The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2157 Antigna

Zhang Bin left for about two hours.

The guard of the big emperor found that the situation was not right, and broke.

Then they saw the big emperor and the wolf.

Although the body has not died, it is no soul.

They made a horrible fear shout.

Soon, the Antarctic Emperor and the Queen Niangnou arrived.

"My child ... you die so miserable." Wei Queen rushed over, issued a big shouting, "Your Majesty, you quickly cross the time and space, save your child back."

The Antarctic Emperor did not do this. He used two corpses with incomparable doubts and shocking eyes, and the huge gods were induced, but he did not find any enemy's traces.

Does the enemy are so horrible?

Isn't offend the Antarctic Emperor?

Even more powerful?

So, kill the big emperor, even the soul guard is not excited?

If this is the case, this is a horror, leading to the time and space, kill him again.

After all, after passing the time and space, you can't call the power of the world.

Moreover, it is also suppressed by heaven and earth, and the power is decreased.

If you encounter the emperor of that time and space, it will die.

"Your Majesty, this is the jade jade left by the murderer."

A guard war handed a jade jade.

The Antarctic Xianmin took over, released mental strength and read it in detail.

Then his face became iron, and he was shaking.

The teeth are almost bite.

Because the content inside is too bullying, "Antarctic Xian Di, is the leader of bullying the evil spirits, Mo Moon organization. Since you have to deal with me, I will give you a warning. Kill you the son. Send a copy Gift. If you dare to continue to deal with the people, continue to chase the people, you don't mind more, then, your child, grandson must be killed. If you have, you will cross time and space. Hey. Don't dare to take turtle ... "

"Well, I really have a powerful opponent. This gut is also awkward. When my Antarctic Xianmie is not enough?" Antarctic Xianmie shouted.

He burst into a murderous murder, and his eyes were also shot.

His two hands kept playing, crazy.

What makes him more delay is that the last time, he can still calculate something like not something, but this time, that is not enough, it seems, there is no such a horror person who kills the big emperor in the world.

"Through time and space is the easiest way. But just me in a matter of one, I have to be in combination with many Xian Emperors, the emperor, ghosts." The Antarctic Xian Di is in the heart, and the face is full of depression.

Because other emperors may not be involved.

This is almost difficult to achieve.

After all, I don't know how many wild emperor masters will join.

No grasp the victory.

What's more, there are many emperors in the tiger, maybe, this is a plot of many demon emperors.

The best way, that is, in this time and space, killing the emperor, letting it completely kill.

"Give me a tissue, and check the emperor."

Antarctic fairy ordered.

Obviously, he didn't plan to save people through time and space.

I completely fall in Zhang Bin's calculation.

This is also Zhang Bin, did not hide his identity, and the light is a big killing of the big emperor and the wolf.

In fact, even if Zhang Bin covers the identity, makeup into the emperor, it is useless.

As long as the Antarctic Emperor passes through time and space, you can easily see him. Zhang Bin.

Therefore, the only way is to scare the Antarctic Emperor, let him not dare to cross the time and space.

Last time, the Antarctic Xianmi did not dare to traverse the emperor of the emperor through time and space. Zhang Bin knew that this time, the Antarctic Emperor did not dare.

"Your Majesty, don't you cross the time and space?"

The Queen yelled in angrily.

"This is said in the future."

Antarctic Xianmi said coldly.

In the eyes of the Antarctic Emperor, although the big emperor is very good, there are 79 Dantian areas, but he is still very unsatisfactory. He didn't think of the big emperor as a reserve. He looks forward to a more talented grandson to do the Crown.

There are already a few grandsons who have not yet born to make him optimistic.

So, the death of the big emperor doesn't care.

This is not a matter of itching.

"My child ..."

After Wei Queu, I realized that the big emperor would not be resurrected, because the Antarctic Emperor refused to cross the time and space.

Soon, Yaochi Princess and the rest of the emperor have got the emperor's fallen news.

Why can't I believe it?

Who can sneak into the big emperor, kill the emperor?

Who let the Antarctic Xian Di are so taboo? Don't even save people through time and space?

However, this is the fact.

Because the emperor is completely martial martial law.

Many fairy kings were recalled, and many masters were also sent.

The array is also re-arranged and the power is improved.

Especially the cars of many emperors, all replacement.

No one suspected that Zhang Bin killed the big emperor, which is too impossible.

Lian Qiu Yun, Yunfei Yang, Yang Xiong has no doubt.

Of course, even if they have, they will never say it.

In the morning, Zhang Bin is ready to enter the palace to be guarded.

Yaochi princess sent Zhang Bin to come out, he said: "This time, you must be careful, because the big emperor is falling, Weihuang is very unhappy, the mood is not good, it may punish you, may even mall you ..."

"Don't worry, I can respond."

Zhang Bin's face is full of confidence.

He went to step.

Looking at Zhang Bin, the back of the mountain, whether it is Yaochi, or Qiu Yun, and Lanxi, it is a bit stunned.

"Qiu Yun, you are smart, you said that Zhang Bin returned to returning?"

Yaochi princess is still very unassured, asked seriously.

"Princess, the son is smarter than I am smart, he must have a way to deal with it. It will be returned to it."

After the autumn cloud, I also started to analyze fine. "Even if this is the big emperor's poison, I want to let Weihuang will suffer from Zhang Bin, but now the big emperor has fallen, and Wei Que will not necessarily implement this plan. Now she should want to find a way to resurrect. Or I want to grasp the murderer. Instead of dealing with Zhang Bin. "

"It seems that there is a line of life now."

The face of the princess of Yaochi floated on the face.

He is guilty in my heart, how is the big brother who died, but Zhang Bin directly benefited?

Will Zhang Bin killed the big emperor?

It is impossible, absolutely impossible, Zhang Bin is not so powerful, he has sneaked into the house of the big emperor, he has no ability to murderer and no sound.

"Reporting the Niang Niang, Zhang Bin is coming."

In the palace of Wei Queen, the Queen was sitting in the fear, two eyes were swollen.

The body of the big emperor was collected by her, hiding in her space container.

At this time, there is a maid to enter, carefully report.

Zhang Bin? "

The frozen murder of Wei Queu has floated, "let him come in."

Soon, Zhang Bin came in, respectfully, "Zhang Bin saw the Niang Niang."

"Push it, you."

After Wei Queu, I didn't want to say a nonsense with Zhang Bin, and I smiled and said.

Many guards rushed over and pushed Zhang Bin to kill.

Zhang Bin did not panic, said angrily: "What is the crime?"

"You play me, kill."

The Queen said that he said.

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