Lei Hua and Lei Jie wandered around Zhang Bin's central Dantian, and finally had a big foundation. Now they are standing in the congenital spirit tree of towering, and there is a congenital Lingnian, and the eyes are widened. limit.

Their face is full of not bothering.

At this time they understand, how magical is Zhang Bin?

After all, you have to get the congenital spirit tree and congenital Lingzi. It is estimated that even the immortal is also difficult.

May only have an ancient fairy emperor.

Zhang Bin's central Dantian has such a magical treasure, but it is not yet been calculated, it can be seen that he is really a magical ability, can't make people can't put it.

At Zhang Bin's Dantian, they are all safe.

Since then, the suffering will not return.

They saved.

It is very touched that Zhang Bin's consistence also checked their Dantian and cultural practice.

Then teach their many magical skills.

They all don't want to dream.

In fact, the two of them is very good.

There are 49 Dantian area.

The reason is not too powerful, or because they have no excellent practice.

However, now I get Zhang Bin's teaching, but they can be quickly powerful.

They have been cultivated by 2.5 billion years, and the foundation is very solid.

Although it is difficult to break through the realm of Xianwang, the strength can continue to increase.

The war can also skyrocket.

"In the future, I must get a special Dan party, refine the medicinal medicine for the cactus, I want the transfusion to give birth to many blood again. And, I have to let my woman pregnant, have a few children. That talent It is a perfect life. "Zhang Bin took place in his heart.

He took out the spatial container and space magic weapon of the Tooth Devil.

There is also a ghost king, a space container and magic weapon. Of course, I just gave him just now.

I saw it in detail.

The treasure inside is still much.

The most is Xianshi.

In addition, the fairy medicine, medicinal medicine, materials, magic weapons, etc.

Of course, there is also practicing practice.

"Yes, yes, harvest is huge."

Zhang Bin muttered, his face floated a splendid smile.

He put all the fairystones in Central Dantian.

Started to artificial fairy.

Lei Hua, Lei Jian, Xiaoqing, Xiaolong come to help, buried Xianshi in the land.

It seems that it is like it, he is happy.

This is their home.

Home is better, of course happy.

Zhang Bin didn't have a delay here again, and immediately came out of the valley.

Get all the bones together and made a big grave.

But did not make a tombstone.

He is bright in his heart, and the reason why Leihua and Lei Jian did not do this, it is worried that it is calculated by the Antarctic Xianji.

However, Zhang Bin is not afraid.

He looked at the big grave, secretly swearing, "I will give you a fair."

" ..."

Zhang Bin fately, the rigor is the same as the rigor, and the Thunder is started.

He only collected three dimensions full of seven-color Thunder, and there was no collection because there were many seven-color glass tower.

The seven-color glass tower is actually that he used to collect the thunder of the robbery.

It doesn't have to pay close attention to the Thunder.

He also didn't look for similar ore.

Because it has been dug a lot.

That is big enough to eat hundreds of millions of years.

Now that the earth is lying on the lanterns of the mountains.

It is incomparable happiness and proud.

He has never thought about it, he has such a luxurious house.

How exciting is how excited in the house made in food.

There is a master just good.

And Little Fuxing and the brunette are also happy to the extreme because they also have a very luxurious home.

Of course, the seven-color glass tower.

There are many seven-color lightnings in the tower.

It is our favorite food.

Zhang Bin took the Tianlei Mountain with the fastest speed, and took the Lan Ye from the Dragon Pool.

"Beauty, we cooperate for treasure hunt."

Zhang Bin took out some fairy and several thunder ore gave Lanha. "Do you want to go with me, or continue to travel?"

"Of course, it will continue to travel, so many treasures are enough for me." Yan Ye said, "continuing to keep in touch later, maybe, we can continue to cooperate."

They have added friends through QQ, and they will be brought to Yang.

"Goodbye, beauty."

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, and there was no shadow.

"It's a singer."

Lan Ye looked at Zhang Bin disappeared, and his mouth was also muttered.

She also flew up, blinking.

Zhang Bin went to the city and passed back through the transfer array.

Get the extreme welcome of everyone in the princess.

Yaochi Princess once again brings Zhang Bin to Zhangbin, and Zhang Bin is extra gentle and considerate.

Lanxi and Qiu Yun have a good news against Zhang Bin's service.

Since Zhang Bin came to the Princess Government, the princesid of the princess is better.

It not only restored the supply of cultivation resources, but also because they have also been cultivated by the big emperor for a month. Although the big emperor is falling, there is still a child in his belly, of course, can also get cultivated resources provided by the Antarctic Xianli.

Therefore, the maids of the Yaochi Princess House have also many, and now there is ten.

There are many guards, and now there is one hundred.

Even, there are several beautiful maids.

Not only because of wealth, but also because everyone knows that the children of Yaochi Princess have been favored by the Antarctic Emperor. Those who have a good capital, but the immortals who have no way are willing to go.

Now, Yang Xiong has become the captain of the guards, and Yunfei is the deputy captain.

Get the guardian of the princesman's guards.

"Bin brother, what is this treasure hunt?"

Yaochi princess is delicious.

Before, she called Zhang Bin name, but now it is shouting.

It can be seen that she is more satisfied with Zhang Bin.

Also, the two belongs brought by Zhang Bin are the talents of the fairy king, and it is very savvy.

And Zhang Bin also took out two original stones and enhanced the Tianhui in Qiu Yun and Lanxi.

Let her have two intimate masters.

Most importantly, Zhang Bin can also get Dan Linggui, enhance Zhang Jie's tachips, and then teach Zhang Jieqing's long life, repair the first Tianling tree.

When Zhang Bin didn't have this time, she thought about Zhang Bin every day.

Looking at the princess government is getting more and more.

She feels better and better to Zhang Bin.

"Although there is no breakthrough bottleneck, it is very good."

Zhang Bin's face floated a brilliant smile, and his hands appeared in the hands, and it was a dimple of the seven-color Thunder, "Yaochi, this is the gift I sent you."

"Seven-color irrigation? Are you going to Tianlei Mountain?"

Yaochi princess jumped nervously, and his face was full of shock and did not dare to confuse.

She knows how dangerous in the Tianlei Mountain.

Deep, even the fairy king may fall.

However, Zhang Bin actually got a seven-color thunder, but also refined a seven-color irritable.

Is it to send her a gift?

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