The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2079 encounters a strong enemy

However, to enhance the realm, it is difficult.

Decomposition never get one step.

However, the internal repair can slow progress, and the power of the body will slowly improve.

Therefore, Zhang Bin still did not give up, only slowed down, still in one step.

And he also thought of another way, the heart, many trees flew from his Central Dantian.

He smiled: "Baby, can you find the magical fairy medicine? If you can catch Dan Ling, it is better."

"Master, don't you worry about we are caught by Xianwang or Xianjun?" The tree worm king said a little nervous, "I feel the breath of Xianwang."

"Then I will give you some helper. And don't walk, just within a thousand meters near my."

Zhang Bin finished, I released a lot of cold tiger.

The cold poisonous gecko is used to the hardening of the horrible quenchings of gravity. It has been immunized for such terrorism.

If all the cold poisoned gecko attacks together, it is extremely horrible.

Of course it is impossible to defeat the fairy king, but it is possible to deal with the weak Xianjun.

Thus, the cold poisonous gecko and the leafworm are drilled into the bushes to find an immune medicine.

Two years have passed.

Zhang Bin also continued to go up, his footsteps became more and more heavy.


He issued a shout, crazy, crazy movement.

He also went to a hundred meters away.

I also moved again, and I fell on the ground, and I kept breathed.

The sweat came out from his body like Yongquan.

The clothes are all wet.

But he still didn't stop, and started a step forward.

Climb is incomparable.

Because in such a place, gravity has reached a terrible point, we must be thousands of times more than his black stone armor.

If it is not these two years, the cold poisonous gecko and the leaves are found to find some advanced fairy medicine. Zhang Bin has made a lot of special medicinal herbs, which can quickly restore physical strength and stimulate potential.

He absolutely can't walk with this height.

In this place, only those cultivated to the peak of the fairy, and must master the unparalleled power of power can arrive.

However, Zhang Bin only cultivated to the middle of the fairy, but it came to this height, but also in the top.

This is simply a miracle.


Suddenly, the surprised voice was issued from Zhang Bin's back.

Then a group of strong cactus came over from behind.

A total of five people.

Four Xianjun, a happy master of a fairyland.

In the four Xianjun, three Xianjun mid-term, a fairyland later.

This brings together the strength, it is terrible.

It is one of the more powerful teams that Zhang Bin climbed more than two years.

Their eyes are almost simultaneously on Zhang Bin's body.

Even, their faces are full of good ideas.


The immortal to the future of Xianjun was stepped on Zhang Bin's back, and smiled and said: "Who are you? Why do you want to go to Dan? How do you want to go to Dan? Quickly say, Otherwise, I will step on you soon. "

After that, his feet were crazy.

"Ah ..." Zhang Bin made a painful scream. "I really have to go to Danjie, I want to get Dan Linggui, but what are you?"

"Ha ha ha ..." Wu Ma Xuexians made a crazy laugh. "I don't expect my expect, you have to go to Danjie, you want to get Dan Ling fruit, let me guess, which emperor you sent? It is still a person who sent 15 emperors, right? "

"how do you know?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated a strong surprised color.

"15 The emperor has not been married, he is sneaking that the maid is pregnant, but the maid is not bad. If you want to get Dan Ling fruit to improve the fetus. But no one hand, send you such a just cultivation to People in the middle of the fairyland will be syndrome. However, you may also be the people who send people from Yaochi, her and 15 emperors are the same situation. "The eyes of the wisdom of the scorpion shot the light, and the face is also full A proud color.

"Don't kill me, please don't kill me. I am a very powerful mailing master. I can help you enter the Danjie. I know that you are going to Danjie, I want to get Dan Ling fruit." Zhang Bin put a pair Patulators, beg for mercy.

"Laughing is dead." Wu Ma Xuexiao bends his waist and laughed, "You really don't know who I am?"

"Kid, give you a wake up, our big brother's name is a witch science."

"You boast in front of our big brother is a master, look forward to keeping a small life, too late."

"Kid, you still commit suicide, don't do my big brother."


The witch learner's companion is also a whistling.

"Breaking the fairy magic wizard of the science? Are you a big brother of the eight emperor Nanying?"

Zhang Bin was united.

It is such an instant that the rabbit queries some information about the Witch Science from

It turned out that the migrants of the witch science were not simple. The father named Wu Ma Chengjun, Xianjun's successful super master, has already set up a lot of effort, got a special reward of Antarctic Xianmi, gave the fairy medicine that could give blood, so he born Two children, and twins, a man and a woman.

The male is my brother, named Witch's knowledge, the female name is Wushu Qingyi.

Perhaps it is a genetically mutation, and these two people have a good capital.

There are 62 Dantian areas after the witch learning group, and the Witch has 68 Dantian areas after the Witch.

It is a true fairy king.

The eight emperor Nanying is also very talented. There are 79 Dantian after the foundation.

The Antarctic Emperor value to him, and gave him a lot of witch and worship.

Today, Wushu Qingyi has been pregnant for many years.

There is no doubt that they also see the minds of the Antarctic Xian Di, and sent Witch Sciences to the Danjie to find Dan Ling fruit.

Witch science people are more than just the talents of Xianwang, but also super good array attributes, and the research on the method of the array is extremely deep, and it can break the big array of horror.

Where will he put Zhang Bin in his eyes?

"Hey ... It's good to know my eyes, I can know my mission." Witch learned the people and said, "Now I will give you a chance to commit suicide. Otherwise, I will imprison your repair, let the horror gravity It will also be criminalized into a powder. Then I will not be sinful, and you will suffer a few days a few days. "

" ..."

"Hee hee hee……"


His companion also laughed at the same time.

"Can I give a reason for me to commit suicide?"

Zhang Bin put out a pair of unbearable and indignant.

"Very good, I will give you a reason." Wu Ma said coldly, "We have no hatred, I can't kill you. However, you should not pay attention to 15 emperor, you have to help him Go to the Wushu. Perhaps you can threaten the child in my sister. So I can only kill you. "

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