The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2143 Four Emperor

"How can this? Is there anyone in inch? And I was refined? The Dongfu has a new owner?" The old man who was talking to Zhang Bin was also emitted out, fell a dog, the front teeth were broken. One.

He climbed up and heard the thunder and felt the vibration of the earth.

I saw the white fog and saw the color of the sky.

He stunned like a fool.

" ..."

The blanked sound sounded.

The Empress Emperor, the Antarctic Xianmi, the West Xi Di, the Arctic Xian Di is rapid.

The West Emperor is very thin in life, just like a bamboo pole, it seems that the wind is blown, and it will be the same.

The Empress Emperor is a tall, bump, and a seductive beauty.

As for the Arctic Xian Emperor and Antarctic Emperor, Zhang Bin has seen it.

However, Zhang Bin is still a surprising, because the image of the four Femini is displayed on the screen of the cave wall.

In fact, there are also images around 10,000 kilometers.

However, four Xianmines are too powerful, and they will focus on it.

"What's going on? I will refine a controller, how can I am alarmed four emperors?"

Zhang Bin was united.

Autumn clouds are shaking, and the face is pale.

She is very smart, I feel that the situation is not wonderful.

Four fairy emperors will naturally find that Zhang Bin is the owner of the Dong, which is very troublesome.

The cave may not keep it.

Four Emperor looked at the blushing valley with shocking eyes and looked at the boiling color.

I can't say it for a long time.

Inspiring, they start playing fingers and trying hard.

However, no matter how they calculate, it is also possible to make any information and clues of the owner of the cave.

"How can this be?"

Four Emperor's eye beads almost dropped.

No one can speak in half a day.

After all, in their strength, most of the emperor masters, they can make a little information.

But now it is not enough, this situation is too abnormal.

"Is it a return of Qin Emperor?"

Their heart has picked this idea.

After all, there is only a powerful strength of the ancient Qun Emperor, so that they can't present any information.

"The Nanyi Xian Di Nan Gao Yun, along with the Eastern Xian Di Dong Tianyu, Arctic Xian Di Northern Poly, the West Xi Xian Emperor is a long day, come to visit the Emperor's predecessors."

The Antarctic Emperor suddenly shouted.

His voice has magical penetration, which can pass the white fog and sound in the valley.

Even in the inch of the hole.

"What is going on? The four fairy emperors can't make everything from the son? Does the son are mistaken?" Qiu Yun is really stunned, look at Zhang Bin like the monster.

At this time, she knew that Zhang Bin watched something?

Even, her heart has been suspected that Zhang Bin really only 60 Dantian areas?

Doesn't he are not a wild Xian?

Zhang Bin's eyebrows were slightly, and he went to a moment. He made a moment. White fog was quickly condensed into a font, suspended above the void, "I am not a piano, from the Taikoo Xianjie, I will enter, refine Cheng Dongfu , Prepare for a quiet, prepare for the ban, do not receive four VIPs. Please go back. "

I didn't dare to pretend to be a piano, that is too amazing.

If you are really a Qin Emperor to explore the return of the sea, then, not only four immortals, other emperors of the emperor, including the Taikoo Dynasty, the Taikoo Devil, the Taikoo Gigate, the emperor of the Taikoo Demon, will come to visit.

Even the refusal is not done.

If they are full of fire, they can join hands, they can completely get into.

That Bin was miserable.

So, he can only say that he is from the Taikooxia.

And the vast world is boundless, there are countless giant hidden in it.

Even those who are in the Old Fairy are not likely to know how much Xian Di and genius in the Taikooxia world.

So this is entirely in the past.

"My God, the son actually dare to pretend to be the immortal of the elderly world? This courage is too big."

The autumn clouds were almost scared, and she had seen such a big scene.

"It turned out to be the top Xian Di from the Taikooxia, and it is a master of the superfault. It is no wonder that we don't pay any information."

Four fairy emperors have realized, and the face has also floated the color of disappointment.

They certainly hope that the Nature of the Emperor.

But I didn't think not.

Since the ancient times, there have been 308 Emperor's master entered the excess Huongdong, and they also refined the Yellow House.

Let the heavens and the earth are changing.

Therefore, it can be recorded in order.

However, such an emperor master is super powerful, they will also go to explore the sea.

Therefore, there are nothing worried about the four immortals.

Antarctic Xianmin continued to ask, I want to know the name of the owner of the cave.

"I don't have to have a name for too many years, I call me is ignorant."

Zhang Bin once again agglomerate the font.

Four Millennie have no choice but to leave.

Even the name of the House owner did not ask, let their hearts full of frustration.

Of course, it is also a bit angry.

They are all strongest Xian Emperors, the other person is so despised?

"I finally gone."

Zhang Bin is also a breath, he found that he had a fine sweat on his forehead.

Qiu Yun is even more unbearable, and it is soft in Zhang Bin, how is it still standing.

"Gongzi, how can they not pay you?"

Qiu Yun hugs Zhang Bin neck, curiously asked.

"This is a small secret, this cave belongs to me, it is a secret. If you spoke it, you will inevitably have a disaster. Qiu Yun, can you keep this secret? Do you not tell Kong Bin?" Zhang Bin said, "Don't tell" Princess, not to believe in her, but a little leak secret risk. Reading heart can be read to the secret, sometimes not careful, may also say secrets. "

"Bonology, I have done your woman, you are my master. You are everything. You let me keep secrets, I will do it, I will not tell anyone." Qiu Yun said strongly.

Zhang Bin was very satisfied, and the brilliant smile was floated on his face.

"Master, you found no? The cave is broad?"

Suddenly shouted excitedly.

Zhang Bin, I immediately put it out to induce.

Then he stunned like a fool.

The Dongfu has become too large and wide.

Now the area, how much more than a few Earth's surface area.

In fact, it is not an area expanded, but the Dongfu has many places to be sealed, and now the seal is unlocked.

For example, medicine is the area of ​​tens of thousands of acres of land.

However, it is now a plain that turns an undead.

And it is full of fairy medicine.

Of course, most of them are low-level fairy medicines, below the level.

However, there are also some advanced fairy medicine.

It can also see that the big river is hovering on the plain, and the lake is inlaid as the pearl in the land.

The fairy is very strong, and it has become a white fog, and it is easy.

It's really beautiful.

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