The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 210 Chapter War in Day

Instead of saying that Zhang Bin has confident to Zhang Xiaolong, it is better to say that Zhang Bin has confidence to himself.

Since the exhibition, the true direction has invincible, even more than a big realm, he also has to defeat the other party.

Zhang Xiaolong is a Dan Ling, which Zhang Bin, made by Zhang Bin, inherited Zhang Bin, most of the talent and wisdom, and the fight.

He is convinced that no matter what the talents encountered, as long as the strength is not too much.

Zhang Xiaolong can cope with it.

Therefore, it should be more high.

However, the heaven but no longevity, he bet on Zhang Xiaolong.

Two guards also took out a million betting Zhang Xiaolong win.

Anyway, the amount they bet is more than ten times more than the king of healing.

There may be no more people who bet Zhang Xiaolong, so the odds are relatively high, reaching 1: 1.

The odds of the bet in the sky are not high, only 1: 0.7.

And the fight is also the beginning.

The wind has went to the ring in the sky and Zhang Xiaolong.

The tiger is full of confrontation.

The wind looked at Zhang Xiaolong in the sky. The small realm can defeat me, there will be no in the future, "

This is a confident that is a super genius.

He 77 Dantian, and it has long been cultivated to the Densworm.

Thousands of hammers, the invincible, has formed a strong confidence.

"Don't talk nonsense, see the true chapter under the hand."

Zhang Xiaolong's face is also a fever.

Although he is very talented, it is also very powerful, but because of the less experience, and because the realm is too low, the three small realm of the other party, he really doesn't have any parties.

However, he will not fear.

"Very good, let you see it, what is the real master?"

The wind finished in the sky, his mouth opened, suddenly spanned out a sigh of relief.


Just as the earth collapsed, the end of the world came.

The horrible hurricane appears, and the green rays are also gathered into the wind, swept.

Then, the glaucoma is combined into a huge terrible Qinglong.

The scales are burst with glaucoma, and the dragon claws are sharp.

The Zhang Dance Claw, the hurricane portable.

It seems to be horrible to the extreme.

This is a wind element, which is condensed by the force of the heavens and the earth.

It murdered to Zhang Xiaolong, huge, like the dragon claws in the hills, also crazy to shoot to Zhang Xiaolong's head.


Hurricane roaring, voice scream.

Hey, turn the Zhang Xiaolong, lock.

There is no ability to make Zhang Xiaolong to avoid.

"it is good……"

"The good style is abilities, the wind is too powerful in the sky."


Countless Dan Ling is crazy.

Even the face of the four Dan Di also floated a touch of view.

"Zhang Bin, you are a bastard, let me lose 10 million pool stone, I want you to take a fierce."

The face of the heavenly king is also ugly.

It is more crying that it is more written with a guard.

Their face is full of regrets.

At this time, they understood that the strength of the original wind was so horrible.

You know, you can call the peace of the world to condense the form of the fairy, only the master of the fairyland can do it.

That is to say, the wind has already had the strength of the Xianjian, and it is a super powerful Xianjun.

Zhang Xiaolong is absolutely impossible to be the opponent in the sky.

Zhang Bin is still a faceless face, look at Zhang Xiaolong.

He wants to see how Zhang Xiaolong should respond to the other person's horrible attack?

"French world, kill ..."

Zhang Xiaolong suddenly shouted, shakes the body, he turned into a top giant.

This is the murder of the Witch.

In fact, it is the secret law of Madi inheritance.

His right hand was pinched into a fist, and his body lit up green light.

Then his right fist slammed on the cyan dragon claw.

"Bang ..."

A loud noise of the sky.

Mushroom clouds, it seems that it is very magnificent.


Zhang Xiaolong felt that a huge force that was difficult to resist.

He actually stabilized his body, flew down for tens of meters behind, and he was squatted on the ground, and he was rolled to a few turns. Stopped.

It seems a bit of wolf.

And that a huge Qinglong is just a claw collapse.

However, the cyan spot is again agglomerated, and the paws immediately combined again.

It is not only weakened, but also stronger.

This, high judgment.

Zhang Xiaolong landed in the wind.

"Zhang Bin, you will always think of the Danjie."

The heavenly king began to grind your teeth.

Two guards are also molars, they all have to go back to prisons, how do you teach Zhang Bin?

"There is a winning, this is gambling, where is it."

Zhang Bin also said that he said.

The heavens and two guards are screaming, there is such arrogant prisoners in the world?

It's just that I don't know how to live.

"Ha ha ha ... It turns out that this is your strength? The waste material is waste material, and has never changed." The wind shouted in the sky, "on ..."

His voice just fell, and the Qinglong flew over like lightning.

It has launched the same attack as the wind and the rain.

Since it is a combination of wind, it is almost no weight, it can fly quickly in the sky.

At that speed, it is of course very fast.

There are more terror attacks, no one dares to expect.

"Hey ..."

Huge's dragon claws in the hill are as intensive as the rainpoint to Zhang Xiaolong.

And Zhang Xiaolong is rolling to avoid, and the wolf is unbearable.

The dragon claws wiped Zhang Xiaolong's body on the ring.

I sent a lot of huge sounds.

The ground shakes, the smoke is trunked, covering the sky.

This momentum is simply a horrible.

Zhang Xiaolong wolf is unbearable, in jeopardy.

The wind is standing there, it is a relaxed meaning of a face.

Forms a contrast of a very distinctive.

"Encourse, express it ..."

"Zhang Xiaolong, you have lost, hurry up."


Many Dan Lings who bet on the sky are excited.

"Waste, Zhang Xiaolong, you are a waste."

"But hit, use your trick to fight."

"Waste, don't you know how to avoid?"


The Dan Ling who was betting Zhang Xiaolong also shouted in an emergency.

At the scene, it is lively.

In fact, the whole Danjie is chaotic into a pot of porridge, and countless Dan Lings that live broadcast is so crazy.

Even the relatives and belongings of Zhang Bin in the quenching hole are also watching live, and they are also desperately shouting.

"Qinglong sway, explode him ..."

The wind is in the sky, and it will be ordered again.

Qinglong's attack is more crazy, no longer attacks with dragon claws, but uses a more powerful tail.

Like a giant whip, you will take a giant shackle.

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