The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2076, Xian Dan Mountain


Sancha River Village.

Too Qingmen.

Yang Xiong and Yunfeiyang stationed on the Shantouling, and their body exploded the war and momentum.

Their face is also full of excitement and exciting colors.

And many of the big-sized disciples are entirely arranged in their back.

It seems that what big figures seem to be greeted.

" ..."

The singular voice sounded.

Zhang Bin appeared in the same way as a ghost, and the moment landed in front of the two.

He is really Zhang Bin. He didn't start immediately to go to Danjie. It was used to use Wu American to diamond into the passage of his sneak, and returned to the earth.

The purpose is to bring a group of people to the fairy world.

"Brother ..."

"My husband ..."

Yang Xiong, Yunfei issued an exciting and exciting excitement.

They rushed up, tightly hugged with Zhang Bin.

"Yes, yes, it is cultivated to the peak of all years, and you can break through the immortal."

Zhang Bin praised him.

Just more than 30 years have not seen, Yang Xiong and Yunfei are so big, he is still very satisfied.

"Sister, what is your way to practice? Also, how can you come to the world, take us to the fairy?"

Yang Xiong asked.

"The master is like a cloud. The brother-in-law is also very weak, but I can deal with one million you, I can do it with a beard." Zhang Bin said freely, "As for returning to all the world, it is secret, Only what I can do, other cactors can't do it, just come, Sun Wukong, and I can't do it. "

They have been stunned.

It's completely screaming. Zhang Bin actually was so much?

After a while, they woke up.

Yunfei asked excitedly: "Do you have to see Sun Wukong?"

"Not yet, Sun Wukong was also imprisoned, even if they came, Guanyin didn't have a way. It is estimated that the ancient ancient can't do it. So I can only wait for us to save the Sun Wukong." Zhang Bin sighed Say.

Although I didn't find too old, Guanyin and.

However, Zhang Bin has joined the Milky Way's old township group and heard a lot of news.

Among them, Sun Wukong's news.

The two guys were stunned, and then they were very chest, they were proud.

Because Zhang Bin is about us, they are also included there.

They are also the big people in the future.


However, because of the new body, they are very powerful.

Zhang Bin is really high for their expectations.

"Sister, this is my son Yang Bin, the talent is also very good, I am looking forward to him as you can, so I will name Yang Bin ..."

"My husband, this is my son, Yun Xuebin ..."

Yang Xiong and Yunfei immediately began to introduce their children to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin has a little egg pain, what is the name of these two bastards to their son?

The next thing is simple. Because Yang Bin and Yun Xuebin have been more than 20 years old, and the cultivation is very powerful, so too, Tai Qingmen will hand it over to two little guys.

In this way, the genius will be cultivated in the future.

In the future, Zhang Bin wants to make a big event in the fairy, and you must cultivate such a genius.

Of course, Zhang Bin also left a lot of treasures with only fairy boundaries.

Then, Zhang Bin took Yunfei and Yang Xiong once again traveled to the fairy world.

The Talence of Xianwang and Xianjun are very different.

One hundred fairy tale is not as important as a fairy king.

And both of them are a very good fairy king.

Zhang Bin needs their help.

When I arrived in the fairy, the two guys broke through the Central Dantian of Zhang Bin to the early days of the immortal.

Even, there is no appearance of even the robbery.

After all, it is already in the fairy world.

"God, this is the fairy body, the fairy is so rich, cool."

After Yang Xiong and Yun Feiyang broke through, he appeared in the fairy, excited, and his face was full of ecstasy.

They finally came to the fairy world.

They are also a cactus.

"Now, I have to go to Danjie, it is a very magical place ... But there is no danger. Are you willing to go with me? If you can get danger, you can get magical medicine, then you can quickly Powerful. Zhang Bin said.

Zhang Bin really wants these two guys to be strong, so I want to take them to Danjun.

However, he is also a bit worried.

If they are falling, they are really dead because they have no soul.

"Of course I willing."

Both guys' eyes shot a hot rays, and the face floated on the face.

How can they not go in such a magical place?

It is to know that they are more than 30 years than the fairy world than Ma Ru Fei, and three teasings are now cultivated to the middle of the fairy, and they still cultivate the blessings of the hardening hole, progress is very god, 70 After the year, they may cultivate to Xianjun. Of course, we also look forward to it quickly, otherwise, it is necessary to be in the following, that is more embarrassing.

Danjie, in fact, a mountain, named Xian Dan Mountain.

It is located in the north of Antarctic Fairy, close to the Taikong Fairy.

Xian Dan Mountain, like a dragon hovering on the earth, the main peak is 300 million kilometers from the main peak.

Like a sword, it is in the sky.

It is said that there are countless fairy veins below in Xian Dan Mountain.

Therefore, Xian Dan Mountain grows countless magical fairy medicine, the level is high, and people are shocking.

The immortal medicine is divided into ten grades, from the first level to ten, the highest level, the lowest level.

Any plants in the fairy belong can be said to be a fairy medicine, but that is just a first-class fairy medicine.

Just spit out the fairy.

However, the level of fairy medicine is rare.

The five-level fairy medicine is worth the city.

As for the 10th level of the fairy medicine, it can change the ground to reverse the Qiankun. There is only a legend.

And Dan Linggui and the diving fruit are eight level fairy medicine.

It is already union rare, and even the master of Emperor is not necessarily available.

Fairy medicine above eight and eight levels is said to be only in the fairyama, the ban on the sea, the Taikooxia and several most sinful places.

In this place, even the Immortal did not grasp the entry.

In a comparison, only the fairyam is not the most dangerous, and there is a hint of life.

So, there are many cactors who come to the fairyami hunt.

At this moment, Zhang Bin took Yang Xiongun to stand at the foot of the fairyama.

They all look at the fairyama mountain with extremely shocking eyes.

I haven't returned to God for a long time.

Such a high mountain, it is really far beyond their imagination.

Bunny introduced in Zhang Bin's mind: "Master, Xian Dan Mountain has formed a special array because of natural formation, and Dan Emperor also arranged special prohibitions, so, we must sneak into it, it is very difficult. Sneak in, Also in the same way. "

"Sneaked in? Can you fly up?"

Zhang Bin asked.

(I want to recommend the ticket ...)

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