The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2058 has once again broken, magical dramatic

"Yes, he is from the earth, it is our fellow, and he also got my inheritance." Month thousand sorrows said, "He is the real apprentice. Unfortunately, because the state regulations, I can't give him a name for the time being. Minute."

Thousands of moon, Moon Teng Group, there is also a month super group, that is, the moon people from the earth, three still surprised, the moontel group is uncle, the moon super group is the father of the month.

For these two people, of course don't conceal any secrets.

So, the month is telling the truth.

"Good guy, there is such a deep source. I said how he is so generous, send me a iron back shark." The Moon Teng is a thigh, that is the eyebrows, happy, "I saw him next time, I I have to pull him into my army. "

"I originally wanted him to go to your arm, but he refused, saying to go to travel and experience, quickly powerful. I don't think about it, because the army is the most painful place. But listen to him today. What I will understand, I understand, the army is not suitable for him. I still rely on him. "The month is smileering," the real strong is not cultivated, it is to breast and temper. "

"I look forward to meeting again ..."

The joy and expectations of the Moon Teng Group.

Anyway, he is now in a great exploitation of Zhang Bin.

An unknown island in the sea.

Zhang Bin is sitting in the knee and is running all the arrogance of all Dantian.

His body exudes a sharp pressure and momentum.

He cultivated two months in the cave in the depths of this island.

Absorbing the essence of how many seawates don't know how many seawates.

Of course, the reef is very far away from the last time.

It is not in one direction, so this time he absorbed the essence of refining is also very effective.

He felt that he had to break through.

I broke the cave and broke through the island.


The loop of many real air is getting faster and faster, issued a sound like the Yangtze River.

"Hey ..."

The broken sound sounded.

The scaling attribute has broken through the bottleneck and cultivated to the middle of the fairyland.

Rotary is that soil attributes, disruption properties, unwanted properties, non-old attributes, time attributes ... The exercises of many attributes are rapidly broken.

He entered a brand new world.

He felt that his fitness and heaven and earth were once again improved.

He wants to call the heavens and the earth.

His strength has skyrocketed, and many of his abilities are also greatly improved.

"Hey ..."

It is also a singular voice, and Zhang Bin's internal practice has also broken through a bottleneck.

Cultivate into the later period of Yuan Ying.

Dantian's Yuan Ying also became a bigger.

Then Zhang Bin entered a magical incredible situation.

His consciousness seems to enter the micro world, wandering in all its cells.

These cells are very special, all of the planets, there is a small space inside, some space is large, some space is small, but also continuously expanded.

Space is changing.

A unique space rule is also flowing in Zhang Bin's heart, it seems that he felt what, what did you mean.

Rotary, Zhang Bin also found that some cells have a certain amount of energy, there is a singular energy.

This kind of energy is in turn to develop this world, allowing spatial expansion.

There are some energy out of overflow, and it is transformed into internal repair.

Collect into his Dantian.

"It turns out that the internal repair can expand the space of the cell, the space expanded to a certain step, but more energy, cycle reciprocation, no exhaustion ..."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he couldn't help but remember the magical ability of Wu Meiren, and remembered that the magic can use hair into a weapon that is extremely horrible, killing enemies.

He has more feelings, it turns out that the internal repair does not need the weapon of the universe. They only need a strong body, and they will use the body to do weapons. Because their body can become a universe, any organ is part of the universe. Quenching to the ultimate, even outside the universe can break.

"go with……"

Zhang Bin's heart was once, and the innerness was thrown into Zhang Bin left hand's index finger.

He is trying to moisturize the cells with an innocent cell, expand the internal space of the cells, and his left hand is clearly unparalleled.

But he quickly found that this is a fantasy.

Because his freighter is simply entering the cell.

In other words, most of the cells of his index finger have not been developed, there is no gap, and the real gas will naturally enter.

"How did the devil make her arrogance of hair cells, let the hair become terror weapons?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Just when he wooted, the eyes of the Yuan Ying of Dantian opened.

It looked at his left hand and index finger, it seems like Zhang Bin in the study.

After a while, Yuan Ying took a shot in the heart, and a red current broke out, and rapidly flowed into its index finger, the index finger seems to have a singular change.

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up.

I will make a heart, the heart of the heart is cracking, bursting out the red Thunder, spreading to Zhang Bin's left hand finger.

" ..."

Send a singular voice.

Zhang Bin's finger became black. After a while, there was a cellulated crack.

Instrusiveness, the internal space of the cells is quickly expanded.

"Cool ..."

Zhang Bin was extremely excited. He finally found the secret law of improving the power of internal repair.

This is mainly because he cultivates the late childhood.

This Yuan Ying is very special, because it is cultivated in the internal work.

How to use, Zhang Bin has no experience.

And this kind of baby is also equal to Zhang Bin himself, but it is a subconscious.

Hidden is not displayed.

Only Zhang Bin's subjective consciousness can find a solution when encountering problems cannot be solved.

Now it is a bright road to Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin continued to madly bombard her food.

Make more internal spaces of more cells.

What makes him excited is that some of the cells among the bones are also bombarded.

His internal repair is realized, making many space cells among the expansion.

Expanded to a certain point, you can overflow energy, quickly transform into an innate.

This is a very magical cycle.

And his index finger is also a magical change.

But he did not notice that a black paint was suddenly ejected from the sea.

More than 100 pirates wearing a shadow pattern clothes out of the pirate ship.

Take the ice cold look to Zhang Bin's body.

"Captain, that is, he killed us three lines ..."

A pirate pointed to Zhang Bin smiled and said.

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