The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2104, difficult blood battle


The hurricane is so fierce, and it is terrible to the extreme.

Let people under the stage stand unstable.

Clothing is broken, the hair is cut off.

The power of Qinglong attacking attack is too amazing.

"Zhenlong change, kill ..."

Zhang Xiaolong finally countered, he sent a shocking shout.

His body shakes, it has become a red real dragon of a few kilometers long.

Dragon tail raised, crazy on the tail of Qinglong.

He and Qinglong fight for so long, not there is no ability to counterattack.

Instead, I enhance Zhang Bin to give him the gods.

Observe the characteristics of Qinglong, let him have accelerated.

Learn so many people's exercises and inherit, but they are all dates, and they are not able to comprehend.

Therefore, he can't even become a real dragon.

However, now he can finally become a true dragon.

His strength has skyrocketed, under the promotion of the abilities, and burst out of extremely horrible war.


"Hey ..."

Qinglong's tail is broken instantly.

The tail of the red real dragon is safe.

More amazing, the body of the real dragon turned, two dragon claws explored, and grabbed Qinglong.

Torn hard.


Qinglong has become a fragment.

It has become a large green ray, dissipated in the air.

Zhenlong is relaxing to the wind and the dragon.

The strength of the Dragon, also revealed in front of the world.


All Dan Ling took a breath.

Zhang Xiaolong is really a person, can you become such a powerful real dragon?

Easily tear the Qinglong that is condensed with the power of the heavens and the earth into the fragmentation?

This is horrible.

However, isn't he not in jeopardy?

How did you have such a huge change?

"Ha ha ha ... have you seen it? How strong is my grandson? I am dragon, that is my son to teach his stunt, crushing everything, crossing the Dan."

Zhang mother is also excited, and immediately began to bragging.

The heavens and the two guards are a previous descent, excited to get two eyes, seemed, they see the best Lingshi, which is like the mountain, is coming to them.

"The venturs, condense."

The wind is still there any movement in the sky, and his face is full of confidence.

His right hand suddenly raised.

Countless cyan rays have once again emerged, flying from all sides.

It quickly condensed a huge, sharp, emitted cyan piker with ice cold.

And his body also bursting a stubbound and momentum.

"Golden Shield, condense ..."

Zhang Xiaolong's face is also serious, because he felt a breath of death.

His voice just fell.

Countless golden spots have emerged from the ground and the void, quickly gathered together.

The combination became a huge shield like a hill.

His dragon claws arrested in the hands.

He looked at each other.

"The wind is in the sky, the spear is in the heart, kill ..."

The wind shouted in the sky, and the spear in his hand suddenly threw out.

" ..."

The horrible voice sounded, the hurricane is mastered, swept the world.

The spear is like a cyan lightning, which is burst into the past.

The head is straight to the head of the real dragon.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Xiaolong shouted, his shield in his hand stopped in front of him.

In an instant, the spear has been shot on the shield.


A loud noise of the sky.


The Golden Shield did not resist, and a hole appeared.

The spear continues to go deep.

To pass.

However, Zhang Xiaolong looked with the dragon claw.

The shields in the hands have already fly out.

The spear can't hurt him.

The ability of this strain is simply too metamorphic.


The wind floated on the face of the sky.

He shouted madly.

People have become a cyan lightning, which is burst into the past.


Zhang Xiaolong also did not fear, greeted it.

They fight together like a madman.

Dangdang ...

Punch and kick.

Flame, rays, time, space, cold ice ...

Countless abilities are also started.

It is not comparative and lively.

Zhang Xiaolong was obviously in the wind.

Only the power of the horn, there is no ability to come back.

However, no matter how crazy attacks in the sky, how to fierce strikes.

He is also able to block.

No matter how horror, he can immediately think about the way.

Over time, Zhang Xiaolong's war is rapidly improved.

Attack is also more skilled.

The use of abilities is also more reasonable.

Everyone can see that it is not turned, and the scorpion also shouted.

Where did they have seen such a wonderful fight?

Four Dan Emperor still do not have any movement, but look carefully, can see their eyes take out the singular eyes, they will be on Zhang Xiaolong, and how can it be moved.

Obviously, they have felt the extraordinary provisions of Zhang Xiaolong.

"The blood of heaven and earth into my body, blood knife, heaven and earth ..."

The wind feels superior opponents in the sky, and he will lose undoubtedly.

Therefore, he has a very powerful trick.

Among the heavens and the earth, countless red clouds.

Unparalleled bright.

And his body is also chemical into a black hole, caught in these clouds crazy.

His body expanded quickly, and his hands appeared a sharp blood knife.

The red rays of matches the same time.

The murderous murder is also taken out.

Let all Dan Ling briefly trembled.

They all felt a threat to death.

They also shouted in the heart: "How can there be such a horrible move in the world?"

Only four Dan Emperors and many king-level masters are not surprised.

Because of their Dan Ling, they have become a bloody cultivation, and the birth of the best blood is the best, this is what their mother is not more than it.

Therefore, if Dan Ling has got a good blood attribute method, it will progress.

It can also explode the most horrible war.

The wind is obviously the blood attribute method of super cow, cultivating the horror of blood attribute.

This is to be dead.

Zhang Xiaolong is dangerous, and the possibility of falling is infinite.

"Give me death!"

The wind raised the blood knife in the sky, and then went crazy.


The sound is scream, and the red light is bursting, and the sky is shaking.

The strange pressure is bursting, crushing the past.

The horrible gas machine is also dead, and the real dragon turned into Zhang Xiaolong.

Let him even don't do it.

Perhaps, only the admission may also escape.

"Zhang Bin, you will take a short break in the end."

The face of the heavenly king is blue, and it is said to teeth.

Two guards also looked at Zhang Bin with a non-good look.

"Perhaps, there is also a transfer."

Zhang Bin said weakly.

"The winning and negative, there is a fart."

Temorable king said angry.

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