The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2181 is good

Although the seven-color irrigation cannot be compared with Zhang Bin's seven-color glass tower.

But it is also a very precious treasure, which can store super powerful seven-color Thunder, suddenly attack, the killing is huge, can be said to be a powerful bottom sign.

Yaochi Princess is now only cultivated to the future of Xianjun.

And pregnant, the war is not very powerful.

Absolutely can't deal with the sealing of Xianjun, can't deal with powerful fairy kings.

However, there is a dimple, but it is different.

Perhaps you can don't have the masters that you accidentally do.

Therefore, let Yaochi Princess have such a card, and the Yaochi Princess and Zhang Jie will have a lot of security.

"Yes, I went to the Tianlei Mountain, but did not go deep, so there is no danger."

Zhang Bin said that it was clearly written.

This is of course a lie, this time is also born into death.

If he is not his wisdom, it has set a place with a sealing, three king masters that have not sealed.

Then he has turned into a body.

However, he really didn't go deep into the deepness of Tianlei Mountain.

The valley that the thunder lives is actually not the deepest place.

It is certainly more dangerous.

If you don't get a seven-color glass tower, Zhang Bin may continue to be deeply in-depth and cultivate it with Tianli.

However, with this treasure, he can practice in the tower.

You can let the spirits control the seven-color Thunder attack him.

It is better than practicing in the Tianlei Mountain.

"Bin brother, thank you, this gift I like it very much." Yaochi princess said, "But I don't want to go so dangerous place in the future. If you have anything, who is I and Jie's relying on who?"


Zhang Bin ranked is full of satisfaction.

"Dad, Dad, my gift? Give me?"

Zhang Jie is getting stronger, the fairy is almost born, and it is very easy to hear the interlocking of the outside. He can't stand it again, and the milk is yelling.

Zhang Bin's heart is almost melted, and the soft saying: "Waiting for you to be born, Dad must send you a very popular gift, and are ready."

"Great, I have to be born."

Zhang Jie shouted and could not.

I am smoked, and I have a smile on one face, and I am happy.

"Bin brother, tell you a good news." Yaochi said, "The rest of the Emperor did not cultivate the congenital spirit, just a god seed, even if they stacked a lot of best spirit, there was no way to let the seeds become a first Tianling In the last germ, it has become a god seedlings. "

Lanxi and Qiu Yun, who served Zhang Bin, also a spirit, and his face floated.

Obviously, this secret, Yaochi princess has not yet told them.

They are the first time I heard.

Zhang Bin's face showed a smile, secretly growing a breath.

Although he knows, the cultivation of cultivation is not capable of absorbing Hongmongzi, it is very hard to become congenital spirit, but the Antarctic Xianmie is super powerful, and maybe there is anti-day means.

Therefore, Zhang Bin has always worried.

However, it can be relieved now.

Antarctic Xianmi also has no way to inject Hongmongzi.

In other words, the Antarctic Emperor does not master the magical extraction.

He also didn't have a first day, even if there is, there may be no way to help it.


When you think of this, Zhang Bin's mind suddenly felt wrong.

It is possible to cultivate contextual breeding, which is a small and unique ability.

And this secret law should be that Xiaoqing's mother has passed to Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing's mother is a real big energy.

Moreover, Xiaoqing Mother took a gourd (small blue) at the time, and there may be anything deep.

Do you have a young mother to calculate Xiaoyai, will it fall in my hand in Zhang Bin?

Is it necessary to let Xiaoqing help me cultivate a congenital spirit?

If this is the case, then Taigu is forced?

Her integration ability may be unparalleled.

Also, where is Xiaoqing mother going?

Is it in the fairy?

Or go to the Blasting Exploration?

Zhang Bin shook his head and no longer wanted.

However, there is nothing to worry.

Because from this case, Xiaoqing Mother did not maliciously on Zhang Bin.

Instead, it is secretly helping Zhang Bin.

"What is the reaction?"

Zhang Bin took the heart and joy and asked.

"The father of the father increased the provision of cultivation resources. It is also better to me. Now I will enter Jeather in five days to enter a life energy. Jiener will soon be born into a fairy body. It should be able to and other emperors Born. "Yaochi said.

"What is the ?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"The father of the father is also very good for the big princess. It is also a lot of life, like Jeather." Yaochi princess said.

"The situation is a bit less wonderful, it seems that the two children 's flavor is also very good. Never be a bad enemy."

Zhang Bin is darkly jealous. After all, it is a megadage of the Antarctic Xianji, it is a way to detect the fetus.

But his face is unhappy, continue to ask some situations.

Then I gave Zhang Jie's congenital spirit a lot of money.

Back to your own room.

He first sent a cloud of Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong.

Qiu Yun was very surprised, and it was very envious.

Zhang Bin took out the thunder ore and the ground began to refine the irregularities.

It quickly refined two.

And from your own seven-color glass tower, it is full of irregularities.

Give two dimensions to Qiu Yun, saying: "One gives you, one to Lanxi."

"Gong ... Are you too temperament?"

Autumn clouds have been stunned, and they can't believe their eyes.

She knows clearly that many fairy kings have been looking for similar rocks.

But the harvest is not big, and few people can refine the seven-color irrigation.

However, Zhang Bin went to a trip, and now five dimples have been sent.

How can he get so many seven-color thunder?

This night, Qiu Yunzhu is like a fire to serve Zhang Bin, let Zhang Bin get an emperor's general enjoyment.

This is a cultivation room.

Zhang Bin took out the seven-color glass treasure tower and put on the floor.

He flashed into the first layer.

The heart is a moving, the seven-colored thunder she bombards him.

He began working hard to run all true.

At the same time, in accordance with the secret law in the Sky, it began to condense the core soul particles in the seventh God.

It took half a month to condense success.

This is a soul particle that is difficult to see and induct with naked eyes and knowledge.

Contains rich life energy.

There is also a full memory of Zhang Bin.

Once the body and the soul are falling.

This particles can be resurrected.

It can be said that this is the most important resurrection means.

God does not know the ghost.

It is more than anyone who does not die.

If the body and soul become ash, master the resurrection of the bovine, maybe it can be resurrected.

But it is very dangerous because there is not necessarily safe.

If it is in the place where Tianlei Mountains.

That is not possible to resurrect.

Zhang Bin immediately took out to send a fairy array, and transfer this core soul particle to the inch gongdong.

It is the safest place.

If you really have a unfortunate, you can safely resurrect, or you can quickly cultivate it.

"Now I can do it to save the Laixia."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he began to think finely, put it ...

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