The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2158 and Wei Queen

"True fucking poison."

Zhang Bin cold sweat DC, as long as this sentence, whether it is true or false, the Antarctic Xian Di will not let Zhang Bin, it is definitely killing innocent.

But he has had a countermeasures, and he said seriously: "Queen, don't forget, I am super powerful time, maybe I can cross time and space, save the big emperor."

The eyes of Wei Queen suddenly lit up, and the eyes were also shot from the rays of hope.

Wall now makes many guards.

She passed Zhang Bin, sitting in the soft collapse, and also gave Zhang Bin massage.

She is not a fool, knowing that Zhang Bin is dissatisfied with her, it will not easily promise to save the big emperor.

Unless Zhang Bin's brain is kicked.

Therefore, she must pay a huge price, and she will be able to live in Zhang Bincai.

However, she dislikes such a speed too slow.

So she is cold and asked: "Zhang Bin, you said, what do I want to do, you are willing to cross the time and space, save the big emperor?"

"Niang Niang, you have to kill me, and, the big emperor has always been very enemy." Zhang Bin comfortably put his head on the chest of the palace, faintly, "If you are me, how can you do such a stupid thing? "

"That's nothing to say, I can only launch you to kill."


Her body made a vast momentum.

She can be seen by the Antarctic Emperor, and have a big emperor, and the natural capital is of course very good.

She has 68 Dantian.

It is now cultivated to the early days of Xianwang.

However, she is not officially confused.

Therefore, the war cannot be more than those who have sealing.

But it is also very powerful.

"Niang Niang, if you do this, kill me, then you are miserable." Zhang Bin sighed, "I am a horse, and is Zhang Jie 's father. How is Zhang Jie's Tianzheng? It is also known. Become a great possibility of the Royal Reserve, if you kill me. He can still let go of you? It must be revenge for the father. Even if you don't say so far, you will say that Yaochi princess will not let you go. Mother With the expensive, she has a genius son, and you are not. How can you fight now, the princess of Yaochi, a favorite? "

"You blew ..."

Wei Queen is almost vomiting blood, it is a great anger.

But my heart is very fearful.

Because Zhang Bin is telling the truth.

If you kill Zhang Bin, there is no good benefit, just venting, but there is a hundred damage.

"Niang Niang," Zhang Bin said, "I am not in harmony with the big emperor, but I am just fighting once, I am still passive. In fact, there is no need to die. So, I should dismiss me." Thinking. Take me. Take me as your heart. "

"Zhang Bin, do you really be a fool?" Wei Queu was furious, "I still have the emperor, his tacit is also very good, and we have a deep value. We are destined to be a dead enemy. I have to treat you. I am not affectionate? "

"If my son's tachips exceeds your grandson's heavens, what is it? So before the result, you still treat me well. Don't do things, then you will die." Zhang Bin said.

"If your son is super-funded, I will wait for you, will he let me let me go?"

When Wei Queued, he looked at Zhang Bin and said coldly.

"Don't let go of your grandson, I don't know, I don't dare to guarantee. But I don't want to let you go. After all, you are the talents of Xianwang, there is no threat. You can live very happy." Zhang Bin faintly said "I believe that you will take you to explore the sea, you won't take you, because it is too dangerous."

In fact, many emperors have a very master, to explore the ban on the sea, never bring people.

Therefore, Zhang Bin said so.

Wei Queen silently missed.

After a while, her eyes shot the brown light, and scratifully said: "Zhang Bin, I am a woman, I can't manage so much, I also consider it. So, you are now in my hands. If you want to live, there is only one way, that is, through time and space, save my son, if you do it, I guarantee that you don't kill you, and stay with you. "

"Wei Queen, do you know why is you not crossing the time and space to save the big emperor?" Zhang Bin said coldly, " It is killing the big emperor, and it is arranged in a horrible trap. It is in the past. If you want to kill your majesty. You let me save, it is a bit of success. "

"You bid? Just now, are you lie to me? You have no ability to save my son at all."

Wei Huang was shocked, and then he was so angry.

"That is not necessarily, if it is in the future, I cultivate it to the Xianwang big, and the maiden will call a lot of strong masters. They cross the past, but it is possible to save the big emperor." Zhang Bin said, "Only, no, no Ready to make it easy to do it easily, I estimate that my Majesty is thinking. "

"The wisdom of this guy is very high, it is the big case of Yaochi."

Wei Queu is embarrassed in his heart. "Now I can't kill him, if you can find a way to grab your handle, or attract him to commit a big mistake, then he asked me, I will give me a plan, save it. The big emperor. "

I think of this, she immediately changed my mind.

She took Zhang Bin into a space container and appeared in a beautiful house.

There is no palace woman in this.

The Queen started to dance, and the mouth was also invisible.

She is a lot of essence, and she is peerless.

That is good to explode.

That is beautiful and beautiful.

Small smile can do.

This is simply naked.

Zhang Bin saw it stunned, a little dare to believe his eyes.

At this time, he understood that Weihuang may already be crazy.

However, Zhang Bin still didn't panic, not only did not flutter, but after connecting.

The mouth is also said: "Niang Niang, what do you want me to do?"

When the emperor's face flew out of the victory, she is not really tempting to live Zhang Bin, not really wants to have a relationship with Zhang Bin, then her and suicide is almost. She is to let Zhang Bin know how she is crazy, let Zhang Bin know that if she doesn't listen to her order, it will suffer from the top disaster.

So, she stopped dancing, but she still smokes, swaying to Zhang Bin.

I can't do it, let Zhang Bin secretly swallowed a sight of water.

This woman is too big.

Too much toxic.

Zhang Bin continued to retreat, but the back is the wall, but there is no way.

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