The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2179 Refining

Lei Hua and Lei Jian have been giving Zhang Bin to protect the law.

In fact, this is in a seven-color glass tower, it is very safe.

However, because the array is broken, there is an exit outside, so it is also possible to enter.

The protection method is necessary.

The two of them looked at Zhang Bin with the weird eyes.

They saw that Zhang Bin took a few days after practicing a few days.

They are very surprised, is it, do you cultivate a few days, can you get rising? Can you refine the seven-color glass treasure tower?

The stone monument once shocked and sent a dazzling colored rays.

The singular voice also sounded, it seems to be a cheer, it seems to be a wonderful music.

The pagoda is also swaying.

Suddenly, all the movements are still still.

And Zhang Bin's face is also exposed a bright smile.

He flew out with two people, and tall like the Mountains of the Mountain is also out of moment, and it is rapidly, and it is in the palm of Zhang Bin.

"God, he really refines, it is incredible, he only cultivates the middle of the Xianjian." Lei Hua and Lei Jian shocked like a fool, a little doubting that he is dreaming.

After all, this is a super treasure that wants to be refined by the fairy.

Zhang Bin did not have any pride. I feel that this is a very common thing. After all, he refines the energy of the devil, condenses into the seventh God, and uses magical extraction and abilities, let your soul. Most of the impurities are extracted.

His spirit has skyrocketed.

Even, he can start cultivating the soul core particles.

However, Zhang Bin is still very happy because the seven-color glass tower has several functions.

But it can be one of his very powerful.

His war can also be greatly improved.

"We dig out the ore here, this is a huge wealth."

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, ordered it.

He is not worried about the Antarctic Xianmie now calculates the drops of the ladies.

After all, 2.5 billion years ago, Antarctic Xianmi should forget this.

What's more, now the Antarctic Xianmie is busy with the emperor of the emperor.

Therefore, let Lei Hua and Lei Si will come out for a while, there should be no problem.


Lei Hua and Lei Jian have respectfully promptly.

The three people began to explore efforts.

Here is one of the most amazing places of Tianlei Mountain.

Get a colored rodden in seven colors.

Also gave birth to a magical seven-color glass treasure tower.

Therefore, the ore here is extra large.

They are all very powerful, even the little Fuxing and the brunette also have big Hao Hao to help excavate. The speed of excavation is very fast.

After three days and three nights, they excavated here.

The mining ore is homoked in Zhang Bin's central Dantian.

Zhang Bin calculated, so much thunder, it should be able to refine dozens of seven-color irritable.

This is a very huge wealth.

This time, the harvest, Zhang Bin secretly shocked.

I didn't think it was.

Lexia's treasure is so amazing?

"From today, you follow me. Your suffering is over."

Zhang Bin looked at the two and said confident.

"But, Bin brother, are you not afraid of the Antarctic Emperor to calculate us?"

Lehua's face is full of worry.

"Stupid, we stay in the seven-color glass treasure tower, try not to come out."

Lei Jie is a look at Lei Hua.

The two of them are undoubtedly couples, spent 25 billion suffering together.

If only one person is only one person, it is estimated that it can't be lonely.

"I have place to place you, Antarctic Xianmi has no way to calculate you, even if he can, he can't." Zhang Bin said, "But let's go to save Lei Xixi first."

"is it possible?"

The eyes of the two people shot the rays of hope, and their faces were also full of expectations.

Zhang Bin did not tell him to enter the cold palace, so they can't believe it.

After all, the Cold Palace is arranged in the palace of the Antarctic Fairy.

Where can I save people?

Also, rescued Lei Xia, Zhang Bin still placed Lei Xia?

Why do you have to make the Antarctic Xian Di?

Will not brag?

Although Zhang Bin has a genius, it is only cultivated to the middle of Xianjun.

Zhang Bin did not explain with them, and two of them received two Dantian.

He also put the seven-color glass tower in the central Dantian.

And he also told: "You don't worry about others' calculations, in my Dantian, anyone is not enough, so you don't have to stay in the tower. You can freely play in Dantian's world."

This is not blown skin.

He used the internal tribute to seal the central Dantian, and he is still engaged in internal repair, and the Dan furnace pattern is on time.

Therefore, they are equal to in another universe.

The Antarctic Xianmi rebukes, and there is no way to calculate them in another universe.

"Bin brother, you are sure?"

Lei Jian still can't believe that in Zhang Bin's Central Dantian asked hesitatedly.

"Do not worry."

Zhang Bin's consistence appeared in front of them, said confident, "if it is not grasped, I have been killed. It is impossible to live today."

"Also, Zhang Bin is also a talented day. At least 79 Dantian areas. It is a true immortality. After all, even the Antarctic Xian Di is only 79 Dantian area. Zhang Bin can come from the Earth to the fairy, can Refining to now you can kill the point of the King. And it is safe, he should have the ability to cover up everything. "

The two are lying in their hearts, and their faces have revealed ecstasy.

They have always lived in the seven-color glass tower, although the space inside is still large, but there is no life, there is no plant, and the life is very monotonous.

And Zhang Bin's central Dantian, is exceptional.

How can I have a half of the earth.

The cultivation of the immortal, cultivated numerous low-level fairy medicine.

Although Zhang Bin's Central Dantian was once killed and destroyed many world demonstrations.

But there is still some resurrection.

Because there are immortal moisturizing, many civil spirits have evolved into low-grade fairy medicine.

There is no difference between the environment in the fairyland.

Plus Zhang Bin is a real local history, mastering the magical extraction of abilities.

Therefore, he often extracts the best Xianshi from plants and earth.

Buried in the earth in the central Dantian.

It is equal to artificial fairy.

What is even more, he seals its central Dantian with internal cultivation.

The Hongmeng Ziqi escaped in the best Lingshi can't escape his central Dantian.

Therefore, his central Dantian's Hongmeng is very rich, and there is too much in the fairy world.

The evolution of immortality is very fast, and it is also the best blessed land.

Why don't you let them two ecstasners?

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