The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2175, three kings

"Block him!"

Ghost King to Zhang Bin, "Don't let him escape."


Zhang Bin also did not have any hesitation, and his mouth burst the horror shocked sound wave.

Shells on the head of the devil.

The devil is of course very powerful, only shocked a moment of negligible.

But it is already too late.

He was crazy by Zhang Bin on his head.

Bang ...

His head exploded.


The ghost king also showed an attack of a huge murder of the horrible.

The demon king showed a horrible space for imprisonment.

Zhang Bin also continued to attack, his eyes were also blaming the horror destruction of magic light, and the power of the three gods aggravated and zooming with the abilities.

I bombarded the soul that escaped in the Demon of Tooth.


The Demon of Toxic Teeth made a bad scream.

He struggled crazy and wanted to show the Dafa Dafa.

But now time is stagnant, the horror attack is continuous.

The magic of the tooth demon is completely traged.

His memory was erased, the soul energy was destroyed.

It has become a strong smoke.

However, his voice is left, "Three bastards, you are waiting for me, I will kill you one by one."


Zhang Bin smiled coldly, his mouth opened, he took force, and swallowed the soul of the Tooth Devil's soul and the body.

And he also said: "With the treasure of the devil, I will compensate me, now you can bite."

Of course, he did not swallow the body of the devil in the mouth, but banned into the space container.

The magic level body, that is very precious, can be said to be a city.

"Hahaha ..."

" ..."

The ghost king and demon king are weird.

This time, they were developed.

"I will take a step first."

Zhang Bin said, it is necessary to leave.

"Don't be anxious." The demon king said, "Help to dig ore, otherwise it will have a long time, worry about the night dreams."

At the same time, he is a voice saying: "Taoist friends, we join hands to kill the ghost king, wait for me to get the treasure tower, you have to ore, how?"

The ghost king also joined Zhang Bin, expressed the same meaning.

"Okay, I promise you, but I will not shoot at the beginning, I will hit it."

Zhang Bin gave two people.

He is bright in his heart, and these three king masters are very delicate.

If he didn't deliberately withdraw it, they did three people failed to deal with him.

Now the Devil is dead, the two begins to kill themselves.

Have you spend an exclusive treasure tower.

But I want him to help.

Can he not agree?

However, he is also unparalleled.

Because he is a little doubtful, two such a savvy king master, how do you not prevent him? Just, Zhang Bin, but showed a powerful war.


Almost at the same time, the ghosts and demon kings began to fight crazy.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other, the spark is extreme.

Gradually, they all came to Zhang Bin, which may be convenient for Zhang Bin to shoot.

However, they suddenly laughed, and they launched Zhang Bin's attack.

The ghost king issued the most poisonous soul attack.

The demon king issued the most powerful time to imprisonment.

This will join hands, especially sudden, it can definitely kill the real fairy king.

"Good heart!"

Zhang Bin sighed, if he was not careful, this, he had to eat a big loss.

His time is also an outbreak, two eyes shot the destruction of the magic light bombardment on the soul of the ghost king.

At the same time, his mouth opened, two seven-color irrigation flew out.

It is pouring the seven-color Thunder to the two people.


Tianshal, the sound is deafening.

Since it is a cave, there is no export.

Therefore, two powerful king-level masters are even fled.

They scared the soul, the face was pale, and the horror shouted: "It is impossible, absolutely impossible, how can you have two seven-color irrespons?"

They are worthy of super-fragility ghosts and demon kings, almost simultaneously drilled into the space container.

The horrible Thunder bombards on their space containers.

The space container is instantly broken, and it has become flying ash.

Then the seven-color Thunder bombarded them on them.

"Ah ..."

They sent a bad scream.

They continue to retreat, hide behind the seven-color glass tower.

However, the two dimers also released the seven-color Thunder, with the murder of the sky annihilated the hall.

The two continue to make a miserable call, but there is still no false.

Still insisting.

Unfortunately, their life is not good.

Perhaps it was an end of the seven-color Thunder attack, and a tower of the seven-color glass tower was suddenly opened.

A more horrible seven-color Thunder broom, allocated into a liquid, rolling over.

I put all the ghosts and demon kings in an instant.

More Thunder rolled out.

Attack Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin fade, he blames, just fleeted in the same lightning.

Even the two dimers are not coming back.

"Ah ..."

The ghost king and the demon king becomes a tender, chemical into coke, they try to sneak into the ground.

However, the two whips flew from the tower, and they tied their body and let them lobby.

And the Thunder is to continue to bombard two people.

"Ah ..."

The two guys screamed, and they struggled crazy.

But there is nothing used.

It took about half an hour, and their screams were silent.

Because it is completely fallen.

Their soul is destroyed by the horrible Thunder.

And their body is the same body, but it is dragged into the tower by the whip.

The tower is a phagocytic force that is incomparable to terror.

Put all the thunders into it.

The cave recovered quiet.

It seems that something has not happened.

Zhang Bin came in again.

He collapsed two dimensions, looking at the seven-color glass tower with excitement.

But his heart is a little doubtful because he didn't see any corpse.

The ghost king and the demon king are falling, and there is no left?

After a while, Zhang Bin took a step into the seven-color glass tower.

He wants to refine this pagoda!


But at this time, that channel suddenly collapsed and completely closed the cave.

There is no way to escape the way.

However, Zhang Bin did not panic. He used the singular eyes to look at the seven-color glass tower, saying faintly: "The instrument is still unast, greeted your owner?"

"Bang ..."

The horrible voice sounded.

The tower opened, the rolling Thunder was now crazy, just like the Yangtze River, like the Tianhe fell.

Instantly put the cave.

Also flooded Zhang Bin!

Zhang Bin is dangerous.

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