The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2077, against the fairy

"It is said that only the fairy emperor can fly, the rest is unable, because natural formation is incomparable to the banned ban." The rabbit said, "So, the immortal under the fairy, can only climb it from the foot of the mountain. There is no killing, but the gravity is extremely horrible. It can be crushed everything. It is not super powerful, it is not high. And the most precious fairy medicine, only heights. However, they only dare Go to the half-mountain waist, basically will not be a step by step, because, Danjie is calculated from the waist from the half mountain. "

"Beauty, don't you climb the mountain, what is you waiting here?"

Yunfei Yang went to two fairy who watched the sky with expectations, curiously asked.

"Waiting for the rabbit, catch Dan Ling."

Two beautiful women looked at the clouds in the same way, one of them said.

They said that Dan Ling is actually the kind of spiritual fairy, for example, Zhang Bin has made a fairyan, knowing that the extreme, intelligent, can cultivate strong.

Dan Ling and Zhang Bin have previously taken a lot of spirit beasts, such as Little Fuxing, Time Beast Xiaobai Ma is similar to the creature.

However, Dan Ling is not a universe, but is refining.

Therefore, the Dan Ling in the fairy is Dan attribute fairy.

It is also possible to take it, or it can be refined to make people cultivate.

And Xian Dan Mountain is a Danjie. If someone refines Dan Ling, it is fortunate to escape, then they will escape to Danjie.

Therefore, there are some cactors guarding the rabbit at the foot of the mountain, waiting for Dan Ling to escape, they will catch it.

If you catch one, it is developed.

It is equivalent to finding a super good treasure.

"Can you catch it?"

Yunfei, Yang Xiong is also stunned.

Even Zhang Bin touched forehead.

They are disapproval for things that touch the luck.

In the past, Zhang Bin's pseudo, so many people chased and did not hunt.

"Some people caught it, almost a Danling was caught almost a year." The beautiful woman said, "If I can catch a Dan Ling, then I will break through the fairyland."

"This is also too wasteful?"

Zhang Bin looked in detail and found a lot of cactors who were in the mountains.

"Time is the most worthless money, anyway, our life is unlimited, the fairy is very rich here, suitable for cultivation, even, we can also buy some immortals from some immortals in the mountain treasure hunt, and then sell it. It is also possible to make money. If you can catch Dan Ling, then it is better. "The fairy took the eyes on Zhang Bin's face, and said," Do you want to go to the mountain to find an immune medicine? Yes, please Sell ​​some of the fairy medicine you don't need, or sell it with a not expensive fairy medicine to us, ok? "


Zhang Bin nodded.

"Beauty, go to the hill with us?"

Yunfei is attracted by the beauty of two fairy, enthusiastically invited.

However, the two fairy refused, "the gravity on the mountain is too horrible, we can't go. Still don't go."

"Flying, your heart is seen, people will not look at you, if the master invites them, they may agree." Yang Xiong said, "If you cultivate into Xianjun, stroke They are gone with you. "

"Don't be so hitting people?"

Yunfei is a bit depressed.

He knows clearly, how difficult it is to practice into Xianjun.

"let's go……"

Zhang Bin did not delay, with two guys, broke into the fairyama.

As soon as I enter the fairyama, just like entering the boundless forest.

Can't see the day, only endless trees cover the sky, there is a white fog like a smoke, there is a waterfall, and the scenery is particularly magnificent.

Of course, gravity is also extremely horrible, and with elevation, gravity is rapidly enhanced.

The more you go up, the height of the trees is also short.

Of course, because you can't afford the grants of terror, it is difficult to grow too high.

However, any trees may be alive, even hundreds of millions of years.

In such a place, there is a spiritual nourishment, plus the rich pole of immortality.

Trees will not die.

So, the trees here are good fairy medicine.

The second level is everywhere.

However, most of the fruits of the fairy trees are only a fairy medicine, so no one thinks to remove trees.

"It's horrible, I can't support it."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong were only in less than ten kilometers, and they did two wheezers, and they were soaked.

It is obviously the terror gravity of the top here.

After all, they have just been cultivated to the early days of the immortals.

Although there are countless genius treasures and medicinal medicines, it is necessary to have a certain time.

In fact, Zhang Bin did not expect them to be strong immediately.

He is cultivating them.

He clearly knows that it is necessary to enter the Danjie, get Dan Ling fruit, can not be done in a short time, may take a few years, or even decades can be done.

And so long, Yang Xiong and Yunfei will certainly be strong.

He can also have more than two helpers.

"Hahaha, three idiots, actually dare to enter the fairyami hunt for treasure? Looking for death?"

Suddenly, they rang their ridiculous laughter.

But two powerful cactus walks along.

Their body exudes a strong power and momentum, and it is cultivated to the middle of the fairyland.

"You are idiot."

"Your whole family is idiot."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong Ren were angry, and immediately broke.

They are invincible in all directions.

And they are the talents of the fairy king, how can I endure someone else's ridicule?

"You find it."

At the same time, two Xianjun roared, and a slap in the face and pulled Yang Xiong and Yunfei.

As far as their frame, this slap is estimated to explode the two guys' heads.


Zhang Bin shouted, his left right suddenly explored, like two pliers, grabbed two Xianjun's wrist.


Two Xianjun shouted at the same time.

Where will they put a fairy that only cultivates the fairyland in their eyes?

Their hand shakes simultaneously.


Also shake.

Then I shaken down madly.

However, Zhang Bin still stands, and two hands are still tightly grabbing their wrists.

They didn't open Zhang Bin's hand.

Instead, they felt that a horrible giant role in their wrists, let them feel a sting, almost did not have a painful voice.

"How is this possible? A monk in the middle of the district, how can there be such a horrible giant?" The two Xianjun shocked in his heart. Their left hand was pinched into a fist, with a murder of the sky to Zhang Bin.

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