The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 213, see Antarctic Xianmi

"To hit Yang Xiong and Yunfei, you must give them a super good cultivation of resources." Yaochi turned back, "" But, because the father is very uncomfortable, I have almost unsuccessful Fairy medicine. However, now I have a way to let the father change to my opinion, restore my cultivation ... "

Then she started communicating with Zhang Jie.

The mother and son will soon negotiate.

She went to the palace and seek to see the Antarctic Xian Di.

"Your Majesty, Yaochi is seek to see ..."

A guard runs in and carefully reports.

"I don't want to see her, let her go."

Antarctic Xianmi said coldly.

Since Yaochi privately go to all play, it will be inexplicably pregnant.

He knows that Yaochi is in all directions in all directions and people.

Because it is only in everything, it can be pregnant.

In the fairy, there is no pregnant magical medicine, it is impossible to be pregnant.

Therefore, he was completely disappointed with Yaochi and gave her a severe punishment.

That is, Yaochi is not allowed to put the child away, let her get the child.

Otherwise, kill innocent.

And other emperors, princess, he is giving a marriage.

Get a child.

In the future, it may become a reserve.

In this way, it is equal to the hope of disconnecting the competition of Yaochi.

Yaochi, of course, also knows the meaning of the Antarctic Fairy, scared, and immediately announced that he does not participate in the Crown Reserve.

Therefore, Yaochi said that Zhang Bin was very miserable.

When Zhang Bin got a Dan Ling fruit, her hate in her heart relieved.

And Zhang Bin's previous analysis, I thought that Antarctic Xianmi is looking forward to the child's super genius in the Yaochi abdomen, encouraging Yaochi to give birth to children, it is completely wrong.

The guard immediately went out, but it came in again.

He said carefully: "Your Majesty, the princess of Yaochi said, she found a first Tianling tree."

"Congenlined Tree? Let her come in."

The eyes of the Antarctic Emperor suddenly lit, because the congenlined tree is the best building treasure in the universe, the value is huge, and the top genius can form more than Dantian area.

Can he not pay attention?

Soon, Yaochi princess came in.

She respectfully gave the Antarctic Xian Di who sat on the dragon chair and prestigious, "Daughter Yaochi met the father."

"Free Gifts." Antarctic Xian Di said faintly. "You found a first Tianling tree?"

"Yes, that is still a small seedlings, but it is indeed a genuine congenital spirit tree."

Yaochi said.

"Take it out? I am pardon for everything."

The Antarctic Xianmi floats, he is looking for a super good roof treasure, to give many grandson who will be born quickly, if you get a first Tianling tree, you can give the most talented Damu Sunshifu is.

The fetus is also detectable.

Although the big emperor has not yet born, the Antarctic Xian Di has been detailed.

It is very good to have a good capital, and it is better than the big capital of the big emperor of 79 Dantian.

With super good homes, it is likely to have 80 Dantian area.

The face of the princess of Yaochi has changed, and it is extremely nervous.

She understands that the situation is a bit uns, and the Antarctic Xian Di actually wants to first Tianling tree. It is certainly a foundation for another grandson. Don't he know that Her Yaochi is also pregnant?

At this time, she has a little regretted to ask the father.

But the matter has come, she rides a tiger, bite the scaven, said: "The father, the congenital spirit tree is not found in the wild, but the child in my belly is cultivated."

"What? What do you say?"

The Antarctic Xian Dynasty was stunned, and his face was full of not a letter.

He is a little doubt that his ear has a problem.

He has never heard of it, someone can cultivate the first day.

This is just absurd.


Yaochi princess once again said, and added that she listened to someone, if it was a super powerful Xian Di, cultivating the Qingmei Changsheng, I can cultivate the first Tianling tree, so she let the child cultivation, the result Really cultivated.

"If it is lie, severely punishment."

The Antarctic Xian Di screamed, his hand suddenly stretched, grabbed Yaochi's wrist, and the secret law explored.

Then his face is full of shock, the eyes are also glanced until the limit.

I haven't returned to God for a long time.

Because Zhang Jie's Dantian, there is indeed a small tree seedlings of a primary Tianling tree.

Distribute a breath that belongs to Zhang Jie.

And with Zhang Jie's Dantian is perfectly fits together.

Then he communicates with Zhang Jie using it.

"Child, I am your grandfather, can you tell me, how did you repair the first Tianling tree?"

Antarctic Xian Di said.

Sun Her has seen the grandfather, I wish the emperor's Wanshou without borders, and the morning is to success. "Zhang Jie has got a pool of Yaochi, and the milk is talented." I just cultivate the green talents, first cultivate a goddess. The seed, then continue to swallow my arrogance, slowly changed, become a congenital spirit, today is sprouted, my mother said it is a first Tianling tree. Is this true? "

"of course it's true."

The Antarctic Xianmin was surprised, and Zhang Jie was cultivated on the spot.

Then the Antarctic Emperor discovered that this green talents and Xianxiao's green talents were different, almost no difference, he was completely confused, this is so normal, can you practice the first Tianling tree?

If all the Emperor's cultivation of the green wood is talented, they have cultivated a first Tianling tree, and the use of the foundation. Some people can have 80 Dantian area?

I think of this, my heart is big.

He didn't talk to Zhang Jie.

I will get the hand back soon, let many emperors immediately.

Troubleshooting the cultivation of Qingku Changmao to make them teach them to them.

Of course, he did not explain the reason.

He did not explain that it will cultivate the first day.

Yaochi became extremely nervous, and the sweat was out of the forehead.

Because the situation is really not very wonderful.

If all the royal granddoes are cultivated to practice the first Tianling tree, and they may have a super genius.

Especially the children of the big emperor and the princess, and the children of the eight emperors have used Dan Lingnifu.

At this moment, she regretted the extreme.

There is no suitable big pendant, it is a very bad thing.

Waiting for all the emperors to leave, the Antarctic Emperor takes the eyes on the face of Yaochi, saying faintly: "Yaochi, you can tell the secrets of the first Tianling tree, good merits. In the future, you can go at any time. The Royal Medical Garden took the fairy medicine, according to the big emperor, the princess, the eight emperor's specification. "

"Xie father."

Yaochi Princess is equipped with a pleasant look.

"The child in your belly is very good, cultivate him."

Antarctic Xian Di said.

"Yes, the father of the father."

Princess Yaochi is a bit unspeakable.

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