The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2134 kills the princess government

"A group of idiots, now knowing grandfather?"

"If there is still next, kill all."

Yang Xiong and Yunfei are proud, and they are not polite to search for the space containers and space rings on them.

"A lot of eight-level fairy medicine, this time it is."

Yunfei looked at a spatial ring in many fairy medicine, excited.

He took out three eight-level fairy medicine. He went to the way to do things. It's for you."

The trouble is thoroughly speechless. This bastard is so bright to bribe him.

Where did he dare to accept?

He black face, grabbed two eight-level fairy medicine, said coldly: "This time, I will not report it, and next time I will never pass."

"Thank you."

Yunfei did not politely recovered the eight-level fairy medicine.

With Yang Xiong, with four defenders.

"Do you dare to grab the emperor's fairy medicine? Are you waiting for death?"

Lying on the vectors of the earth, "Also, you killed us, the princess is also self-contained?"

It is true that the immortal medicine placed in the space ring that Yunfei grabbed it was that they had just picked up from the medicine garden. They all belong to the big emperor.

Soon, they will be treated, and they will return to the big emperor.


The big emperor Nan Cheng Kun was just called straight, and he broke out the murderous murder.

Among the eyes, sharp shots were blasted.

He did not delay, with more than two hundred powerful guards, murderous to the princess government.

"All, this little thing, don't report the princess. Otherwise, our fist will not be polite."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong return to the princess government and began to threaten four subordinates.

Four guards are thoroughly speechless, this is a little thing? Have a life.

But they are a little fear of the RMS and Yang Xiong 's power, and only Idonno promises.

Anyway, they are small.

There is clouds and Yang Xiong.

Yunfeiyang and Yang Xiong went to see the princess of Yaochi, if there is something wrong, put the fairy medicine they pick.

Yaochi princess detachables the fairy medicine in the space ring, and her face is full of .

For decades, she did not get the fairy medicine provided by the father.

Harming her can't afford to guard.

The big princess is only four guards, two .

It can be described as a miserable pole.

If you don't have a Dan medicine store, you can also earn some Lingshi.

That may go outside to make money outside.

Now I am fine, I finally got the forgiveness of the father, and I can get a lot of cultivation resources.

I can also recruit troops to buy horses and enhance the strength of the princess.

Just when she was the wind, there was a cold shout from the outside: "Yaochi, you are big and courageous, dare to let your guards killed me Nan Cheng Kun, robbing my fairy medicine? Fast Out of death. "

Yaochi princess suddenly turned around, and his face was pale.

Just like being a good one, playing the street.

However, Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong are not careless.

What is the big emperor?

Waiting for it, kill them, don't stay.

"Do you tell the truth? Is the big emperor really?"

Yaochi finally calm down.

"They first bullied us, was defeated by us, then shouted to the companion, then defeated by us, and killed one. The treasures on them are our trophy." Yang Xiong said.

"Princess, you don't worry, they are losing, we will go out, kill them to the people."

Yunfei is also said.

"you guys……"

Yaochi is almost faint.

Where did she have seen such a bold, such a caught defender?

This is miserable.

What should I do?

Her knowledge has long been induced by the big emperor with so many experts.

There are several people in the princess, where can they be their opponents?

If the father does not come out, the princess government today may be stepped off.

" ..." Zhang Bin is turning, "the princess, the matter has come here, we go out and their theory."

Yaochi Princess will play a spirit, with two maids, six guards and Zhang Bin, go out.

The big emperor stood in the air outside outside, more than two hundred powerful guards gave him.

Most of them are cultivated to the peak of Xianjun, and even more than a dozen cultivation are successful to the Xianjian.

The big emperor himself has also been cultivated to the future of Xianjun.

This is a comprehensive strength, it is indeed a strong terrible.

"I have seen great brother." Yaochi Princess respectfully, "We are willing to return your fairy medicine, then give compensation, how do you see?"

She is still very smart, knowing that the egg is touched.

Plan a loss of interest.

"Hahaha ..."

The big emperor made a smile, "Xiaogi, your courage is very big, even dare to grab my fairy medicine, actually dare to kill me, compensation? Not so simple. Let's pay the murderer. We will talk about compensation "

"Big Brother, they just did the guard, didn't know the rules, didn't know the brother's tiger."

Yaochi Princess's face changed, "I am willing to compensate for this month's fairy medicine. OK?"

"I will give it to the murderer. After your month, you will pay for all the money. You will die in your belly. On this condition, you promise to give it. Otherwise, today, the princess is smirked.

"Hee hee hee……"

" ..."

The big emperor is laughing.

Yaochi princess suddenly turned around and rushed.

At this time she understood, the big queen's wolf ambition.

It turned out to be a child's idea in her belly?

The rest of the person is also angry.

Especially the autumn clouds and Lanxi, but also anger, pull out the sword, ready to fight.

Yang Xiong and Yun Feiyang also took out the magic weapon, and he had a murderous murder.

Zhang Bin's eyes were also shot the brunette of ice.

It is projected onto the face of the big emperor.

He stepped out and stopped in front of the princess of Yaochi, and said, "Big Emperor, you are a group of waste, one more do not win, a group will not win, now a big group, I thought it would win? Come come, let you subordinate together, I will take it all. "

The big emperor was stunned.

His life is also full of dumbfounders.

They have seen mad people, but they have never seen so mad.

An immortal in the middle of the district is only in the early days of the Xianjun, and it is even threatening to deal with them so much?

Don't say they, even Yaochi, two maids, four scared faceless guards, they are completely dumbfounded.

I can't believe their ears.

"Go up, kill him."

The big emperor finally woke up and smiled and sailed.

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