The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 213 of Revenge

"Director, you dare to attack me, give you a big lesson today."

"Four idiots, think you are very powerful? How is it now?"

"Hey ..."

Yang Xiong and Yunfei laughed, while playing their fists like a rainy point, they were pressed against the ground.

That's four guards were tragic.

"Ah, ah ... you find the death of the princess of Yaochi, dare to be so arrogant?"

"We are the guard of the big emperor, do you dare to hit us?"

"You will regret it, you will definitely regret ..."

"Waiting for you to become a corpse ... we have come."

However, Yang Xiong and Yunfei did not fear, continue to crazy punch, and yell in his mouth.

"It's you."

"Now kill you."

The two things that look at the side are completely dumbfounded, and the face is filled with ridiculous and dare to confuse the color.

How is this possible?

Yaochi Princess is, but gives up the competition, there is no recruitment to buy horses.

How did her guard become so arrogant, dare to resist the bullying of the big emperor?

"Don't beaten, don't hit, I still have to live."

Yang Xiong and Yunfei brought four guards and shouted, and shouted.

Indeed, that four guards are now lying on the floor. It can't move.

The bones of the whole body were broken.

If you play again, it is really possible to die.

"Next, give me a clear point? Our princess guards are not you can bully."

Yang Xiong and Yunfei finally stopped.

With four guards, continue to pick fairy medicine without anything else.

It is simply a bold.

"Let's hurry, they may send people to retaliate."

A guard said a little nervous.

"What is it? How much is it?"

"I look forward to them, killing him a person who hits."

Yang Xiong and Yun Feiyang are not afraid.

After all, they are two sons, and they are not afraid of being afraid.

It is impossible to show weakness.

If they are bullied, is there any face to see Zhang Bin?

Isn't it going to be killed by three fun?

There are a lot of fairy medicine to pick, even if the four guards have accelerated their speed, but they have been taken more than three hours, they will pick up enough fairy medicine.

This is a huge wealth.

Enough the princess has been used for a long time.

Moreover, it can be taken once in the next month.

Therefore, today's princess, can also recruit troops.

"Drinking, we have worked hard for so long? Can you eat a fruit?"

Yunfei went to the shoulders of the measuring thing and asked.

"No, it's absolutely not."

Look at the clouds like the monster.

"What is the relationship with a fruit?"

Yang Xiong directly took off an eight-level fairy fruit, and he had a big mouth.

"Eat, continue to eat ..."

The face of the driching has been laughed. "You are waiting for punishment."

"There is a difficulty, there is a blessing."

Yunfei is also picking up a eight-level fairy fruit, and the wolf eats it.

Eight level fairy fruit, of course, is extremely delicious.

If they accumulate enough, you can break through a bottleneck.

However, two guys eat eight fairy fruits, but they are not breaking.

Instead, we must prepare for war.

There are eight grades of fairyans in the abdomen, which can supplement our infuriating and provide abundant physical strength.

"It's just two madmen."

The four guards once again dumbfounded, they have never seen such a bold person.

I just don't know how to write dead words?

Take things also looked at the clouds and Yang Xiong.

I was smiling and said: "Go, go back and enjoy some."

"I have eaten two fruits, what is the tight?"

Yunfei and Yang Xiong don't care.

They went out with four guards.

Just a pharmaceutical garden gate.

It is more than 20 powerful Xianjun.

The four people headed are guarded by Yang Xiong and Yunfei.

The rest of the people are very powerful, the weakest is the middle and strongest in the middle of the Xianjun, and cultivated to the peak of Xianjun.

"The deposition is them."

Four people also pointed to Yang Xiongun flying them.

The deputy collar took the ice cold, and smiled and said: "All give me down, otherwise, all kill."

"Food. Today, it will take off the skin today."

The four guards brought by Yang Xiong and Yunfei are like a cold, and the face has changed.

"Skne? Is that actions? We really don't know. You kneel down the demonstration to show us?"

Yunfei smiled and said.

"Boir, play me, all kill."

The deputy colleeway smiled and said.


More than 20 strong Xianjun shouted, and crazy attacked Yang Xiongun.

"You find it."

Yang Xiongun flew and roared.

They shake the body, turned into three-headed six arms.


And they fight together.

The four guards are also no way, but they have to follow up with the other party.

"Hey ..."

"Ah ..."

Boxing ** plus, screaming.

Yang Xiong and Yunfei's power is huge, and the defense ability is strong.

The most important thing is that they have long received Zhang Bin's teaching, which is very deep for the understanding of the abilities.

So, their war is super horror.

They were hit, if they didn't matter.

However, people who are playing are screaming in the ground.

They are like two mad tigers, killing in the group.

Just a few breathing time, there are more than a dozen masters being poured down.

Even, there is a guy who was bombarded by Yang Xiong.

Since it is used, you can kill the soul of the soul, so the soul of this guy is exploded.

It's completely fallen.

"You find it."

The departure is anxious to defeat, and a sharp ax appears in his hand.

Join the war group.

He is very powerful and horrible.

Attacking Yang Xiong and Yunfei busst.

After retreating after connecting.

They two of them have anger, and they have an ax and sword in their hands.

Crazy dance, the departure of the Yangxiong war.

And Yunfei is crazy to chase another enemy.

"Ah ..."

A guard in another big emperor is knocked over, can't crawling.

Soon, only the remaining departments, still killing Yang Xiongong.

Yang Xiong actually hurts the wind.

"You will lie down."

Yunfei rushed up, and Yang Xiong, the double battle.

Where is the deputy standing?

Roaring, I want to escape, but I can't come.

Being a sharp leg by Yang Xiong.

It was then flying a sword pierced the chest.


The deposition collar is lying on the ground, and it has sent a scream of the extremely scream.

This battle, Yang Xiong and Yunfei Yang's fairy jun of more than 20 big emperors were awarded.

The guards of the big emperor, but it is a miserable and shameful people!

All those soldiers who guard the medicine garden are stunned, and several people are also completely dumbfounded.

The four guards brought by Yang Xiong and Yunfei are also awkward.

They all can't believe such results.

Yang Xiong and Yunfei also only cultivated to the middle of the Xianjian, how would be so powerful? Can you defeat so many powerful Xianjun?

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