The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2087 Sicks into the Danjun

"Breast, let me go out ..."

Qiu Yun found himself on the deck of a cruise ship, but because of imprisonment, it was a movement, only the knowledge can still put it out, she is almost vomiting blood, but it is a point of way, even, even The sound can not be sent.

"Finally got this gimmick. Fortunately, she arrived in time. Otherwise, I entered the Danjie, I can't take care of her, then she is likely to fall here." Zhang Bin also secretly grows up.

But it is also secretly sighed. The Yaochi princess really has no forces, and even boldly sent a boldly because of the personal stone to improve the talents, it is simply a monk.

He didn't have any delays, immediately using the Ume Americans into the ground, and then returned to his tent, did not have alarm anyone.

The five people of the Witch, I have been completely discovered by Zhang Bin's wisdom, so there is no doubt.

They have a warning, and the rest is trying to practice, waiting for Zhang Bin's next order.

If they become strong, the possibility of success will be even greater.

Zhang Bin came out of the tent and looked at the entrance to the Danjie.

Then he found that there were several Xianjun.

However, there are also a few super powerful masters, speeding up, in depth, deep depth.

Blocking is blocked by a faint white fog, can't see it.

"Big mutilation, they all took other teams to the space container, with the space container. If they don't fall. It can spend the big array. The strength will not fall a lot." Responsible for the war ring the witch small five pressure low sound Reporting said that "the four emperors also put all the space containers, he actually very powerful, there is no touch array at once, catch up with the most in front, he really passed the big array, then get Dan Ling Fruit. "

"It's a four emperor, this is the dead and later."

Zhang Bin secretly admired.

He robbed all the treasures of the four emperors, and even the emperors were robbed.

However, the other party not only did not give up, but also boldly broke into the array.

It is a nerm.

It is more bold than other emperors.

He immediately called the Witch's science and other people, and the sound said: "I think of a good way to spend the big array. If you believe me, you will enter the space container, I will take you safely."

Five guys are dead, it is facing each other.

Although they said that they admire Zhang Bin's wisdom, how can they dare not think that Zhang Bin has a way to spend a big array, knowing that the Big Margin is not just a banner of terror, but will have horrible gravity.

The gravity suddenly launched, and even Zhang Bin was pulled down.

Such a horrible big array, can you deduce over a wide range of wisdom?

"What is your best to use?"

The Witch asked carefully.

"Don't ask more, I don't have time to explain it. You hurry to enter the space container." Zhang Bin said seriously, "Otherwise, it is too late, I see, at least three squad can spend the big array. Their strength is very Strong, it is entirely possible to get Dan Lingnia. "

"Into, I know that I will fool, they are not a fool, how can you listen to you?"

The autumn clouds in Zhang Bin Longchi squatted in his heart, and her face was full of ridiculous colors.

She didn't believe that Zhang Bin can spend the big array, and enter the Danjie.

If Zhang Bin said that he has a very powerful accountability, with the crowd, she will look forward to it.

Now Zhang Bin makes this decision, it is simply blowing.

But let her stunned, Wuwang learns only hesitated for a while, and decided to come down, and they have entered a space container prepared by Zhang Bin.

And Zhang Bin's face is also exposed a satisfactory smile.

These five guys have been brainned by him.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to turn them into real belongings because they are the eight emperors.

If you know Zhang Bin's true identity, they will definitely turn face.

Zhang Bin did not delay, he closed the channel of the dragon pool. The space container is then collected.

Ghosts drilled into the ground.

Of course, he has become so big that the ants are so big, and the Ume people shuttle in the ground.

This land is not only naturally formed in a horrible big array, but also four Dan Emperor arranged incomparable terrorism.

Don't say Zhang Bin, that is, the Immortal wants to sneak into this, and will trigger a big array.

However, Ume-American is a magical treasure that destroys all rules.

In addition to the one in Zhang Bin's hand, this world has no objects that do not drill in the world.

And will not trigger any horror ban and large array.

Therefore, Zhang Bin will quickly sneak in the underground, and we have spent the horrible big array and prohibition in the way.

Entered the Danjie, then he drilled out of the ground.

Of course, he showed stealth of abilities.

No movement was issued.

Then Zhang Bin saw that he was located in a beautiful place.

There are countless fairy medicine on the ground.

And the level is high, most of which are three-level fairy medicine.

Even occasionally you can also see the four-level fairy medicine.

The immortality is also extravagant, and it is not quenching hole at all.

Obviously, this is a magical blessing that is very suitable for cultivation.

Zhang Bin also noticed that from here, the width of the large array area is not very large, and it is only five kilometers.

There are three masters that have been going through the big array, and only a few hundred meters from the Danjie.

These three masters of course are the four emperors, more Torr, and not dead fairy Junjun is not dead.

"It's so powerful, it really can get the big array."

Zhang Bin secretly praised, if there is no Meisher, he really did not grasp the big array.

However, if he took Axiu, it is possible to spend.

After all, A Xiu is a master of super power.

It is a pity that A Xiu is still in the fourth fairy tower and is in the quenching hole.

Can't help Zhang Bin's busy.

However, Zhang Bin also left a lot of treasures, and Axiu will soon be strong.

In the future, you can play a lot.

Zhang Bin didn't think more, and then observed around.

Perhaps it is the periphery of the Danjie, so I can't see any Dan Ling.

Zhang Bin was very surprised that four Dan Emperors were so rest assured to the big array of them? Don't you arrange the army defense here?

"Master, Dan Ling is a special creature. The four Dan Emperors are all cultivated, and there are human emperor blood veins in the body. They are very complicated to human feelings, and there is a hate. Love is because they are human refining, hate is because of human refining their purpose, in order to eat them. So, they are just alienated humans, for dare to enter the depths of Danjun, boldly arrest Dan Ling's greedy The immortal will kill it or arrested to be a slave. They like freedom, enjoy life, cultivate immortality, learn the essence of fairy medicine, and become more powerful. So, Danjie is no army "The rabbit is searching for many information about the Danjie, and immediately answered the doubts of Zhang Bin," But if you sneak into the Danjie, I found it by Danlian, it would be very dangerous, they will lead. "

"Dan Ling fruit is the eight-level fairy medicine. It is a super treasure of the Danjie." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "is located in the deep part of the Danjie, but it is not easy. If it was found, Dan The emperor shot, and it will certainly be dead without life. "

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