the coffin.

The material of the coffin appears to be bronze, but it is densely covered with countless singularity.

As if the red spider web, it is emitted with an evil breath.

This space has a violent gravity of horrible, and the role is on Zhang Bin.

Let Zhang Bin even the arm is difficult to lift.

His many magics are also imprisoned and can not be used.

Even the change of the change is also imprisoned.

This is also the reason why he has just been swallowed up and has to restore human form.

"This is an incomparably horrible magic weapon." Zhang Bin guess in his heart, "there may be no way to escape."

Zhang Bin took the virtual god sword in his hand and cut it in the wall of the coffin.


A big sound, spark splash.

The coffin wall is also no left.

Hard to the extreme.

Zhang Bin thought, his Umer people became long, gently tangled on the coffin.

Didn't let Zhang Bin are disappointed, it is still easy to pick it up.

Zhang Bin was a little.

However, even so, he still can't escape.

Because of his scaling energy, the changes of changes have been banned.

He can't shrink your body, so I can't escape.

Zhang Bin is sitting, thinking in detail.

Face is also very serious.

From this situation, there is a great horror in the dark area. These death spirits are controlled by what terrorists.

What is the purpose of this terror?

This horror exists must be very powerful!

Perhaps the master can also threaten the master of the power of the Imperial Emperor!

After all, the Emperor of the Imperial Emperor did not dare to cross the time and space, that is, it is afraid of a big horror.

Now this terrorist existence should feel that he will send a strong death to kill him. After no success, you will send a team to death, and bring such a horrible coffin.

Now I have fallen into the desperation.

It was not left in the coffin.

If it is where the horror exists, then there is absolutely no way.

It must be escaped as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin became a bit nervous.

He thought in a while, and he made a heart, and the painted painting from the zoom fruit tree appeared.

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