However, Zhang Bin also found that the deceived Emperor did not burn the secret law of how to collect the evilness in the jade .

Obviously, the emperor of the sinctivation has seen the secret law, so we have to cross the time and space, and teach it to the bullish old ancestors 4 billion years ago.

Even knowing that Zhang Bin will die, he doesn't want to disclose whit.

After all, he didn't be patient and stared at Zhang Bin and told the silk moss.

If Zhang Bin is blocked, it is not a good thing.

It may even make the silk moss out his control.

Although it is said that the silk moss is his woman, it is also the most loyal belongings, and it is absolutely heart.

It is thoroughly brainwashing.

But he is such a year, it is absolutely impossible to trust anyone.

He just believes himself.

Zhang Bin tried to cultivate, and he also took out a diploma and observed in detail.

"If you don't take it, give it to me."

Tess is cold and cold.

"Give you a piece."

Zhang Bin smiled and throws a past.

If it is taking it, I started to know, then he has the opportunity.

Tess is taken, but it is not taking it, the baby will be collected.

Continue to monitor Zhang Bin coldly.

"No chance."

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart, but he did not panic.

Taking a diploma, started working hard.

Not only cultivating the bullishness, but also cultivating many good people who are very good at.

But it is not cultivating more than 60 kinds of exercises.

Because I am worried that the emperor is in the dark.

Then leak secret.

After three days and three nights, Zhang Bin woke up from the cultivation.

He found that he had a lot of feelings for many abilities.

Even, the power to call the heavens and the earth has also increased a lot.

In particular, deceive the abilities, which have a quality change.

And he also cultivated the practice of deception attributes to the Xianshi Great.

He stood up and put his gaze to the face of his scorpion.

He said: "Beauty, accompany me to turn it out? After a break, come back to continue cultivation."

The slightly hesitated slightly, or nodded.

Accompanied Zhang Bin out of the cultivation room.

Entered the cultivation of the pills of countless immortals.

The scenery here is picturesque.

Beautiful pole.

"Beauty, you must be a very powerful fairy king? Is it cultivated to the evil king?" Zhang Bin walks slowly, while complimentation.

"Don't listen to my business. I am not interested in you."

The silk iron is talking.

It seems that she felt that Zhang Bin wanted to play a trick, and he also waved a dozen powerful guards.

All are all cultivated to the evil governor.

Even, there is another evil king to look at Zhang Bin in the distance.

Let Zhang Bin have a manifestation in the back.

"Nima, the master here is too much, maybe it is the old nest of the Mo Moon Empire." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "To escape, it is not easy."

He drilled with umers, and he was not very fast.

And in the moment he sneaked into the earth, many powerful enemies attacked him.

It may even start the array, imprison him.

So, in addition to the room, it is not suitable for escape.

The room is the best place.

Zhang Bin's face did not have any movement, he continued to walk slowly.

From time to time, look at the flash of silk.

And I want to talk to the silk moss.

It seems that it is very interested in the silk moss.

This is of course installed.

However, it is very natural and uses the deception of abilities.

After all, the silk moss is a woman who is bullying the evil emperor, of course, is a lottery.

Very beautiful, temperament is also very expensive.

Can make any man mouth watering.

There is nothing doubts about the silk moss, because she has such confidence, letting any men fall under her pomegranate skirt.

If Zhang Bin is not interested in her, then it is not right.

So, she is more cold.

I don't care about Zhang Bin.

However, she still did not relax.

Let Zhang Bin can't find the opportunity to escape.

"Do you want to be so be careful? Arrange such a horrible big cave, can someone can escape?" Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Finally, he stopped a walk, and he walked back, and he also said: "Beauty, I will have to close again. There are a few doubts about cultivation, I want to ask Master, where is Master? You take me?"

"Your Majesty is not empty now."

The silk is cold and cold.

"No time? Is it in practice or a beautiful woman?"

Zhang Bin's face is full of .

"Shut up." The silk moss said coldly. "The things of your Majesty, I can't guess you."

"I am the apprentice, I learned the magical skills of your hurt, I still said, I will be the Prince." Zhang Bin said, "I am one person, the people above the people, you, you Talk is the best fever. "


The silk moss is embarrassing in the heart, but the mouth is of course not refuting. She said fadel: "Yes, your identity is noble, but you should not guess your behavior."

"Who let you not tell me where?" Zhang Bin said, "I have to see you, please teach the doubts in my heart, you can practice it as soon as possible. I can bring your own time and space in 10 days. This is head, etc. event."

"Your Majesty is out, will come back in a few days, so you still go to practice."

The silk is cold and cold.

" ..."

Zhang Bin made an exciting laugh in his heart and finally tried key secrets.

Due to the emperor is not there, but it is the best opportunity to escape.

I want to come, it is just a base of the Miyue Empire, which is therefore wider, more suitable for cultivation. Due to the emperor is not going out, but returns to the real old nest.

Zhang Bin put it out of a very depressed look and returned to the secret room.

Drug knee cultivation.

The silk movement continues to look at Zhang Bin, and prevents what tricks he play.

Zhang Bin did notice that this cave, including the cultivation room, which has been arranged in a horrible, banned to show the land and gold, so Zhang Bin is not going to go to the Dongfu immediately.

However, this time, Zhang Bin made a trick, and he sat back in the wall.

Dark his hair became long, passed through the wall behind, and arrived in another cultivation room, no one inside, he let Wu Meiren continue slowly, drilling into the ground, and has been extending, soon In the depths of the ground, the defense range of the big array was also available.

Finally, he explored a natural small cave with hair.

He stopped the umers.

"Beauty, do you like a man who is very long?"

Zhang Bin asked a problem that was incomparable, and quickly made his hair growth, and it took directly to the ground.

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