The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 213, Pharmaceutical Wars

Yaochi did not dare to stay, immediately left.

Of course, she is extremely tangled.

Although I changed my father's view to her, I can get a lot of fairy medicine.

However, the secrets of cultivating the first Tianstroom.

She didn't even have the interest in the pharmacy to take the senior fairy medicine, and rushed back to the princess government.

In the first time, I found Zhang Bin.

She said something depressed.

Zhang Bin was thoroughly speechless, watching the princess of Yaochi in the same way as the fool.

He didn't think that the princess of Yaochi, who looks very savvy, will make such a stupid thing.

Although there is a key point - there is no disclosure of the secrets of Hongmeng Zi gas perfusion seeds, but the Antarctic Xue Emperor is likely to understand the mystery. After all, the congenital spirit tree is the Hongmeng era. The seeds must become congenital spirit, inevitably need to absorb Hongmongzi.

I hope that the Antarctic Xianmi did not have a good way to get Hongmeng.

"I am wrong, I am sorry, I just want to change my father's opinion to me, and supply my fairy medicine again." Yaochi princess said Chu Chu.

"Is it not good to see you in front of you? Do you not provide you to cultivate resources?"

Zhang Bin said.

Yaochi princess nodded: "Yes, and you harm me so this, if you don't encounter you in all years, then pregnant, the father will doubt me and all the people privately private? Where is the such thing for me? ? "

Zhang Bin, very fast, he forgave the stupidity of the princess of Yaochi.

And he can also understand.

Only by letting the Antarctic Emperor see the child's tachips in her belly, the Antarctic Fairy will change the view to her, and they will forgive her, then her situation will become better, otherwise it will be incredible.

Therefore, Zhang Bin said: "Princess, you don't worry, not the unioneerful cultivation of the heavens, it is impossible to practice the first Tianling tree, all the royal grandchildren practice is also good, if all cultivate the first Tianling tree, then let Your Majesty value more than our child. This is a striking. "

"But if someone cultivates the first Tianling tree, don't you add a opponent to our children?"

Yaochi is still very worried.

"Don't say that there is no opponent, it is there, we don't have to be afraid." Zhang Bin said, "Our children are the strongest. Because he is easy to cultivate the first Tianling tree. Tiantian is unparalleled. We protect him, you can resist him Any storm. Just like I can enter the Danjie, bring back the many Dan Ling fruit. Success belongs to us. "

His face is filled with confidence, and the body is also a momentum of the world.

Yaochi looked at Zhang Bin with a singular look. The first time she felt the extraordinary of Zhang Bin.

Perhaps, Zhang Bin's Tianshui is not too good, but his mentality is a super powerful mindset.

His wisdom can not be underestimated.

"Zhang Bin, I want to let Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong be guarded. OK?"

Yaochi princess said again.

"of course can."

Zhang Bin smiled and said.

He said Yang Xiong and Yunfei's heroes. He knew that Yaochi should dig the wall.

However, Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiongna are his absolute heart, how can I betray him Zhang Bin?

He is of course not hesitant.

Be a guard, you can exercise themselves, and protect Yaochi Princess.

Even, you can also know a lot of secrets, and you can also inquire about Lexia imprisonment.

Zhang Bin horses let Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong go to the guard office.

Yang Xiong and Yunfei, who wearing a guarded, quickly called the princess of Yaochi.

"I have seen the princess."

Two guys arched together.

"You take my gold medal, bring a few guards to the Royal No. 1 Phara Park to take the fairy medicine, and we will go once every month. Remember to pick some colorful high-end fairy medicine. Quantity is, five, six Level, 7th, eight-level immortal medicine, the low-level fairy medicine totaled three thousand plants. "Yaochi said.

"Yes, princess."

Two guys are very happy, the Royal Medicine, they also want to see.

The two guys are now cultivated to Xianjun, and because it is very powerful because of cultivating many super cow, it is very powerful.

Follow Zhang Bin for a long time, the courage is also huge.

They took four guards, and they went to the Royal No. 1 Pharaoh.

A group of powerful guards standing in front of the pharmacy.

Getting their gold medals, let them go in.

Of course, there is a spending that I am accompanied by and records the fairy medicine they pick.

No, you can't.

Otherwise, it is necessary to be severely punished.

You know, the Antarctic Xianmie is super powerful.

His knowledge can easily cover the entire Antarctic family, of course, can cover this pharmacy.

No one dares to hook.

"A lot of fairy medicine, not in the Danjie in the Danjie."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong entered, and his eyes lit.

Although they did not have cultivated in Danjie, they have met many advanced fairy medicine.

It is also very good to understand the characteristics of the fairy medicine.

Therefore, they specialize in picking the best quality.

"The sun holy fruit is really big, the red pass is the highest quality."

Yang Xiong suddenly saw a fruit on the big tree picked, excitedly shouted, he flew over the past, and then picking the sun.

"Rolling down ..."

However, several Xianjun, which are picking on the tree shout.

Their fists play like Yang Xiong like the rain.

Yang Xiong can't prevent it, I was smashed.

He is anxious to ruin, and he will fly to attack.

However, a guard immediately pulled him, and the sound of the sound said: "Don't fight them, they are the guards of the big emperor, we can't afford it?"

"The Emperor's Guard? I thought it was the emperor or the Antarctic Emperor's guards? Nima dare to hit me? See if I don't kill them?"

Yang Xiong is anger, and Yunfei will look at each other.

Then they suddenly jumped up, like the same arrow.

The fist is like the mountains of the mountains.


Two guard's heads, screaming down.


They still don't give up, and they will smash the other two Xiangjun.

"You find it."

The four big emperors were furious.

Jumping up, the madman attacked clouds and Yang Xiong.

"Killing ..."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong rushed down like a tiger.

And the other four people fight together.

Their realm is almost.

They are the middle of the Xianjian.

However, Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong are much more powerful.

Therefore, they will soon pour the other four people.

Put up, crazy attacks.

... ...

Bones are interrupted.

The four guards screamed, and they were very miserable.

The four guards brought by Yang Xiong Yunfei are completely dumbfounded.

Can't believe their eyes.

Yang Xiong and Yunfei Yang played the first day of the guards?

This is a honeycomb.

Make a big trouble.

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