The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 213, Yuan Guong, nine-level fairy medicine

"Of course, I don't allow you to be involved."

Qiu Yun hugs Zhang Bin's arm and said something nervously.

"Take me to see, otherwise you will eat you tonight."

Zhang Bin pressed the low voice in the autumn cloud ear.

The pretty blush of the autumn clouds fell out of the gorgeous red, and did not see Zhang Bin.

And she doesn't take Zhang Bin to go to the ancient cave.

However, Zhang Bin is the location of the ancient cave.

So, he pulled the autumn cloud quickly flying.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

This is a wide valley, which is covered with a faint white fog.

On the ground of the valley, the colorful light is constantly flashing.

Inch of grass is not born, the ground is a kind of glass.

On the cliff walls in the valley, there is an ancient Dongfu-inch glow house.

Excorps a murder of a tonna.

"Gong, how can you know here? Don't enter, otherwise, you will die, you can't enter it." Qiu Yun became extremely nervous, the face became paleble.

"Inch Hui Kong House? Is it so powerful? Is there a treasure in it?"

Zhang Bin's face was full of surprise and excitement.

"Ignorant ..."

Some people made a smile.

But there is an old man with a teenager standing in the valley, it is the old man talking.

The old man is very strong, exudes a fluctuation of a fairy king.

It seems to be the master of the realm of Xianwang.

However, autumn clouds can't be seen.

However, Zhang Bin did not worry, he said: "This trowel is pleased, I just said that I am ignorant, is it not recognized to me? Since even the immortal can't enter, the treasure inside is Of course."

At the old man, Zhang Bin glanced at him, saying faintly: "Your Majesty is not going to go, does not mean that other fairy emperor can't enter. There have been a total of 308 emperors to enter, if there is a treasure in it, it is strange."

"Have you ever had so many emperors?"

Zhang Bin, but, I think that there is an eighty-year-old history in the fairy world. It is also possible to have a few hundred emperors, but they practice to the limit, and they have explored the ban on the sea, no longer come back.

He sets out God, refutes: "The seniors, the emperor master entered, but their eyes are high, they will only take them to see the treasures of the eyes, so, there is still treasures, for me, that is, that is Super precious treasures. "

The old man plugs, the turning head is no longer ignifier Zhang Bin.

The autumn clouds are dark, Zhang Bin's wisdom is too high, and the three words will let the old man defeated.

"Seniors, are you going to break?" Zhang Bin asked again, "then get the treasure inside?"

"Say? You are too high." The old man said, "Even my own array is can't break here, you must be the emperor expert who is good at the array of law, and has super powerful defense ability, can we take into enter "

"I feel, my Majesty is able to break, just, he knows that there is no treasure inside, so there is no need to worry." Zhang Bin said.

"You are right, if you are forcing, you can do it." The old man said, "But, if you can't make the incapacity of the cooking crane. If it is forcibly broken, the array is destroyed, it is destroyed A historical monument. "

"I guess, you must be a mappie, now I am here, I will see the array here." Zhang Bin said, "Do you want seniors?"

"I just watched historical monuments, leaving."

The old man didn't return with Zhang Bin, with the teenager flashed.

"This cave is suitable for me to rob. I am going to go."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and his face also exposed a touch of view.

He felt that his luck was very good, and it could encounter such an ideal place to measure.

And because Yunfei grabbed a batch of fairy medicine in the big emperor.

It is now in Zhang Bin's central Dantian.

The fairy medicine that will be poor should be poor.

If there is a cave, there is a pharmacumn, and if you have cultivated the fairy medicine, then don't worry that the fairy medicine is not enough.

"Gong, let's go."

Qiu Yun is afraid that Zhang Bin is inserted, and Zhang Bin is going to leave.

However, Zhang Bin's heart moved, and took autumn clouds into his dragon pool.

Then he showed a stealth ability and disappeared in an instant.

In fact, he is to show the earth to drill into the ground.

The thickness of the soil is only about two meters and then a cyan rock.

Hard to the extreme.

In this place, even if Zhang Bin masters a very powerful gold and soil, it is difficult to sneak.

But his heart is moving, and the Ume people will fly out, quickly tied to the rock, and the pen will go straight to the direction of the Yuankong Government.

Sure enough, it was arranged in a rack of horrible array, but it couldn't stop the ume.

The unanprints of the umers are diamonds in the array, and there is no trigger.

Zhang Bin's heart is big, and it will become a half-inch hair, and it is sneaked quickly with U. people.

Through the horrible array area, then drill into the cave.

From the ground.

"Bon, what do you want? Let me go out? Don't walk into the array?"

A autumn Yun's heart has already put on Zhang Bin, and now Zhang Bin receives the dragon pool, of course, is extremely nervous. It shouted in the Dragon Pool.

Then she felt a flower, and appeared in front of Zhang Bin.

The environment has also changed.

This is a wide space, and the fairy is rich in the air.

Singular medicine is also a strong pole.

The pattern is actually a very wide cave, there is a practice room, there is a room, a living room, and a refining room, or even a refining room.

Of course, there is also a wide pharmacum and practice martial arts.

"I rely on, make a fortune, there is so many fairy medicine in this ancient hall?"

Zhang Bin drilled out, just in the mouth of the pharmacy, I saw it, I have already inducted too much fairy medicine in the past, and it is very advanced.

"What? Is it an ancient hall? How did he come in?"

Qiu Yun is like a fool, she can't believe her eyes and ears.

However, she saw everything that does not know, but telling her that it is a cave.

And it is a Dongfu who don't know how many years.

Just is the fairy medicine in the pharmacy, it is already a huge wealth.

Zhang Bin raised the autumn cloud into the pharmacy, looked at it, lush, and a lot of immortal medicine, and did not return to God for a long time.

"Bonology, son, you see, the nine-color small tree, set out a nine-color fruit, it seems to be the nine-level fairy medicine, nine-color Xianqin Tree."

The autumn cloud is to follow Yaochi's , in the fairy world for many years, see how many knowledge is wide.

She shouted.

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