The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 212 Zhang Jie's congenital spirit tree

It is another month, and the seeds have finally happened sharply, turned into a real congenital spirit, and then suddenly crackled, and sent a small tender seedlings, and exuded the spirit of amazing extreme.

"Dad, is this this is a congenital Little Little tree?"

Zhang Jie is looking forward to ask.

"Yes, repairing the congenital Xiaoling tree, it is easy to practice in the future, as long as you have a lot of active Xianshi in the tree, plus your efforts to cultivate, the congenital tree can grow up slowly, this is the universe A magical treasure. "Zhang Bin said.

"Great, it is so good."

Zhang Jie was shouting that is very excited.

When Zhang Bin leaves, Zhang Jie will dance, and it is proud of the ocean.

Yaochi is of course induced, so I will use awareness and Zhang Jie, "Baby, what is this?"

"Mom, my god is big, you see my Dantian know."

Zhang Jie said excitedly.

He is right, Zhang Bin teaches his merits, which is to cultivate the first Tianling tree.

Now the congenital spirit has been sprouted, and if Zhang Bin will not be injected into Hongmeng Ziqi, you can also get the big spirit of the brilliant stone.

Of course, it is a good job.

Yaochi smiles, "Baby, isn't my mother saying with you? Now you have not started cultivation, after the foundation, the Dantian partition can practice the real magical skills, in order to cultivate a lot of magical powers , Cultivation to the ultimate, is only a good job. "

"Mom, I really gods. Because this practice is to let me cultivate a treasure of the first universe, now I practice it." Zhang Jie was, "Dad said that my tacit is very good, praise me for a long time. "

"Decorating a treasure of the first universe?"

Yaochi is a nose, of course, is not believed.

She used to have seen Zhang Jie's Dantian.

I also saw the seed, dry, although there is also a rich vitality, but there is no difference with the seeds of the trees.

After that, she queried books, and finally understood that Zhang Bin taught to Zhang Jie's skills is the long life of Qingku.

The fairyland is also cultivating this practice, and it is more perfect.

But it can only be considered a medium-oriented practice.

Not very good.

Can only cultivate a godmie in Dantian.

Although God is very strong, if necessary, you can transplanted a god to the wood attribute Dantian from the outside.

That practice is simply more.

Therefore, she will not pay attention to it. Anyway, after Zhang Jie is built in the future, she can refine more advanced wood attributes. The seed is completely refined into the true gas.

She couldn't stand it again, and she immediately began to detect Zhang Jie's Dantian.

Then her eyes are wide, the face is full of shocking and dare to confuse the color, the mouth is also shouting: "It is impossible, absolutely impossible? How to repair a first Tianling tree?"

Zhang Jie issued a laughter of a long breast milk, "Mom, are you very surprised? Is it very happy?"

Yaochi worked hard to do dozens of deep breathing. She was still very calm, but she was still very excited, excited: "Yes, baby, mother is very surprised. I am very happy. But my mother doesn't understand, how do you do it? This is clear that it is very ordinary practice - Qingku long life. It is impossible to practice the first Tianling tree. "

"Of course, because my talents are good. Dad said, only the genius of my genius cultivation, can practice the treasure of the universe - congenital spirit tree." Zhang Jie said proudly.

This is of course Zhang Bin deliberately misleading Zhang Jie.

If there is no Zhang Bin to help the injection of Hongng Ziqi, Zhang Jie's tacit is good, and it is also a cultivation of the first day.

The reason is misleading, in order to cope with Yaochi, even the Antarctic Xian Di behind Yaochi.

"This is too amazing, incredible. How do you have such an ability?"

Yaochi is still a bit dare not confidence.

"Mom, this small tree seedlings I cultivate, I am talking about my heart, it is very fun. Is this the treasure of the universe?" Zhang Jie asked again.

"Baby, this is really the treasure of the first of the universe. You have to take it, let it grow up slowly ..."

Yaochi said.

At this time, she suddenly had a strong premonition, that is, the child's talents will be very good.

After all, use your own congenital spirit tree, you can say that there is no shortcomings, perfect to the ultimate. In addition, Dan Ling fruit has also been used, and it is promoted.

She immediately took Lanxi to Zhang Bin's house.

I heard the voice of Qiu Yun, "Waste, are you really a fairy king? How do you practice so slow? But now I haven't broken through the middle of the Xianjian, you get so much eight fairy medicine is fart. ? "

During this time, Zhang Bin is also trying to practice.

Even, he also replays the Blackstone armor.

The armor became ten times.

Suitable for him to cultivate.

And he uses eight immortal medicines, plus some of the fairy medicines who have cultivated, and there is a fairy medicine in Yaochi Princess Pharmacy.

Refined some medicinal herbs.

After taking it.

But he still did not break through the middle of the fairy world.

Instead, Yang Xiong, who took these medicinal herbs, Yunfeiyang and Qiu Yun were broken through the middle of the Xianjian.

In other words, Zhang Bin has a lot of advanced immortals.

"It seems that I have to break through the bottleneck, not so easy, no more than ten years, or do decades of hard work, it can't break through." Zhang Bin is also sighing, this inside and outside is double repair, more difficult.

Even the eight-level fairy medicine is not too much.

However, Zhang Bin is found that since he finally becomes internal and repair. So, although progress is slow, it has been progressing.

It is going to practice to the middle of the fit.

Any small realm in the fit will come to the sky.

Therefore, he must prepare many high-end fairy medicine to cope with more terrible day.

The last time, I used a high-level immortality to be robbed. Zhang Bin also found a good way to spend the robbery.

"These senior fairy medicine in Dantian is not enough, I have to go to someone else."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart and

However, the advanced fairy medicine is extremely precious.

It is also very rare.

It is not easy to get the advanced fairy medicine.

"Let's go, you are a big brother, but dare to be so rude?"

Yunfei is worse.

"When you dare to talk so, I will teach you."

Yang Xiong's voice also sounded.

"You find dead ..."

The sound of autumn clouds sound.

"Dangdang ..."

Then the sound of the magic weapon's mutually bombardment continues to ring.


Qiu Yun made a horror shout.

Because the long sword in her hand is shocked, people also fly from the door.

Falling on the ground, the bones are almost broken.

Yang Xiong was still chasing, raising the ax in his hand, said: "Woman, even my three strokes can't live, tell you, I haven't used one percent. You are smaller than the antity, but the mouth is It is very powerful. "

"I'm going to kill you."

The autumn cloud has suffered such an insult, and there is a sharp knife in his hand.


Yang Xiong smiled, and the hand is a ax on the knife.


A shock of the sky, the knife of the autumn cloud flew to the air.

The tiger mouth is also cracking.

People also fly in the same way as Teng Yun, and fell in front of Yaochi princess without bialing.

The drape is distributed, the wolf is unbearable.

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