The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2107 killing the rain

"Good guy, also master the inheritance of the Arctic Xian Di?"

Four Dan Emperor shouted in his heart, and their faces were also surprised.

Now Zhang Xiaolong has already revealed several kinds of immortal emperors inherited, domineering emperor, Antarctic Xian Di, Dragon Emperor, now also came to the inheritance of Arctic Xianmi.

This is too amazing.

"it is good……"

The heaven and the two guards sent an excitement.

Dan Ling under the stage and watching live is also crazy.

Even Zhang Bin secretly praised, Zhang Xiaolong's response was appropriate.

If you use a flame, light is opposite to light, it is absolutely not so easy, it is likely to defeat.

Because the water can fire, and the cold can be hot.

In congenital, it fell in the wind.

However, Zhang Xiaolong used a strategy of cold and cold, but it was an invincible place.

The face of the rain became serious, and his body made a big momentum.

Hair is also flying with wind, two eyes exploding the eye-catching cold light.

His mouth has made a shocking shout: "The sky, the water is full."

His voice has just fallen.

It seems that the sky is broken, and the rolling water is covered.

Enclose the ring and shroud in an instant.

Then, a strip of water dragons is condensed.

In an instant, I gathered out nine water dragons, up to a few kilometers, and I had a thickness.

The secret of the claws, rushed to Zhang Xiaolong with a murder of the sky.

The momentum is too horrified.

More terror is that there is also a deafening thunder.

The terrible three-color Thunder is also bright in the void.

Then I went crazy.

Water, ice, thunder, three abilities, the power out of course is of course incomparably horrible.

"Heaven, it is too powerful to be full of rain, this strength is too horrible."

"This is the future of Dan Emperor, it is no wonder that it is so powerful."


Many Dan Ling sent a shouting shocked.

Even the four Dan Di nodded secretly.

It is still very recognized to the rain.

78 Dantian areas, plus a variety of attributes of high-profit, cultivation to the emperor is also possible.

If there is no better genius, it can be one of the four rules.

Zhang Xiaolong seems to be scared, his eyes suddenly closed.

All Dan Ling is awkward, such a horrible attack, close your eyes is not equal to suicide?

However, the magical thing happened.

Rolling and thunder, crash, smoke and clouds.

The nine water dragons have also appeared countless cracks, and then crashed into a mist, and the void is dissipated.

Like never appeared.

Even the rain is heavy, it is also crabbed, and there is no trace.

The most horrible thing is that the dark clouds in the sky are also crashing.

Of a blue sky.

Such a horrible three-line power combination attack, mobilizing the power of the heavens and the earth.

But even like this instant, annihilating, no longer exists!

"God, this is virtual and no different, closed eyes as a fake!"

"Zhang Xiaolong is Danlian, which is the West Emperor's refining?"

"Too cow is forced, the virtual is no different can be such a way?"


Numerous Dan Ling stunned like a fool, shocked.

I haven't returned to God for a long time.

Even the prison king saw it stunned, muttered muttered: "I rely, really is a big black horse, come to the mysterious pole, but no matter what mysterious origin, he is Dan Ling, not human beings, My God of Wealth. "

I heard the last sentence, two guards smiled.

Zhang Bin is also very hard.

Four Dan Di have seen more mystery, they discussed whispered.

"This is the combination of zooming and virtual and no ease of energy, is equivalent to the combination of ancient dragon emperor and the Western Xi Di, and the power is not so horrible."

Zhang Xiaolong has already shown five emperors, he has too much adventure. "

"It seems that Zhang Xiaolong has to win the first place."

"Zhang Xiaolong's talents may not be very good, but he got a variety of emperors, and the power was over."


Rain is full of stupids like a fool, and the face is full of ridiculous colors.

Why can't he believe that the terrorist attacks of such a strong three kinds of power have been so easy to crack by Zhang Xiaolong? Just close your eyes?

"You still don't accept it?"

Zhang Xiaolong's eyes opened, shot sharp as the sword.

The sound is also very cold.

He still has a lot of bottom cards.

No way, Zhang Bin teaches him to give him a lot of people, and most of them are emperors.

And he is also cultivated to the peak of Denshi. If you can't defeat the rain, how can he gave him a life of Zhang Bin?

"Received? Do you dream? See how I am defeating you?"

The rain woke over, and his face was full of ice cold laugh.

A sharp ax appeared in his hand.

Step step out and wear it.

The ax in the hand is crazy.

He is bright in his heart, although the virtual is magical, but it can only make the enemy's craftsmanship.

It is difficult to let the entity attack into virtual.

Up to you can only reduce power.

Therefore, he still has the opportunity to defeat Zhang Xiaolong.


His attack is extremely sharp, the ax is crossing, and it is as large as the mountain.

The angle is also incomparable to the drill.

This move, actually than the ancient opening of the nine ax.

Let Zhang Bin secretly admire, now he clearly understands that the mother of the day is that the mega of the refining, it is a hidden emperor, it is a real emperor master.

It is likely to have 79 Dantian area.

And never exposed identity.

Otherwise, someone can recognize the hustle of the rain, and the three movements of the three epitopic combine attacks.

And how many horrible masters have been hidden in the end?


Zhang Xiaolong did not fear, and his honest sword appeared in his hand.

The right hand shakes, the sword is tens of millions, dense, and the space is covered.

"Dangdang ..."

The sword and the ax she bombarded each other, issued an intensive voice like a rain.


Then, the scream of screaming.

In the forehead of the rain, the bloody sword tip is from the back of the back.

The ax lost in the hands of the sky, and people also fell on the ground.

The blink of an eye became a fresh red medicinal medicine.

His soul was killed, completely fallen.

Therefore, it becomes a part of Dan.

And Zhang Xiaolong is a trick in the inheritance of Jie Dynasty - Wan Jianzhen.

I don't know how many times more than the sword.

This is the horror trick in the inheritance of Jian Di in the coffin of the Dark Region of the Dark Area of ​​the Dark Area.

Zhang Bin also entered the fairyami Mountain and then passed it to Zhang Xiaolong.

Wan Jianzangyi, is a sword to become a thousand swords, so that the enemy is busy with the block.

However, in the Wanjian, he also hides the most poisonous sword, this sword is invisible.

Can break the sharp armor, can also kill the soul.

Jian Di is unbeaten by the fairy world! Calculate an era.

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