The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2059 frightened

"No, wrong, this practice is not high, because the fingers are too big, the cells are too much, it is difficult to scream all the cells ... and the hair is most suitable for transformation, because it is very small, it is also very easy to conduct. It's no monster to be transformed first ... "

After a few days, Zhang Bin also realized a new experience.

He tried it immediately.

However, he didn't bombard his hair, but bombarded his beard.

It is the table below the chin.

It is nearly a lot of heart and it is easy to bombard.

Soon, he found that the beard cells were most likely to be transformed, bombarded for a while, and the cells fell quickly, and the space inside was rapid, and the magical change occurred.

Soon, he made a bearded, this is a beard almost all the cells have been bombarded, and the space inside has changed a lot, and the largest space is so big.

Moreover, mysterious changes are still continuously.

Zhang Bin is very happy, continuing to transform additional beard.

He caught an unparalleled realm.

"The master, wake up, the pirate is coming."

The voice of the rabbit rang in Zhang Bin's mind.

Zhang Bin woke up, his eyes suddenly opened, sharp eyes shot.

Then Zhang Bin found that 112 pirates have come to the island.

Come into a fan.

The guy headed is very powerful and the middle of the fairy is.

There is also a master, the early days of the Xianjian.

All of the rest of the whole cultivation is a complete success.

No, some people are magic, and even someone is a demon.

But all cultivated to the Moiyun and the demon.

Their momentum is terrible.

After all, it is all desperate, all super powerful geniuses.

Every day, robbing, killing, cultivating.

Any one is very horrible.

You can make a threat to Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin did not panic, he stood up and shouted. "This island is me, this grass is me, embarking on my island, leaving the business."

Many pirates are a bit stupid, Nima, what is going on here? Isn't this our line? How did he say he said? Could this be a single-character?

Among the banches, there are many powerful pirates, the most powerful pirates, to the emperor master.

Of course, there is a single-character.

It is the kind of person, they are very powerful, very vicious.

Specially robbed treasures.

Even even the pirates they also dare to rob.

Zhang Bin's tone, and the act of a single pirate.

"Kid, who are you? Why do you want to kill the three lines of our pirate organization?"

The captain of the pirates got up and down, and the murder said.

Zhang Bin only cultivated to the middle of the fairy.

Of course, he doesn't put Zhang Bin in your eyes.

The rest of the pirate is also the same.

However, Zhang Bin's tone is too big, let them be a bit awkward, and there is no meeting.

"Grandfather is the most poisonous in the sky. The most embarrassing of the old man in the past is the most exclusive sea and theft beard. Laozi is like a mountain, why do you ask?" Zhang Bin's body made a strong pressure and momentum, "Leave all Wealth, then break the arms, then you can roll. "

"It turned out to be a neuropathy."

"Crazy ..."

"Hahaha ..."

" ..."

All pirates have been can't help but laugh.

They have been banned from the sea, and the officers and men have wars have watched countless times.

It is strong and terrible, where will be stuffed by Zhang Bin.

"My poisonous beard has a rule, that is, if someone can pick up my beard attack, then you can refund." Zhang Bin said again. "Do you want to try?"

"Caring for you a beard attack? Wow haha ​​..."

All pirates were stunned again, and the face was full of ridiculous colors.

They have seen countless mad people, but they have never seen such mad.

Is this really a neuropathic fairy?

Laughing for a long time, many pirates smug.

Look at Zhang Bin like the dead, said faintly: "Come come, use your beard, I have to see what your beard is so far?"

"Captain, why bother to hey? Directly kill him, pick up the skin, used to feed the fish, isn't it simply?"

A pirate is coming to say.

"Do you dare to arrive in front of me?"

Zhang Bin put out a look of the furious look, and a mustache suddenly tab.

Rapidly growing, becoming big, just like a sharp javelin.

The murder stabbed the pirate of the words.

"you wanna die……"

This pirate is very powerful, smiled and shouted, and his ax in his hand suddenly came out.

That angle, that time, it is really wonderful.

It is not biased on the beard.

It's a very powerful master.

But the quirky thing happened.

The beard did not break, nor a fly, but gently shaking, eliminating the power of terror.

Then, like a snake, I burst into the past, squat on this pirate's temple.


A helmet appeared.

Then the beard joined his temples into his temples and passed through the brain, drilled from another temple.


This pirate issued a scream of the extreme scream.

Then he turned to the ground.

That is not moving.

It's completely fallen, and even the soul is also hanged.


All the pirates have pumped a cold, and the face is revealed and the color is not born.

This immortal is not neuropathy, not in bragging, his beard is really horrible, and it has killed the success of the Summit to the Summit to make a success with a beard.

How can this be?

If he is so many beards under his chin, we can't kill more than one hundred people.

Don't he really do a single pirate?

"Hey ... watch Laozi scares you of your bitterness."

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart.

Although he realized the magical internal tricks, he was still very limited.

The beard he transformed is just a preliminary transformation, just because the internal space becomes large, the beard becomes more tough, which can be more sharp.

However, he can also bother the external tricks, it is very powerful.

For example, he just gave the beard with metal abilities, powerlessness, sharp power, flexibility, and improving the power of zooming.

It can only kill a happy pirate of a happy fairyland.

And he has no ability to give all the beards to all the many abilities, only to bless each other.

Therefore, the power is also limited.

If all the pirates are over, he can only flee.

The pirates in the first day of the Xianjun are terrible, all the masters of murderous people.

Zhang Bin did not absolutely grasp such a master, let alone, there is still a mid-time in Xianjun?

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