The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2144 Self-sealing Cave

"God, the son, this is the best cultivation blessing."

Qiu Yun shouted.

"This cave is simply hidden in the world, too amazing."

Zhang Bin is also secretly shocked. It is not very difficult to refine space, but it is difficult to move the fairy in the fairy. Therefore, in the fairy boundaries, there is no way to cultivate advanced fairy medicine with space containers.

Only in the land of the fairyland, in the gathering of the fairy, lay the big array and developed the Pharma.

Zhang Bin went to the Danjie, drilling into the Danjie underground and saw countless fairy.

Therefore, the Danjie is the most amazing place, most suitable for cultivating immortals.

The Antarctic Xian Di's pharmacies, of course, is very large, the same, the fairy collections, so they have also cultivated countless fairy medicine.

And this inch glowing house, it looks not large, but it is a magical array of fairy fairy, let the immortal of the immortality, the Dongfu once again used the space to become extra large Therefore, we can cultivate countless fairy medicine.

"If I practice it to the fairy emperor, I will refine the fairy emperor, in this Dongfu, I should also call a lot of heavens and earth. The war will be very horrible." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

But that's too far away, it is necessary to cultivate it to the fairy emperor.

In the heart, Zhang Bin is looking forward to it. If you send your own merits, you will be self-sea.

Is that you can call some of the heavens and earth in inch?

The fairy collected in the Dongfu, the power of the heavens and the earth is terrible.

Even some, it is also very considerable.

In this way, my own combat power will get huge.

Then, even if you encounter a blind, there is also the ability to escape.

Yes, Zhang Bin is now a more understanding of the strength of Xianwang.

The fairy king is not simple, they are prince, there is a seal, there is a fairyland seal.

Therefore, their strength is much larger than the unique fairy jun.

Zhang Bin is absolutely can't be done by Zhang Bin.

However, if there is no seal of the fairy king, such as the Xianwang of the underground organization, Zhang Bin still has a sense of life.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Zhang Bin dares to come over to investigate the Mo moon.

However, if someone in the Mo Moon is a sealing of the fairy king, then Zhang Bin is almost the same.

This is also Zhang Bin who didn't dare to expose the identity, and I didn't see the people of Mo Music City.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin did not have any delays, and the minds of mind, and the Golden Print flew out from the Hindang.

Last time, his body was destroyed, just a bone left, but after his body was destroyed, merits Jinjin also appeared, and it was exactly the same.

After all, there is no false, and merit is still there.

More than forty million merits Jin Dragon, burst into shot of the light.

"I am the main, merits Jinjin, is the mainman of the cave, calling the strength of the cave, sweeping evil ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

The controller in his hands lit up the light, and the Golden Print was spoiled with each other.

Then, merits goldprints are combined with this controller.

It became a dark gold seal.

Burning a few big words: "Inch Hui Dongfu Dong Zhang Bin."

The colorful rays flew out from the ground, gathered, and injected Zhang Bin.

It is also injected into the seal.

Then, Zhang Bin felt that the seal became a super powerful magic weapon, which can release the power and the power of horror.

His mind is always moving, and the seal will return to the Houtou points.

He tried again and found that he would not have to summon the seal, and directly call the maintenance of the Dongfu in the in the Indian points.

"My God, this brings together 99 fairy veins, all of the main fairy, extending from the depths of the ground to infinity. Unfortunately, my realm is too low, just calling very little fairy Power."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

At this time, he understood that there is how horror and powerful fairy king?

After all, the Guangyin's fairy is very wide, and there may be a few diameters of the light years.

Underground may not have so many main fairy, but there are many small fairy veins.

What's more, the power of the heavens and the earth, not only the power of the fairy, but also the power of the earth, the power of space.

"The gong's merits Jinyin actually has more than 400,000 merits Jinlong, which is simply a miracle."

Qiu Yun is stunned, watching Zhang Bin like the monster, and didn't know how to get so much merit.

Zhang Bin took the autumn cloud to the material room.

In fact, it is a wide warehouse.

It is a special space container that is densely equipped here, just like a container, the material of the refiner is placed.

Of course, very precious materials are not much.

Even, some boxes are empty.

However, in general, there are many materials.

"Bonology, so many materials, you can refine a lot of large-scale transfer fairy gangs. If you resettle in Dongfu and Princess House, then we can come at any time. This is so convenient." Qiu Yun said.

If you say in the fairy, what is the most precious, most applicable, not a powerful fairy, but a large transfer of a fairy array.

Once the refining is privately transmitted, it is convenient.

Of course, the super powerful killing and defensive array is also extremely precious.

However, to refine such treasures, it requires too much precious materials, and requires ultrarunncies that make up refineries.

At least the big man of the array.

In the past, Zhang Bin, including Shan proud, there is no ability to refine such a treasure.

However, now they get the Huncha inheritance, which has the secret instructions, but it is capable of refining.

Of course, they need them to understand for a while.

Zhang Bin is very happy, he put some materials into space rings and prepares practice practitioners.

He can be so powerful without the fairy, you can go instantly.

So, he must refine large-scale transmission fairy arrays.

I can't wait until it is, and it will go to Zhang Bin's central Dantian. Hold the material and start the practice refiner.

Zhang Bin and Qiu Yun have went to see the pharmacies and pick a lot of mature fairy medicine.

Then Zhang Bin began to impact the middle of the body. He is bright in his heart.

He went to the training martial art, sitting on a knee.

Autumn clouds are also sitting in the distance, take the fairy medicine to practice.

However, suddenly her heart has a feeling of the world.

Also heard a deep death atmosphere.

She immediately stopped cultivation.

Watch the sky horror.

I don't know when, there are six colors in the sky.

The layer is stacked and covered with the heavens and the earth.

"Bang ..."

A loud noise, a six-color Thunder suddenly broke out from the clouds, and slammed in the center of the training martial art.

Then, the Thunder was like the Daroven decissete, and it was madly poured down.

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