The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2108 Zhang Xiaolong is developed

"The stinky boy, it is simply showing off, are you afraid of being embarrassed?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but his face has floated a bright smile.

Because he is still very good, Zhang Xiaolong killed the rain.

Because it is the emperor, it will compete in the reservoir in the future.

Less one person, there is a little threat.

The danger he wants will be much less.

After all, eight people compete for four royalwares, and nine people compete for four royalwares, it is a bit different.

Big list.

Moreover, it is now a light and bigger test.

There is no conspiracy trick.

With your own strength.

It makes people say anything.

Most importantly, Zhang Xiaolong can get a super cow.

This part of the medicinal medicine, it can make him break through one or two bottlenecks.

Then he will be strong, facing the emperor of Dan Jun, and may not have no power to fight.

"it is good……"

Many of the Dan Ling who bet Zhang Xiaolong issued a shocking excitement.

Their face is also showing ecstasy.

Because they won.

"Fortune, make a fortune, Zhang Xiaolong is really my Fuxing."

The heavenly king will not take the rain to life, and he is excited to laugh.

The two guards are also laughing madly.

They all become local.

Four Dan Di are also unhappy, this ending, they have been expected.

Between the emperor, if it is a fight, it will inevitably be born.

Unless there is a strong sense of life, you can escape in time, then accept it.

However, the attack just now Zhang Xiaolong is too sharp, too sudden.

A sword is swearing.

This seems to be a kill from the ancient sword emperor.

I don't know how Zhang Xiaolong learned?

How can he get so much emperor?

Zhang Xiaolong quickly picked up the medicinal medicine and carefully received it in the jade bottle.

This is a super good treasure.

It is also this hardware trophy.

"This bureau, rain is full of Zhang Xiaolong, Zhang Xiaolong Sheng."

The referee grabbed Zhang Xiaolong's hand and lifted high.

"Seven Emperors, Seven Emperors, Seven Emperors ..."

Numerous Dan Ling sent a big shouting.

"My family is rising."

Looking at the grandmother of the live broadcast, I smiled, and I started bragging.

The emperor selection contest of Densus is coming here.

Zhang Xiaolong is the biggest winner, captured the first place, became a seven emperor.

I originally selected three emperors, but now I am dead, there is only two people.

Another emperor is of course fire, he is the eight emperor.

However, the Dantian area is only 72, which is almost impossible to do the ruler.

But it can cultivate Cheng Dan Wang.

Four Dan Emperors called Zhang Xiaolong immediately.

Even, the heaven king was also called.

Four Dan Emperor brought the burning gaze to Zhang Xiaolong and the heaven king.

"What are the other two people cheating? Win big money?"

The Nanshan Emperor took the lead in opening, saying coldly.

This is sharp, close to the fact, because the heavenly prison is born next to Zhang Xiaolong.

And Zhang Xiaolong also bet himself every time.

Win the potted full of money.

"Your Majesty, Chen Yu, Chen never knows Zhang Xiaolong, I just calculate black horses, and the result of Zhang Xiaolong, who is standing under the ring, has become a black horse, and it is augered." Tema King The face is frustrated.

"Your Majesty, I dare to use the personality guarantee, I have never seen the king of heaven. But I am still very grateful to him. If he doesn't recommend me to participate, I have no qualifications and opportunities for participation." Zhang Xiaolong also said sincerely.

"Zhang Xiaolong, how can you master the secret law of the building? How come the treasure to build a foundation?"

Xishan Emperor also stared at Zhang Xiaolong and asked coldly.

"At the time, I was refined by my mother. He used me as his child, taught me a lot of practice, and I also taught me to build a secret law, and even sent me to build a treasure. However, the Treasure treasure Not yet mature, so there is no building. "Zhang Xiaolong said sincerely," After I flying the Danjie, I used the Xianyuan to build a treasure, and I was mature last year, and then I will build it. "

"What is your mother?"

The singular light shot in the eyes of the North Mountain Emperor.

"My mother is already falling. This is my feelings I feel from the blood." Zhang Xiaolong said, "He is a very ordinary monk, may have super good talent, but it is not able to grow up. After all, he is born in World. "

This is of course Zhang Bin, telling Zhang Xiaolong to deal with lies.

Although four Your Majesty may not believe, it should not be investigated.

No Dan Ling does not want to disclose your mother's information, do not want to bring your mother to disaster.

"I have to see if your talents are better? Do you want to see what treasure you can use?" Beishan Emperor's clear laughter, reach out, Zhang Xiaolong does not help but also fly over.

The hand of the North Mille is suddenly explored, posted on the Dantian of Zhang Xiaolong.

He detected a for a while, slowly recovered her hand, there is no movement on his face, saying faintly: "Zhang Xiaolong, are you willing to recognize me?"


Dongshan Emperor shouted, reached a hand, and tried Zhang Xiaolong.

He also explored a palm, stuck in Zhang Xiaolong's lower abdomen. Explore it, saying faintly: "Tianship is not bad, the treasure of the foundation is also going. Zhang Xiaolong, from today, you are my mens. "

"Big brother, I will say it first."

The North Miller said angrily.

"You just asked Zhang Xiaolong to be willing to be your own mens, but he has not promised."

Dongshan Emperor said horizontally.


Xishan Emperor and Nanshan Emperor will come.

They also put their hands on the lower belly of Zhang Xiaolong.

I was explored in detail.

Then they started a big noise.

It is necessary to collect Zhang Xiaolong to make a mens.

Satisfied with each other, playing the eyes.

The atmosphere is extra nervous.

The heavenly king looked at the heaven is a face, what is going on?

Not to say Zhang Xiaolong's Tianfang? Do you have a treasure of the game?

How do you have to fight for the righteous father of Zhang Xiaolong?

"Four Your Majesty, it is better to do my father? The baby can be strong faster."

Zhang Xiaolong saw that they could no results, they boldly recommended.

According to the rules, the emperor selection will be collected by a certain Dan Emperor, teaching his cultivation, so that the emperor is quickly powerful.

However, there is never four Dan Emperors to collect an emperor.

So, four Dan Emperor looked at each other.

Dark voice is negotiable, then they nod.

Dongshan Emperor said: "We are doing your righteous father, but, teach you the secret law, but you can't teach your mother. If it is against, kill innocent!"

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