The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2130 Digging the wall

The face of the princess of Yaochi became iron green.

Do you want to watch the owner?

Yang Xiong is like hitting her princess's face.

"I have seen the princess."

Yang Xiong is not nervous, smiling.

Not waiting for the princess of Yaochi to answer, he went to the door, and he went to the door.

Qiu Yun climbed up and said: "Princess, they bully me."

"Who are they?"

Yaochi said angry.

"Yang Xiong and Yunfei Yang, they were calm for me every day. There is also, Zhang Bin has never been screaming, maybe he means." Qiu Yun said that he said.

Yaochi did not send, and the cold face entered the door.

The autumn cloud toe is highly tongue, and she also read Yang Xiong and Yunfei using provocative eyes.

She deeply believes that the princess will give her ahead.

These two slaves have to be ubiquitous.

Zhang Bin smiled and greeted it, please ask the princess of Yaochi to sit down.

The eyes of Yaochi princess fell on Yang Xiong and Yunfei, asked coldly: "Zhang Bin, how is the two of them?"

"It is reluctant to be the imperial king."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"The talents of the fairy king? There are fifty Dantian areas? Is it a foundation or naturally formed?"

Yaochi's eyes lit up.

This is very particular. If it is a 50 Dantian area, although it is also the talents of Xianwang, it can practice 50 kinds of abilities, but the 50% of this 50 is not necessarily very good, to cultivate to Xianwang, then It is very difficult, it may take a lot of money to slowly accumulate.

Such a fairy king is called the talent of the fairy king.

But if there is a 50 Dantian area in the day, it is different, and the fifty kinds of powers will be very good.

Can be quickly powerful.

It is not so difficult to cultivate into the fairy king, which may take millions of years.

Such a fairy king is called the only day.

For example, the Moonlight Wan Yue is a thousand incense, it is the Condition of the Congenital King.

At that time, even the Antarctic Xian Di value to her, secretly touched the month thousands of fragrance to the Antarctic Fairy, and there was only 30,000 years, and the months were cultivated into Xianwang.

It is now super powerful fairy king.

If Yang Xiong and Yunfeiyang are such a genius, there is a lot of use now, there is a great advantage for the competition.

The mouth of Qiu Yun is high as a high place. Is the princess not gave her?

These two bastards are not good, and Zhang Bin is a hill.

Can you be bullied? Can you bully her?

"It is indeed 50 Dantian, all of which are innocent, not after the foundation."

Zhang Bin said.

Yaochi's eyes have become brighter, and the ice on the face is also disappearing, and it has gone out of the rich.

She certainly believed Zhang Bin, because Yang Xiong has already revealed super powerful strength.

Master a stronger than the autumn cloud.

Such a person can only be the Creative Condition.

"Congenital Xianwang's talents? Two are?"

Qiu Yun is completely stupid. She can't believe that in the next day, Zhang Bin respects the extreme, admiring incomparable guys, is it a congenital King? Two congenial Xianwang is still hidden in Zhang Bin's Dantian, with Zhang Bin flying together? This is simply Hu Jun?

No wonder, these two bulls are forced to be ought, and they are specially bullying her.

"In the future, you work hard to practice, this palace will try to provide cultivation resources to you."

Yaochi princess said.

At this moment, she felt the pressure from Zhang Bin.

This guy not only got Dan Lingnian.

And there is two such a powerful genius.

Even, he taught his child's skills, and actually cultivated the first Tianling tree.

Although the ratio of fairy kings who cannot be mastered, it is also a bit strength and wisdom.

Still can't be sin.

However, the choice is necessary, is it not sin?

I have to think about these two fairy kings from him, the first step is to cage them ...

"Thank you Princess."

Yang Xiong and Yunfei were put on a grateful look, thank you.

In fact, where did they put the princess's cultivation resources in their eyes?

It is to know that Zhang Bin can make a variety of spiritual stones in the same time.

As for the senior immortality, Zhang Bin's Dantian has several hundred.

"Zhang Bin, I have something to say to you."

Yaochi princess said.

Qiu Yun, Yang Xiong still has clouds to retreat.

As soon as I went out, Qi Yun glared at the two and said angrily: "What is your business?"

"Where are we bullying you? It is you first disrespectful to the master."

"I don't help with the master, we can't tolerate."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong said.

"Two bastards ..."

The autumn clouds are in a hurry, but there is no way.

I am bored in my heart.

Do you have to bully these two babies in the future?

In the hall, Yaochi stared at Zhang Bin. Seriously asked: "Zhang Bin, you know that Jieer can cultivate the first Tianling tree?"

"I got an ancient book in the Milky Way, which recorded the long life of the green wood, and it was a rehabilitation of the green wood. The author did a speculation. I feel that the princess you are so good, but also taking Dan Linggui. Our son's talents will not be poor, so I will pass the skill to my son, let him practice try. I didn't think of it, I have succeeded. Zhang Bin said, "Unfortunately, the ancient books have been destroyed. At that time horror, my body is destroyed, and there are some treasures."

"It turned out." Yaochi muttered in the mouth, and asked Zhang Bin why didn't I break through the middle of Xianjun?

Zhang Bin branch, it is not good to explain.

"Okay, you don't have to be difficult." Yaochi said, "You are a 60 Dantian area after building, not the congenital fairy king, the best of the talented, it should be the time platform. And the time is the most difficult to practice However, you are still a good fairy king. As long as you practice hundreds of millions of years, you can practice to Xianwang. "

Zhang Bin's brow.

He didn't want Yaochi to see him so much, this is unfavorable to him.

But he can't reveal that he is the secret of the most popular Xian Di.

What's more, he is still in the inside and outside.

Yaochi didn't say anything else, and immediately gone.

She looked at Zhang Bin.

It is also more cold to Zhang Bin.

However, her interest in Yang Xiong and Yunfei.

Before walking, I once again encouraged two people.

It is to set the idea to take the two from Zhang Bin.

Autumn Yun sent a princess out.

Yaochi also issued the command: "Zhang Bin's current role is not as good as him. He will grow up soon. So, give me a better, after a while, I will put them two to appoint them. For my guard. "

"What about the Bin? Also appointed as a guard?"

Qiu Yun asked.

"Zhang Bin, let him live there, do not appoint any duties." Yaochi said, "In the future, I will leave. At present, because no one can use, I used him. There is still trouble in the future. It will also borrow his wisdom. His wisdom should be good. It is better than his talent. "

Qiu Yun nodded again.

Waiting for the princess of Yaochi to leave, Qiu Yun is whitewash.

Because she knew that Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong were a dead heart to Zhang Bin, and the two bastants were very unfriendly.

It is difficult to take two of them from Zhang Bin, which is difficult than the day.

Do you have it to serve him with Zhang Bin deficiency and a snake in the future?

Let two bastards slowly change to her?

She has a way to do two work?

(Six chapters sent, begging to recommend tickets.)

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