The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2196, long, nine-level fairy medicine

At the Ying Rongfu arrange special illumination array, the Dongfu is very bright. It can be seen clearly, just like a house with many rooms.

There is a door to block everything.

So, I can't see the whole picture.

Now Zhang Bin is standing in the hall of the Dongfu.

The eyes looked at a short jade jade, and his face was full of weird expressions.

According to the information searched by the rabbit. It can be learned that there have been four great demon emperors to enter.

According to the truth, there is no jade simple.

All treasures, including skills, should be searched.

But what is this jade ?

He slowly picked up this jade, read it fine.

Then Zhang Bin stunned like a fool.

Because this jade is simple, it is time to stay in the emperor.

The content is shocked.

It turned out that four demon emperors killed the Dongfu for more than 100 million years ago.

Short together, kill the day of the Emperor.

The body and soul have become flying ash.

Then they have a transfer array, with all the treasures of the Ocean Emperor.

However, Overview of the Emperor I have already prepared it.

He also left a core soul particle in a secret place in the Dongfu.

So, he quickly resurrected.

The first step is to destroy the transfer arrays left by the four people.

Let the four demon emddes be regenerated.

Because they are suspected to be the pharmacy of the other party to be monuments.

In order to destroy the transfer, others can't come.

And they can't work together, they will come here again.

Therefore, the Emperor Overview has sufficient time to cultivate it.

I have repeatedly revenge, but I have not succeeded.

Finally, he went to explore the ban on the sea, and we must kill four demon emperors in the Blast.

Because the four demon emperors are also exploring the sea.

In the ban on the sea, the four demon emperors did not have a demon emot, and the power will be greatly reduced.

And the crack outside the cave, is actually the coordinates of the day demon emperor, can guide him back.

Leave this jade jade, it is to tell the next person, do not destroy the cracks.

Moreover, it is necessary to maintain the array.

He uses the emperor's work.

Therefore, in the jade , the emperor is also recorded.

This emperor is only one attribute, of course, the time attribute.

It is precisely because there is only one property, special professional and horror.

Overview of the Emperor is the cultivation of the cock, the rooster will be screaming, and the time attribute is extremely terrible.

Therefore, he can become a thrilling time.

Only in the case where there is no demon emot, cultivate into the emperor, and even cultivate into the grand realm.

"The money is forced, too cattle."

Zhang Bin praised it, and Zhang Bin was sigh.

Because, it is the obedience of the Emperor of the Sun, and there is his experience and feelings.

That is really three points.

Magical pole.

Zhang Bin got a sense of life of the Antarctic life, which has time attributes.

He also got the time attribute of the moon and thousands of fragrance - the moonlight god, all very good.

However, it is much more than the time than the time, it is too much.

It can be seen that what is the thrill of the Emperor Overview.

"I have calculated for a long time, I finally calculated that I would have a peerless genius after alone, so I wanted to finish the good margin, leaving a meal, leaving a method of control. Perhaps us Can also meet in the Blasting. Can work together to cross the sea. "

This is the last message of the Ji Ji Jade Jade Jade.

"If there is a day, I can meet you in the Blasting, I will definitely repay you."

Zhang Bin muttered.

The reason why he is so confident is because he is walking inside and outside the road.

After powerful, it should be even the magic is not his opponent.

Because he can call the strength of the inside and outside.

The terror of war is foreseen.

Zhang Bin found an array controller from a hidden point in accordance with the guidance of Jade Jane.

I will refine it immediately.

And his self-sealing the main, let the array controller and his merits goldprints.

"Bang ..."

Large shake, color light bursting.

However, due to the depths of the earth, it is still in a near future.

So, there is no big movement, and I have not been induced by the four demon emperors.

Soon, Zhang Bin felt that he became the owner of the two cave, and the power of the heavens and the earth was around.

His war is also high in boat.

The reason is because Jingting Cavehouse is located in the depths of the ground, and here is also a gathering of the fairy.

The Lord of the Dongfu can call many fairy.

"Hahaha ... Now there is a masterpiece in the early days of the Fengwu, I should have a force."

Zhang Bin made an exciting laugh, and his body revealed a power of the world.

He didn't think that this time I came to see the Qing Dynasty to find an immortal medicine, can there be such a huge gain?

From today, there are two cave.

In the cave, there are medicine parks.

Although Zhang Bin did not seal, it has two cave.

The power to call the world is also considerable.

If it is enhances the realm, the hardships in the hard work, the cultivation to the Xianwang, may not be Ai Xian Di.

Zhang Bin opened a lot of gates and began to visit this palace belonging to him.

The landscape and inch glow house are almost.

Room, practice room, alchemy room, refining room, training martial arts, meeting room, pharmacy ...

There should be everything.

Zhang Bin came to the pharmacy.

The pharmacum is arranged in the pharmacum, which is very wide.

How can I also have a half of the surface of the earth.

Jianghe Lake, countless fairy medicine, lush.

Moreover, the pharmacum here is arranged in a period of time acceleration.

But only can only accelerate twice.

However, this is also the ability to fight against the sky.

To allow such a large pharmacy to accelerate, it is too difficult to hurt the fairy medicine.

Moreover, Yusi is simply specifically explained, do not cultivate in the pharmacy.

Because it is easy to walk into the magic, even the horrible heart is robbery.

Time is the same for anyone. If you have to get more time, you must pay a huge price.

The universe will not allow.

So, there is a terror.

"In fact, for the immortal, time is the most worthless amount of money." Zhang Bin muttered, "But if you want to get more time, there will be disasters. Through time and space, it is more time, so big Horror appear. Extracting the fairy is used to take advantage of the great terror. If I practice in the pharmacy, or in the crack, it is really possible to encounter the heart of the magic. ""

He shook his head and no longer thought.

He walked into the pharmacy, and he went to the most advanced pharmacist in the first time.

A large piece of eight-level fairy medicine.

In the central area, there is a lake.

The lake is all the liquid of immortality, and it is incident of white fog.

The center area of ​​the lake is all silver lotus leaves.

There is a lotus high engine in the air.

Blasting red rays.

"God, it is the nine-level fairy medicine blood lotus."

The rabbit shouted in Zhang Bin's mind and started to explain in detail.

Yinhe is a magical fairy medicine that must grow in the collection of fairy, and the lotus seeds are eight-level fairy medicine.

If you use a hundred million years, the lotus seed will evolve into red, that is, the nine-level fairy medicine blood lotus.

Such a fairy medicine is untrophically.

Can start back.

And the reason why the Emperor Overview can resurrect quickly, restore repair, because he has blood lotus.

Of course, he hides the blood lotus in a hidden place, and has not been discovered by the four demon emperors.

The four demon emperors did not destroy this cave, because they have cultivated the montery here.

"Ha ha ha ... I finally found the nine-level fairy medicine!"

Zhang Bin laughed, his face was full!

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