The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 216 Activation Mystery

However, Zhang Bin found that most of the internal space of the cells is a dead, a dark.

That is, it is not activated, it is only a space.

The activated cells are only one-hundred millions of people.

The activated cells not only have internal space, but also sing a singular energy, or a flame, or a Thunder, or a time abilities, space abilities, life-threatening, golden water and soil, etc.

The abilities that can be emitted in the heart and the ear are Thunder.

The cells in the eyes can be emitted by light and time abilities.

The other cells of the body are very complex, and a variety of different energy can be issued.

As for those who flow out of the real gas, it is actually able to make lives, internal repair is the essence of life energy.

In addition, Zhang Bin also found a strange phenomenon.

After cultivating the context, all cells have expanded.

However, the space without activated cells is no longer expanded, just keep the longan.

The activated cells can absorb theory, so that the space is super slow, the space is expanded, and the abilities are also slowly improved.

However, Zhang Bin noticed that efforts to cultivate the internal power law, let the infurient circulate in the meridians, equivalent to igniting the pattern of special Dan furnace, there is a cell activation, of course, the quantity is very small.

It is because the speed of activating cells is too slow, and the speed of internal repair is super slow.

However, this kind of power is always a good thing.

Zhang Bin uses the joyful eyes to see the cells of his body, and how can it appreciate endless.

He is incompassionation.

Even, he also found some soul cells.

In other words, the activated cells can release the energy of the soul, enter Zhang Bin's moon, and by Zhang Bin's soul.

Of course, these soul cells are mostly concentrated in the brain.

However, brain cells may not only have soul cells, as well as many different cells.

And the activated cells are more than other organs.


Zhang Bin suddenly issued a surprised voice, because he suddenly found that all activated cells, the number of time abilities cells is mostly in two eyes, and there are also many time attribute veins.

"Could I have a big way?"

Zhang Bin is dark, and it is tested immediately.

Surenest, his time is out of action.

A lot more than before.

" ..."

Zhang Bin made a joyful laugh.

He didn't delay, immediately returned.

Back to the ground, return to the prison, enter the cultural container's cultivation room.

There are eight days from the dample competition.

However, Zhang Bin is now ready.

"How is the master, how do you practice?"

The cloud flying excitedly of Zhang Bin practiced.

"Reached the expected goal."

Zhang Bin said, he also grabbed the arm of Yunfei, said: "Don't move, I detect your body."

After that, he transported his internal repair and entered the body of Yunfei.

Check and induction finely.

Print everything he has sent by him.

Soon, he found that Yunfei's cells did not have internal space, which is the minority point.

However, there is a cell activation that can be released.

And how many attributes occur? It is the gas that absorbs the fairy or universe, and then transforms into special attributes, collecting special Dantian.

Then, this kind of gas circulates in the meridians, which can moisturize the cells, can activate more cells, enhance the body's defense, and release more abilities.

Because it is a drug forces that absorb the universe to activate the cells, so you can call yourself and the universe, you can call the power of heaven and earth.

Zhang Bin also found that Most of the cells that Most of the clouds are not activated, and they cannot release the abilities.

No one in one of orders is not.

Too much than him.

However, Zhang Bin has a doubt in the heart.

External repairs can also activate the cells, but can't make cell interior spaces.

The internal repair can also activate the cells to make the interior space of the cells becomes large.

Inside and outside the double repair, the speed of activating the cell should be faster?

It should also break through the bottleneck's speed is also faster?

But why is it better than others?

This is a problem!

I have to study well later.

Find this reason.

"Master, I made an analog map according to everything you have inquired." The voice of rabbits suddenly sounded, "Maybe, you can find the reason right away."

In an instant, Zhang Bin's mind has floated a physical simulation map of Zhang Bin.

Of course, it is very large.

"Master, you see, where you have a true gas meridian circulation, all activated cells can not produce internal cultivation, only can only produce abilities; and you can repair the active cells, some can send out internal repair, In fact, it is life energy. Therefore, the external repair interferes with internal repair. And the internal and activated cells are also unable to convert the drugs of the universe into external repair. Therefore, the internal repair is also interference. So, no matter whether it is internal Or the progress of the foreign decoration will be very slow. "The rabbit said," Fortunately, there are too many cells of the body, only one-third of the hundreds of millions, so there is still not much conflict, you can make it fast, but If it is cultivated to the Xianwang, more cells are activated, and there may be conflict. "

"In fact, there is no conflict." Zhang Bin's face floated with a strong confidence. The eyes were also shot in the eyes. "External tricks can activate the cells, but only activate cells that can make an abilities. Those Cells that can make life energy will not be activated. There is no interference. I can also activate those cells that can make life energy. Perhaps, the speed of cultivation is slow, but because of internal and external trifunctivated cells More, the greater the power. The only thing to worry is, because the combat power exceeds too much people in the realm, so that the world is threatening, and the robbery will become more and more horrible. "

"The owner, you are right."

Rabbit is also a sigh.

Zhang Bin's wisdom, too cattle.

Zhang Bin continued to detect the in vivo cells in the clouds and soon there were more discovery.

The amount of cell activated by the cloud flying body is very small, but the type is much.

The type of cells in Zhangbin body is the same.

However, some of the amounts of viable cells that are activated are too small, and they cannot make people master that.

For example, Yunfei only activated an extraction of abilities cells.

Of course, there is no fart.

"Tianfang is actually determined by the attribute of cells." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "if it is a small number of attributes, the property is not good. However, God is fair, because the cells of the human body The number is similar, and the number of attribute vision cells means that there are many different performance of the other properties, and it is very high for the ability to have a high talent. If only use activation of cell abilities to investigate the talents, then All people's talents are the same. Mis may, the difficulty of activating cells is different, some people are easy, some people are difficult. So, Tianhui is not the same. Also, if you can get super good fairy medicine It is also possible to activate more cells. Is this the best interpretation of the poor Wen Fu Wu? However, the internal repair is the only way forward because the internal space can be expanded, and more different energy can be released. "

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