The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2150 Subsequent practice

Zhang Bin did not fear, and repeated cold and coldly, but also added: "I only believe in my strength, if you can't save. I won't cross time and time."

"Hey ... You know so much secrets. And you don't listen to me. Then I can only kill you." Bullying of the emperor smiled, his palm is also high-grade, work Just try Zhang Bin to kill.

Zhang Bin is not only not afraid, but it has closed his eyes.

A pair of unique appearances.

"You ... isn't it afraid of death?"

Bullying of the emperor is angry, and the teeth are almost bite.

In fact, he used death to threaten Zhang Bin, so that Zhang Bin took him through time and space.

However, Zhang Bin actually not afraid of death?

This makes him a bit of handless.

He wants to find a super powerful time, it is not easy, no, find a super powerful time, the master is not easy.

In fact, he himself is super powerful, than Zhang Bin, I don't know how many times, but he is worried about the horror, so you must let Zhang Bin bring him through.

"Master, you don't have a joke, you won't kill me, I am a brother who is not easy to cultivate. Waiting for you to teach me a follow-up method, I can quickly cultivate my life to the Xianjian, then We can cross time and space, complete the master of Master you said, and master the four weeks in your hand, do the emperor who is not the old man before doing ancient people. "Zhang Bin said.

"Ha ha ha ..." Bullying of the emperor smashed, "apprentice, you are not bad, it is really good, wisdom is very high, know Master's mind. I will teach you the subsequent work of Duildness ... "

He took out a jade jade, and he left Zhang Bin.

Inside the subsequent work method of bullying.

"This is a bottle of Wu Dan. It is the magical medicinal medicine that Master uses countless high-end fairy medicine. It can speed up the speed of the provenance. I will give you ten days. I must cultivate the bullying God to the middle of the Xianjun." Due to the emperor, I took out a bottle of medicinal herbs to Zhang Bin.

"Thank you Master."

Zhang Bin puts out a gratitude and excitement.

Deculing the emperor is no longer delay, and Zhang Bin will go to the room immediately.

He secretly gave a beautiful evil king, "the silk moss, you can monitor him, definitely can't let him enter the space container, I am worried that there is a pass in the space container ... don't let him have a moment. From you. Sight. "

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured, he can't escape, but he can't escape."

The silk moss said confidently.

She is in the middle of the evil king, but I don't know how much than Zhang Bin is strong.

Where do Zhang Bin in your eyes?

"Don't look at him, he is a real genius figure, although only 60 Dantian areas, but strength is extremely horrible. And the wisdom is super, you didn't see it, just he and you, didn't you fall? Even He also reached the goal, delayed time, and he also got a follow-up and magical medicine. "Bullying the evil emperor said seriously.

At that time, he grabbed Zhang Bin's wrist, and transported the real gas and explored Zhang Bin's Dantian area.

However, Zhang Bin used the way to deceive the emperor with the Antarctic Xianmi, and seized the self-cultivation of Dantian.

Therefore, the deception of the evil emperor is also cheated, thinking that Zhang Bin really only sixty Dantian areas.

"Your Majesty, since you know that he is delaying, is it not worried? I am worried that the Antarctic Fairy's super masters will go out to save him."

The moss is worried about.

"The big emperor wants to kill him, and Nangong willow is a big emperor. It will never report it immediately, so we have a lot of time. Ten days. Don't worry about it at all. If he still wants to delay, I will immediately Kill him. Another candidate again. "

The two eyes of the Diwux Emperor shot the light of wisdom.

His face is full of confidence.

What a strong master is he, what is your own personality? How horror wisdom?

Where will I leave any flaws?

Where will Zhang Bin's opportunity to escape?

And he mastered the magical deception, you can deceive everything.

This cave is also arranged in super powerful fraud, even if the Immortal is not here.

And Zhang Bin is in the Dongfu, of course, it is not enough.

In addition, the Dongfu has also arranged horrible to the ultimate killing.

Unless it is an emperor master, you can break away.

Zhang Bin has no ability.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is the .

Just prevent Zhang Bin's sneaked space container, it will be used to use the transfer of the space container.

The reason why didn't take Zhang Bin's space container, did not search for treasures in Zhangbin.

It is because I haven't tear my face yet. He also needs Zhang Bin to cooperate.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The scorpion promises respectfully.

Then she took Zhang Bin into the secret room.

She took the knee in front of Zhang Bin, and looked at Zhang Bin coldly. It was even if it didn't even blink his eyes.

"It's too powerful, it is simply dripping."

Zhang Bin secretly sighed in his heart.

Since the exhibition, Zhang Bin encountered countless strong opponents, such as Long Emperor Haoyu, Tiantian Xian Di, Antarctic Xian Di, etc.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Due to the emperor, the emperor and the fairy emperor are certainly a giant evil.

It is the existence of the sky.

So, now Zhang Bin is a real opponent.

Although the alarm is ringing, Zhang Bin still does not move.

He began reading jade jane.

Inside, it records the follow-up of the bullying.

It turned out to practice all the way to the early days of the emperor.

Obviously, like Zhang Bin's speculation, the deceived emperor only cultivated to the early days of the Evil Emperor.

Therefore, there is no subsequent practice.

However, it is also possible to bully the evil emperor to cultivate to a higher realm, but do not want to give Zhang Bin to the future.

But this possibility is not high.

After all, for the sorrowful emperor, now Zhang Bin is the dish in his hand, ready to go out.

There is no need to conceal what kind of secret.

"It's amazing, it is very good, follow-up is too good, you can quickly let the deception attribute is powerful, this feelings and experience is too big, bullying the emperor, you may be unbeatable." Zhang Bin reads the jade , while sighing in his heart.

It can be said that this is one of the most amazing emperors of Zhang Bin seen, and can be combined with the evil spirits.

However, bullying God has not created the Mid-term and higher realm of the Emperor.

In fact, the deceived evil emperor has already revealed in all years.

What is his arrogance, what is arrogant?

But it can also explain his ambition and extraordinary.

It is a real madman.

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