The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2078 Rugged Mountain Road

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, two hands were suddenly shaking, and the two Xianjun did not help but fly.

Like two rolling stones, I will roll down the mountain.

"Ah ..."

The two guys made a big shouting.

They are indeed very strong, jumping up in blinking, rushing up with the murder of the sky.

The fairy appeared at the same time.

One is a sword, one is a square.

The force of the heavens and the earth is called, and the rays are bursting.

The anger is soaring.

It looks scary.

Zhang Bin's face became serious, but it didn't fear.

His left and right hands appeared in sharp fairy swords.

Lightning is on the other two people.

Sword breaks the sky!

The zoom can all start.

Power has increased more than 650 times.

"Dangdang ..."

Two loud noise, spark splash.

"Ah ..."

The two guys felt that the giant strength of the sky came, and once again stabilized.

At the same time, I turned down again and again rolled down the mountain.

It's really a wolf like a dog.

"Two Shabi, now you know who is idiot?"

" ..."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong were excitedly smiling, and they also raised their chests.

The face is full of pride and pride.

How about Xianjun?

Their husband is the most powerful.

"Blend ..."

The two fairy jealous were airtight, and once again rushed.


Zhang Bin shouted, rushed to the past, and slammed two swords to their head.

Two guys fly quickly with a fairy.

But they suddenly feel timestock.

The speed becomes slow.

Then Zhang Bin's sword is already on their head.

"Dangdang ..."

They have an armor with a helmet, and the defense is very strong.

The arrival of Zhang Bin two swords.

Then they launched all the magics, murdered, and Zhang Bin killed together.

Zhang Bin aliened two Xianjun.

It has a lot of power.

Virtual, timeless, spatial abilities, darkness, and zoom.

Even him also showed the internal repair of the cattle.

The beard broke out and crazyly attacked two people.

Three people kill fluspen, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

Put many trees into powder.

Many boulders are also smashed into pieces.

"Ah ..."

Finally, the two guys screamed, covering the chest, blood shot.

People are also overwhelming, rolling down the mountains quickly.

I don't dare to attack Zhang Bin.

And Zhang Bin is standing proudly, and the body is revealed.

I came to the fairy world for more than 30 years, although I only cultivate into the middle of the fairy, but he has already had the strength of the mid-term Xianjun.

This is simply a miracle.

Even the emperor, it may not be able to do this point.

"let's go……"

Zhang Bin did not take two people. After all, there is no irritation, there is no need to kill.

So they three continued.

However, Yang Xiong and Yunfei are not supported. Therefore, Zhang Bin took two of the central Dantian, and they were madly cultivated.

There is Zhang Bin's consistence to teach them, and they are cultivated for a thousand miles away.

After all, Zhang Bin's treasure is countless.

Enhanced their strength is simply a snatch.

It is time to need.

Both guys are looking forward to going out as soon as possible, and the cultivation is of course very desperate.

" ..."

Zhang Bin climbed the mountains rapidly, he was like an arrow.

Merger on the mountain road.

Such a horrible gravity seems to have no effect on him.

Three months later, Zhang Bin climbed to a high place.

I can't see anyone.

The two sides of the mountain road are all big trees.

All is a dense thorns.

And Zhang Bin's speed is also slow, he will go a step forward, every step, the ground must leave a deep footprint, even the stone will be deeply smuggled.

It can be seen that the gravity of the gravity of the fairyami is horrible.

Look carefully, you can see that Zhang Bin's face has fine sweat.

He has already collected a black stone armor.

However, this gravity he still can't bear it, and it is heavy than the Black Stone Helmet.

Of course, if Zhang Bin uses zoom of zoom, improve his strength.

He can also take a long distance, or even, maybe he can go to Danjie.

However, the zoom can also have the limit.

Don't use it for a long time.

Once the zoom is exhausted.

The horrible gravity can even press Zhang Bin into a powder.

This is something related to life and death.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not dare to do this.

In this case, the realm is low, it is very losing.

Another fairy than Zhang Bin's realm of Zhang Bin exceeded Zhang Bin, they all saw Zhang Bin using an idiot.

The two were also caught up with Zhang Bin by Zhang Bin to lay down the mountain.

However, they already know Zhang Bin's strong, no recruit Zhang Bin.

Only ridicule Zhang Bin in front of him.

Zhang Bin did not stop rest, he slowly moved slowly.

At the same time, I cultivated in my crazy.

Under such a neck, his potential is quickly opened.

His internal repair is fast circulating, the heart is also a thunder, bombarding the cells of Zhang Bin.

Let more cells crack the gap and open the inner space.

And his strength is also steadily upgrading.

This requires the perseverance of Superman and must endure terrorism.

Gravity is raising, pressing on the body, just like countless mountains.

It is unbearable and difficult to persist.

Only Zhang Bin, the realm is so low, but it can continue.

"Kid, I see you are alive, I am not tired."

A beautiful woman chased from behind, and Zhang Bin took the side of the side. She looked at Zhang Bin as she looked at the idiot. "The half-mountain waist in Xian Dama is 15 million kilometers. Now it is less than one-third. Not Xianjun, can't get there. If you are forcing, wait for your physical strength, the potential is exhausted, it will be pressed into pieces of the meat pie. It is recommended that you, stop forward, just like this Treasure hunt, can also have gains. "

"Thank you for reminding."

Zhang Bin is thanked.

However, he still didn't have any pauses, continue to step by step.

If he is not inside and outside, he has already stopped.

Because life is dangerous.

This is not a joke.

Beauty fairy will certainly will not advise Zhang Bin, acknowledge, quickly travel.

Blink disappears in Zhang Bin's eyes.

"Xianjun, even the weakest Xianjun, their power, magical, defense ability, withholding ability, is much better than me, I am because I use zoom can be used, improve the combat power, and can fight with them. If there is no zooming energy, my strength can only be more than the emperor of the same realm. "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart," I have to enhance the realm ... "

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