The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2138 Nanchuan City

"Zhang Bin, why did the father have to go down like this?"

Yaochi is a bit a panic, and I am worried about.

If there is no such a super powerful master with Zhang Bin.

She is really not practical.

"I don't know."

Zhang Bin muttered, his face was filled with the color of thinking.

Even, he smelled a conspiracy.

"Will it be the father of the father to deal with you?"

Yaochi said.

"It should not be, if you want to kill me, yesterday he can kill me, the reason is very simple, that is, the royal majesty." Zhang Bin said, "So, maybe your father is in investigation. Wisdom, see if I have qualifications to do horses. "

"That's good."

Yaochi's face flew out of a smile like a flower.

Autumn clouds and Lanxi are also assured.

"Then I will go, check the bottom of the Mo Moon."

Zhang Bin said.

Now he urgently needs to find a safe place to impart the middle of the body.

Going to another city, just robbery.

Otherwise, in the emperor, the Antarctic Emperor will certainly induce.

Even if you drill into the depths of the earth, the fluctuations in the robbery may be felt by the Antarctic Xue.

That's bad.

Zhang Bin once again injected Zhang Jie's small tree into a Hongmeng Ziqi, and then told Yunfei and Yang Xiong. They carefully guard against the criticism of the big emperor.

Even Zhang Bin also left all the cold poisonous gecko and the leaves.

This thousands of cold poisonous walls are very powerful, any one, no more than a Xianjun.

There is a tree leaf with a large tree of the princess, you can find a crisis, alert and counterattack.

Therefore, the princess of the present princes is already as stable.

He didn't worry.

And on his current strength, it does not require the help of the cold poisonous gecko and the leaves.

"You have to be careful, come back as soon as possible."

Yaochi gently took a look at Zhang Bin's tiger waist and said.

"Gong, take me?"

Autumn clouds are also shameful, and they are looking forward to saying.

Zhang Bin nodded, with autumn clouds, turned it.

With no beauty, he is also very uncomfortable.

"If you can't even have such a killing, you don't match the son-in-law."

The huge gods of the Antarctic Xian Di certainly induced everything, muttered in his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ... Zhang Bin, you finally start, this time, you will die."

The big emperor is also reported immediately, and he issued a lot of exciting laugh.

It is a plate of the city of Nanchuan City, the city of Nanchuan City, said that Nanchuan City's Moudine underground organization is rampant, requested to send a super powerful time platform master assistance.

In fact, the super powerful time is the most suitable for investigation, and they can even traverse the secrets through time and space, so the fairy leaders are time to be a master.

As a result, Antarctic Xian Emily agreed, sent Zhang Bin to go.

The toxicity of the large-scale, is very horrible, insiders, understand the mind of the Antarctic Emperor, is dissatisfied with Zhang Bin, and wants to test Zhang Bin.

This is a poisonous gathering, and it is the uncomfortable of the South Nattar.

Is there a sense of unsuccessful?

Nanchuan City, located in the border, of course, is the boundaries of the Employa Fairy, and the city is unlimited.

If it is flying, it may not be able to arrive in one million years.

However, using a transmission array, it is an instant.

Zhang Bin and Qiu Yun arrived in the transfer of Nanchuan City.

However, both of them have changed their faces, and they don't want to see the city owners in Nanchuan City.

They are like a couple, began to visit the mountains.

Enjoy the famous monuments, magnificent mountains.

"Bonology, why don't we see the city south palace willow?"

Autumn clouds are very confused.

"Don't worry, let our enemies wait."

Zhang Bin said.

"Enemy? Mo moon organization?" Qiu Yun asked surprised, "Do they know that we will appear?"

"What do you say?"

Zhang Bin lifted the waist of autumn clouds, put her into his arms and breathed intoxicating the fragrance of the drunk.

"Bono, don't."

Autumn is shameful, but it is not struggling, it seems that she has melted in Zhang Binhuai.

Since I was kiss Zhang Bin last night, I have been in convinced by Zhang Bin's powerful and wisdom, she turned from a poisonous tongue into a softness, don't mention how gentle is well-behaved.

"I haven't answered my question yet?"

Zhang Bin asked Xiao Yan.

"They must know that because the big emperor must know this news, he will spread the news. Then the Mo Moon organizes the masters will come to deal with you, kill you directly. The big emperor can kill people." Autumn The cloud is very smart and replied.

"Answer correct." Zhang Bin said, "And, this is the best situation. The worst situation is that we come here to check the case, it is the big emperor. The city is the big emperor. Many calls are also. Even, maybe ink moon organizations are the organization of the big emperor. If we expose your identity, we will find it almost. "

Qiu Yun lived, secretly played a cold, anxiously: "What should we do?"

"To check the inside of the Mo Moon, it is not simple, but it is difficult to take the Dansheng fruit."

Zhang Bin said.


Qiu Yun nodded again, his face was filled with worship.

She still didn't think about it today, Zhang Bin didn't get Dan Ling fruit.

She is very emotionally, and the kiss is given, let Zhang Bin tasted some.

She didn't ask Zhang Bin's plan because she was convinced that Zhang Binnee completed the difficult task.

Zhang Bin took the city with autumn, flying slowly in the sky.

The pen is straight to the magnificent mountain.

"This is the Mei Yushan, which is the border of our Antarctic Fairy and Employea. This tissue is said to be in Mercure Mountain, often sneak into the Moon City. Even will Subject to the Employa Fairy, as long as it is stealing and robbing the fairy medicine and treasure ... "Qiu Yun said.

"Is there any way to get an excessive?"

Zhang Bin asked Surprisingly.

"It's a small underground organization, the murderous situation is still less. Therefore, the harm is not particularly big." Qiu Yun said, "So, there is no super powerful master."

"Since Mercure Mountain is the land of Mo Moon, how is there so many immortals come to visit the mountain?"

Zhang Bin pointed to the embarrassing cactus.

"Mercure Mountain is magnificent, there are many in the mountains, and there are even ancient cave. Many people like to come out and treasure hunt. As for the Mo Moon organization, they are extremely cooked, they never commit to the mountain. The government has no way to trace. There are too many people, how to check it. "Qiu Yun said.

"Yuan Gu Cave Government?" Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, "Is there anyone who can enter ancient cave?"

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