All the Thunders poured out from the tower is the liquid Thunder, which is really like water flow.

But it is a colored water flow to destroy everything.

Don't say Zhang Bin, that is, those who don't have a blindfold is in such an environment, it is also a dead road.

The ghost king and demon king are actually fallen.

It is not a seven-color Thunder destroyed by Zhang Bin's two dimers.

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy.

Zhang Bin is no obvious, and it is a seven-color irrigation.

Suspend in the lightning tissue quietly, that is safe, no damage.

The seven-color irrigation is made of secret law with a seven-color light.

Specially used to store seven-color Thunder.

Of course, it will not fear the attack of the seven-color Thunder.

And Zhang Bin hid inside, naturally, it is safe.

This is also the magical application of the seven-color irrigation.

Not only can I send a terror attack, but also a super shield that defends the Thunder attack.

"The spirit, put away your thunder, is useless to me."

Zhang Bin's voice came out of the irrigation.

Everything has a bamboo.

"Kid, the glass tower is the Lord, you won the wrong idea."

A cold voice sounded.

Of course, it is from the tower.

" ..." Zhang Bin made a surprised voice. "Who are you? The owner of the tower?"

"This is not your business." The sound of ice said, "You are very smart, very delicate, even very powerful, but you have been killing, the four people have fallen three, and now you have, Do you think you have the possibility of surviving? Let's release your soul, let my soul control, then you can continue to live. "

"Let me guess your identity, before we enter, the array is not broken. But you are inside, it can be seen, you are familiar with the array of words, you can freely enter and exit." Zhang Bin said, " The old site, so, you should be a REI. Right? "


The angry voice sounded, the tower was opened again, and the thunder was swallowed in.

Then you will rush out two cars.

A man and a woman, wearing a helmet, and the pressure is like the sea, and the murderous sky.

Their realm is very high, and it has been cultivated to the Xianjun.

Their hands appeared sharp swords, crazy to Zhang Bin's dimples.

The defensive ability of the irrigation is not very strong, because it is only good at defending the Thunder, it is difficult to defend the sharpness of our fairy.

Therefore, they can completely break Zhang Bin's mine, and then kill Zhang Bin here.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin laughed, he turned from the tower.

His two hands were suddenly explored, and they grabbed the swords of the two.

The sharp swords can't hurt Zhang Bin's palms.

The face of the two masters changed, drunk, crazy.

But it is still like a tree, how can I pick up the knife sword.

"Who are you? How is it so powerful?"

The two are very shocking, watching Zhang Bin like the monster.

"I have just guess it, you are a thunder? Isn't it right?"

Zhang Bin did not answer, and his face was full of expectations.

"Since you guessed our identity, you will stay here today."

Male fairy jean angrily.

"Thunder, bombardment ..."

Female Xianjun is directly, shouting crazy.

"Bang ..."

The tower door opened and burst into the same Thunder Liquid like the Yangtze River.

Come on the sky.

Two Xianjun is very magical, such a horrible seven-color Thunder can't hurt them.

So they are still under the impact of the Thunder.

They all looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

It is not possible to determine that Zhang Bin can't resist.

If Zhang Bin fled into the irrigation, they can break the madness, Zhang Bin is still a dead.

" ..."

However, Zhang Bin did not escape into the irrigation, his heart, Xiaofu flew out from his central Dantian.

It stands on Zhang Bin's shoulder, and it is burst into a colorful light.

It has become a wave, spread it.

That's rolling thunder slammed.

No drowning.

It is equivalent to forming a circular bubble space.

Little Fuxing is a wild generation Rayling, which has unparalleled ability for Thunder's over-control.

Of course, it cannot be supported unlimited, but it is not bad for a while.

Sufficient Zhang Bin controls the situation.

"Wild first generation Rayxin?"

Two Xianjun's face floated a strong surprised color.

"Two, at the bottom name, Zhang Bin, from the earth." Zhang Bin said sincerely, "this time it is specially coming to the Tianlei Mountains to find the true relics, investigate the truth of the devastating."

"Into, who do you want to lie?"

"When are we fool?"

The two Xianjun's face is full of contemporary colors.

"So, are you really a thunder? From the migration of the earth?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"Since we guess, we are not afraid." Male Xianjun said, "Antarctic Xianmi sent you? Is it right? He has not letting our thunder? Suspected that our thunders still live?"

"Walking the dog, you are strong, today I have to die here today."

The female fairy said.

"I don't want to argue with you." Zhang Bin said, "I let you see evidence."

After finishing, he took a high-tech computer and started to show the sky of the earth.

It has also begun to show Zhang Bin to get the consciousness of Lexia ...

Extra clear.

This is of course made of rabbits according to the memory of Zhang Bin's brain.

It takes a lot of time.

Last time, Zhang Bin saw Lei Xia, but Lei Xia didn't believe him.

He is thinking about this method, starting to make the rabbit making a movie documentary.

I didn't expect that I haven't seen Lei Xia, but I have encountered a thorns.

Two Xianjun's tears flowed out.

Their body is also sturdy.

"Wait until, we finally wait ..."

"We wait until you, wait until you, we have waited for 2.5 billion years, guarding the seven-color glass tower 2.5 billion years." They sent an unpleasant shout.

Obviously, they believed that Zhang Bin came from the Earth.

After all, they all come from the earth, they have lived in Tianleong Tian.

It's too familiar to Tianzudong Tian, ​​and they also participate in the statue of Lexia.

Zhang Bin has a darkness.

He released the sword of the two, and he began to ask the situation of their thunder.

It turned out that they called Lei Hua, a name called Lei Ji.

It is the secondary of the genius of the thunder, and the Tianzhong is only given Lei Xia.

At that time, Leixia was raised, and two people were brought.

In fact, Lei Xia was raised in Arctic Fairy.

However, because the Tianlei Mountains are in the Antarctic Fairy, so Lei Xia took them to the Antarctic Fairy, even, but also became the resident of Antarctic Fairy.

However, the disaster is coming!

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