The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2088 Terror Dan Ling

Although there is a magical black American, but the Danjie is complex and it is easy to lose.

Can't always sneak over underground.

It is still easy to be induced by a strong Danling.

Therefore, even Zhang Bin, there is no full grasp to the Dan Ling fruit, then retreat.

In fact, the most dangerous should be to pick it up to Dan Ling fruit.

Because Dan Ling will certainly find that Dan Ling is gone, then countless Dan Ling will eventually pursue, and even four Dan Emperors will be dispatched.

That Bin even if there is a beautiful man, it is estimated that it can't escape.

Zhang Binyi for a while, I will make a heart, and five people in the scorpion learn.

And he also opened the channel of the dragon pool.

Just don't want to let Qiu Yun worried and depressed.

When the Wu Ma Xuexiao came out, they looked at the surrounding, and then looked at the three people who were carefully wing. They were all stunned as the fool, and the face was also filled with the color.

God, Zhang Bin actually tried to spend the big array with them and entered the Danjie.

It is simply unpredictable wisdom and means.

It is incredible.

They once again succeeded to Zhang Bin.

In the autumn water in Zhang Bin Longchi, it also used the knowledge to induce everything outside.

She shocked as a fool, her face was filled with ridiculous colors.

The four emperors of others have not yet spent the big array, and they are still cautious.

However, Zhang Bin came from everywhere, just cultivated to the peak of the fairyland, and he had a big array, which appeared in the Danjie?

How is this possible?

Do you have a dream?

"Big mutual, you are amazing ..."

The Witch's science people finally woken up and said unable to say.

The rest of the person is also attached to the sky, and the fart is rolling.

"Now, we must go deep into the Danjie." Zhang Bin said seriously, "the dangerous pole. So, you must listen to my order, can't be violated, otherwise, we will not only be tasted, but also fall in Here."

Five guys are of course not comparative and serious.

Then Zhang Bin, they all showed stealth and lurking in a secret place.

Do not start at all.

He is waiting quietly.

After waiting for about half an hour, three super masters have passed the big array, entered the Danjie.

They are of course the four emperors, Doto and Not Dead Xiangjun.

They looked around with each other.

A pair of horse will have a fight.

"Intercourse, if we have a war here, will be discovered by Danlian immediately. We all have to die." The four emperors said coldly, "Therefore, we do not interfere with each other, all means."

Dotto and Jun did not die, they looked at each other. They took the body, and went into the mountains as ghosts. I won't see the movie.

That speed is really too fast.

It is a super powerful Xianjun.

And the four emperors began to sneak rapidly. Of course, he let three belongings come out, argue him, and there is a stealth.

Obviously, the fall of the four emperors lost multiple, only three left.

Zhang Bin also began to act, he took five masters to the back of the four emperors.

Of course, they also show stealth.

The Danjie is very beautiful, even, it is difficult to find this is above a mountain.

Just as the plateau.

Unneaatless, you can't see the end.

Blow, river, mountain, trees, fairy medicine, ready to see.

The fairy is very strong.


From the distant place, the scream is coming, then it is silent.

As if, the scream is an illusion, there is no existence.

However, the four emperors are still moving on the ground.

Zhang Bin is also the same.

They feel a rich death crisis.

Even, they guess that there is a small team that has been extinguished.

Just don't know how to do, or a squad that is not dead.

" ..."

Suddenly, the heavy footsteps came in front.

Then, a squad of only a feet of a feet of a high-feet of killing came from front.

They all wear helmets, carrying a bow arrow, with a fairy, and traffic on the sky and murderous.

However, it is also distributed with a smoked medicine that can't be blocked.

"Is this Dan Ling?"

Zhang Bin glanced, and Zhang Bin didn't dare to believe his eyes.

These Danlings are all in the human form, but they are so short, and so powerful, it is too strange.

"Master, Dan Ling is special blood Dan, got the gene of humanity, so they can be said that it is human child, cultivating to a certain step, can become humanoid, and the owners of the refinement are very similar However, they are born to be high. They are elf, so there is another saying that Danjie has another saying, that is, the dwarf country. "Rabbit said in Zhang Bin's mind," But don't look small Any Danling, they are very powerful. "

"There is some human beings to end our Danjie. It is simply unknown to life." The Danling captain headed by the Dan Ling said angrily. "They must come to arrest us, or just come to grab our food. We must grasp them all To be a slave, specialize in cultivation of fairy medicine. Search for me ... "

"The owner, the food said by the Danling is actually the fairy medicine they have cultivated."

The rabbit is explained in Zhang Bin's brain sea.

"Yes, the captain."

Many Dan Ling promised.

Then, three people, search in this nearby groups.

This team is a lot of Danlings, there are more than 1,000.

So, the speed search is still very fast.

"I have given us honestly."

Danling captain called, "We know what the four emperors of the four emperors are near this. As for the other two teams, it has been caught by us."

"I rely on, these Danlings are so powerful, but have already caught two teams? So the two teams have supplied the four emperors, let him have a way to get Dan Ling fruit?"

Zhang Bin slammed, even, his heart was full of doubts.

"There is human breath."

A Dan Ling shrugged his nose and suddenly pointed to the four emperors they hidden.

"Grab them ..."

The Danling captain commanded many Dan Ling.


Almost at the same time, two Xianjun took out from the grass in the same lightning.

Run straight to the back.

"Shoot ..."

The Danling captain wished.

Many Dan Ling took the bow and shot the shard as the rain.

Sudden arrows are unfair, dense, cover the heavens and the earth.

And the gravity of gravity is huge, and the speed of the two Xianjun is affected.

Of course, I can't escape, they have to take out the fairy, dance crazy, blocked.

(It's another six chapters to send, beg you for the recommendation.)

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