The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2117 Chapter Four Emperors

Zhang Bin stopped detection, smiling, said: "Yes, yes, you should practice to Xianjun. Waiting for me to get some advanced fairy medicine, you and Yang Xiong can break through."

Yes, the progress of Yunfei and Yang Xiong is very fast, because it is just a foreign decoration.

Plus more treasures.

Both of them have been cultivated to the Xianshi Great.

"Hey ... I am so fairy."

Yunfei sent a smug wreed.

Zhang Bin came out of the secret room and came to a beautiful wood.

Because he induced, Qiu Yun was in the knee in the knee.

"I must break through the middle of the Xianjian ... otherwise, I can't resist the born with strong."

The autumn clouds muttered, and her face was full of perseverance.

She began to practice hard.

However, there is no advanced fairy medicine, it is of course very difficult to break through the middle of the Xianjian.

At least now she is no way to break through.

Zhang Bin screamed, this woman is really funny, what is the head?

Perhaps I feel, the autumn clouds have stopped cultivating, jumping up, and looking at the past.

At a glance, she saw Zhang Bin. She creepy, sweating down, was retreats after Lianlian, the mouth also said: "Waste, what is your ghost? I told you, I tell you, if you really dare to touch me Let me, I am self-explosion, and you are with you. "

This time, she smartly, with a "re-" word.

Solidize from Zhang Bin.

"I just came to say hello to you. I ended the closure. I have to go out to participate in the damper contest. If I can get the first, I can take you from the Danjie, return to the fairy." Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Waste, with you? Also want to win the first? You dream."

The face of autumn cloud is full of contempt of contempt.

Although Zhang Bin is the talents of Xianwang, it is only to cultivate the first time in the early days of the Xianjian.

Is the four emperors and those who cultivated to the Xianjian ambitious?

"That is not necessarily."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Ha ha……"

Autumn Yun sent a cold laugh.

Only Zhang Bin like this idiot, will fantasize the first.

Zhang Bin did not pay attention to autumn clouds, out of space container.

Five people who are brainwashing will work hard, and cultivate immortality.

Let Zhang Bin secretly praised, these guys can do it.

"Dado, do you want to have a good way?"

Witch seizures look forward to it.

"Everything is in the master."

Zhang Bin said confident.

Five guys have an excitement on their faces.

Zhang Bin asked about the situation asking them, and then looked at the fairy medicine that did not cultivate.

Very surprised, because all the prisoners have a new look, work hard, and the fairy medicine has cultivated super good. One is not bad.

"Zhang Bin, the dog day, you immediately took my treasure, otherwise, I killed you today."

The four emperors rushed over with three genus, and the murderous drove.

The four emperors are really powerful, exudes a horrific pressure and momentum.

However, he still did not break through the late future.

And he wants to take his own treasure, that is, you want to win the first place.

After all, there is the most powerful emperor.

Using the emperor, as long as it does not cultivate into the fairy king, it will resist the attack of the emperor, and it must be under the ashes in the emperor.

What's more, he still has a lot of fairy kings. In the fight, it can also be used as a hand.

The probability of winning is super big.

If Zhang Bin does not enhance his strength, he uses the fairy king and emperor, and there is also a lot of grasp the first.

However, it will be troublesome when you use an emperor.

Next 100 years, the four emperors can go back, even in the Danjie, the four emperors may also have a way to pass back the news, and the trouble is much more trouble.

Therefore, Zhang Bin has never thought about it in the game.

"More than people?"

Zhang Bin's evil laughed.

Witch learned people rushed over with four masters.

Plus Zhang Bin, they are six people, although there is no other party in the realm, but the four emperors are only four.

Therefore, the witch science and others have never fear that the four emperors.

"Zhang Bin, do you give it still?"

The four emperors said with a smile.

"Don't give it."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"So, you will wait for me to kill." The four emperors said to teeth, "I want to kill you living, I want to imprison your soul, to put torture day and night. Let you day and night Calling mourning, letting you regret it to this world. "

"Then you do it?"

Zhang Bin has no expression, and said coldly.

In prisons, who will be punished first, and even, it may not give them a prisoner commutation competition.

"Do you think I am a fool?"

The four emperors said, "I want to kill you more. For example, I will order yourself, kill you directly."

"Kill me, my treasure is home, are you idiot?"

Zhang Bin looked at the four emperors with the eyes of the play.

Now he is a little doubtful four emperors.


The four emperors have almost vomiting blood, but he immediately smiled and said: "Don't encounter me and mine on the ring. Don't meet my friends."

In this year, the four emperors have also handed over many prisoners.

After all, he is noble and very powerful.

All prisoners believe that the Antarctic Xianmin will save him.

Otherwise, the face will not go.

This is simply a naked threat.

"You don't have to meet me on the ring."

Zhang Bin's face floated.

"That is waiting."

The four emperors did not dare to fight Zhang Bin and others, worried about damage to the immortality, and disqualified the qualifications.

Have to retreat.

He returned to his own medicine, it was biting his teeth, anger, and his face was filled with grievances.

Then he entered his own space container and released the big midst of his dragon pool.

His Coiced is a middle-aged cactus, which looks a cold and poisonous and hot, is a role.

He is called Fang Mao.

Let the four emperors come to the Danjie to seek the Dan Ling fruit is what he is made.

"Big Preschool, do you have a way to kill Zhang Bin, don't delay me to participate in the dample competition?"

Asked the four emperors.

He has long been deeply sorry for Zhang Bin, and he has never hated someone.

He can't wait to kill Zhang Bin immediately.

He is the four emperors of the hall, and the status is extremely extreme.

And he is a super genius.

It is the Talents of the Immortal.

But it was a treasure by Zhang Bin, and was defeated by Zhang Bin.

It became a big joke.

How can he bear it?

"Four emperors, do you remember our plans?"

Fang Mao said seriously.

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