The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2174, Seven Colored Glass Tower

Finally, the soundproofing is full.

They started to break.

The ghostwear seems to be a super powerful mailing.

He told everyone in a while.

Then they have four orientations, respectively, and their efforts to attack a special point.

"Bang Bang Rumbs Brain ..."

The sound of the ceiling spurs, and the smooth stone wall suddenly broke.

There is a cave of a few meters diameter.

A unharevofed breath is also emitted.

"Nima, can you use this way to break the array?"

Zhang Bin was darkly surprised that Lexia ruled how to get into the secret law.

At this time, he regretted slightly, if he no longer came back, they may not break the law.

However, what can the other party be broken?

The treasure that Rayxia hide will not belong to him.

He wants to get again, it is difficult than the day.

So, he is still back.

"Bang ..."

When the Cave Road appeared, the rolling thunder was like the Yangtze River river.

With a moment of destroying the earth.

However, they are super powerful, and they will avoid it.

Zhang Bin is a little doubt. If the Antarctic Xian Di killed the thorns, he couldn't see the cave that was masked here.

"The owner, may be different in the valley, there is still a part of this cliff, and the hole is completely blocked, which can't see it, but now it is naked." Rabbit in Zhang Bin's mind China analysis said, "Under the cliff, the gravel is a contribution."

"It may be like this."

Zhang Bin is also recognized.

After waiting for about an hour, the rolling thunder finally dissipated.

The dangerous breath is also a lot of dissipation.

"Say it, the treasure is four people." The ghost king said coldly. "If someone is blaming, then the group is attacking. If this cooperation is smooth, we can continue to cooperate in the future. Don't just look at interest."

"It's a ghost. This time, the method is special. You only join hands. After that, it is absolutely impossible to cooperate again. If there is no heavy treasure today, if there is, it is absolutely impossible."

Zhang Bin was acknowledged in his heart.

Of course, the face is of course not moving.

They are penetrating.

Zhang Bin took place in the end, a very vigilant look.

He is to let people know, he is very careful, then if someone wants to eat black, it will not use him to do it.

The cave is very deep, curved, even if the Thunder has flown there, but there is still residual.

So, that is the flash, exceptionally thorn.

Finally, they came to a wide cave.

Then their eyes are straight, and the face is full of shocking.

Even Zhang Bin is no exception.

Because the cave wall is full of colorful thunder.

Just like countless small dragons collection.

And in the central area of ​​the hole, a giant tower is long from the ground.

It is a seven-sided tower, there are ninety-nine layers, and each layer has a tower, close to close.

The surface of the pagoda burned beautiful in the face.

Excorps to a vast pressure and momentum.

More amazing is that the tower is naturally condensed, "Seven Colored Glass Tower."

"God, this is the congenital thunder, the heavens and the earth are condensed, can store a seven-color Thunder, can explode, the power of horror, there should be another wonderful use ..."

Walking in the most coming ghost king shouting.

"I rely on ... make a fortune ..."

"This time really makes a fortune."

The devil and demon king are also shocked to the extreme, exclaimed.

Zhang Bin was also awakened in an instant. Thundexia did not have a treasure. She just knew that there was a seven-color glass tower in the gestation in the lane, and did not completely gestate it, so. She told Zhang Bin, and she was given to Zhang Bin's treasure.

The reason why the thunderstorm is in this valley, except for the Radian cultivation, but also to guard the seven-color glass treasure tower.

Now, the seven-color glass tower is completely pregnant.

It can be refined.

If Zhang Bin is one person, Zhang Bin is of course ecstasy.

Because the heavens and earth are pregnant, the seven-color irons that are refined by him are too much.

The seven-color irregular in which he refining is actually a pagoda model, but only nine floors.

However, the seven-color glass treasure tower is 99 floors.

The gap is too big.

If you get such a treasure, then the next internal repair, Zhang Bin will not fear.

Because he can use the seven-color glass treasure towers to take the sky.

Moreover, there is such a treasure, and your own war will improve too much.

This kind of treasure can be said that it is rare in the fairy world.

Unfortunately, now is four people, all of which have a king master.

It is very powerful.

Zhang Bin wants to get this seven-color glass treasure tower, not so easy.

"There is only one in the pagoda, how to divide?"

The Tooth Devil is calm down and asked coldly.

"There is also a lot of thunder, value is also huge, and it may even be no more than a seven-color glass tower."

The ghost king said.

"But it is not good to allocate."

The demon kings said.

"If there is only two people, it is allocated."

Zhang Bin added.

The three guys' faces changed, and they looked at Zhang Bin, and a pair of horses must attack Zhang Bin.

"All, don't misunderstand, I mean, the treasures here are very valuable, but only suitable for two copies." Zhang Bin said, "So, if you want to get the glass or ore, you must take some of your own treasures. , Compensate for the other two. "

"This method is good."

The three nodded, but they were still eyebrows, because no one wants to get a seven-color glass tower. If it is a bad, it is a big fight.

"My realm is the lowest." Zhang Bin said, "I don't want a glass tower to ore. You have someone to withdraw one, then we started allocating."

After finishing, he retreats to the hole in the hole, a pair of not participating in the treasure of the cave.

Three kings began to look at each other.

"Demon king, you quit."

The ghost king said.

"Devil, you quit."

The demon king stared at the devil.

"I absolutely don't quit. Who do you have two people, I must have a good treasure compensation."

Devil's tone is unquestionable, because his strength is the highest, it is better than two.

This is also the reason why the ghost king did not let him withdraw.


However, almost simultaneously.

The demon king and ghost king have issued an attack.

The red rays of the ghost king were blasting, and the lightning bombarded on the head of the magic teeth.

The demon king is a crazy punch to the heart of the devil.


The devil made a bad shout.

He took out the ax and killed the two.

Dangdang ...

The sound is shocked, the spark is also dazzling.

Although the devil is strong, where is the two people to join hands?

He was very hurt, and the soul was also hurt.

He escaped in the outside.

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