The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2197 breaks through, and the strength is big

Zhang Bin flew past and picked the blood lotus seeds.

Then a lot of lotus seeds, but there is only a nine blood lotus seeds, color blood, emitting the same red rays like a maturity, and also exudes a rich medicine.

I smell a mouth, let people flutter.

It is a nine-level fairy medicine.

When Zhang Bin picks, he is careful, and there is no destruction of the lotus.

Because Yintian is very special, after picking blood lotus, this lotus will once again give birth to new lotus seeds. If a few billion years, it will be evolved again into a nine-level fairy medicine.

Even if you don't wait for for a long time, the lotus seeds that have given birth is also the eight-level fairy medicine.

It is also a magical treasure.

There is a super good effect on breaking through the bottleneck.

Zhang Bin is because of the internal and external tribute, although the combination is super strong, it breaks through the bottleneck.

Zhang Bin didn't have a long time to slowly cultivate and accumulate.

Therefore, he looks for nine-level fairy medicine to enhance his external tribute.

Coping with the crisis.

Zhang Bin took the blood lotus seeds with a jade bottle, and then he made many fairy spirits, as well as Xiaoqing and Xiaolong, helping to pick a lot of high-grade fairy medicine.

In fact, it is to pick up the mature fairy medicine.

This is a huge gain.

Zhang Bin felt that the fairy medicine in the next internal repair should be enough.

After all, he also has a magical seven-color glass treasure tower, which can take the rooted thunder.

Then Zhang Bin cultivated in the practice martial arts of the Dongfu.

Of course, he took a nine-level immortal herbal blood lotus.

Such a magical treasure, it is too wasteful to take today's realm.

If there is any other cactus, it is certainly used to impact the realm of the fairy king.

After all, even the nine-level fairy medicine, take it once, take it again, there is not much effect, just can only have a huge amount of life energy, no breakthrough bottleneck.

However, Zhang Bin is not so much.

The crisis is four, he must break through and improve the strength.

In order to let the enemy accept his power without triggering doubts.

The medicinal power of blood lotus is like the Yangtze River, surging in his body.

Through the body of the body, it is transformed into a variety of attributes.

At the same time, Zhang Bin is still trying to feel the emperor's skills - time long, understand the sentiment and experience of Fengguan Day.

Only about a day, Zhang Bin broke through the later period of Xianjun.

All exercises have broken through a bottleneck.

However, some attributes have low realm, and they have not reached the late period of Xian Jun.

A vast pressure and momentum spread from Zhang Bin's body.

Let the world are thrown.

Because his body has changed again, many abilities are also high, breaking through a new world.

Zhang Bin said a little one calls the power of the heavens and the earth, and it feels like a mountain, which is a particularly terrible.

Zhang Bin did not stop cultivation and started to run in the internal cultural freight.

The last breakthrough, now I have been in the past half a year, Zhang Bin has been working hard, and is in the case of using an angry fairy pepper, the three-color glazed Pagoda's Thunder bombardment.

His internal repair has long been bothered.

The interior space being activated has also stopped going to get bigger.

Independent cells are almost stagnant.

He can make it forced to break through, but he doesn't do this because he is worried about the lack of fairy medicine.

Don't worry now.

"Give me ..."

The speed of internal repair is getting faster and faster, like electricity.

The speed is too much more than weekdays.

The true gas is also crazy impacted those cells that have not activated, and forcibly pour it in.

Moisturizing is not activated cells.

Some cells have been forced to activate.

Some cells have swallowed some innocent, they have begun to release a variety of energy, including life energy, transforming into internal repair, let Zhang Bin's internal repair is slowly increased.

"Hey ..."

Finally, a broken voice sounded in Zhang Bin's spiritual realm.

Block Zhang Bin's bottleneck and broken.

All activated cells seem to wake up from the sleeping dreams, start to expand space again, release a variety of energy, and the extreme in Zhang Bin is surging, horrible.

The pressure and momentum of a destruction of the world is also exuded.

Let the world are shocked.

"Bang ..."

The horrible thunder sounded in the air, and the sky is also stacked in the sky.

Let Zhang Bin are dark, or the six colors.

However, there is a six-color flame that is extremely horrible immediately.

Crazy, Bin Bin.

What is even more shocking is that there is a six-color sun in the sky.

Explosing the hot-incomparable six-color light, illuminated on Zhang Bin's body.

Three six-color robbery, superimposed attack.

This is definitely destroying the fairy king.

Zhang Bin's face became serious, crazyly running real gas, resisting this incomparably horrible attack.

The seven-color glazed treasure tower is also secretly starting to swallow the six-color Thunder on Zhang Bin.

Many six-color Thunder bombarded on Zhang Bin, just like disappearing.

I won't see it blink.

It is difficult to cause secondary injury to Zhang Bin.

Let Zhang Bin have a lot of pressure.

Therefore, even if this time the internal robber robbery is much worse than the last time.

But Zhang Bin is relatively easy to pay.

After all, he is now powerful now. There are many activated cells, and the internal space of activated cells has also become a lot, enhanced defense.

Plus his foreign tricks improved, and there is also an increase in life without death.

In addition, his fairy medicine is also very powerful.

I have been taking quickly, repairing the body's trauma.

After five hours, this horror of the robbery is finally over.

Although Zhang Bin's body turned into coke, the bones, the internal organs were basically intact.

However, this time the fairy medicine is basically consumed.

Only a small amount of fairy medicine and eight blood lotus were left.

To impact the realm of the peak, you must get more advanced fairy medicine again.

"Although internal repair does not need to take fairy medicine to improve the repair, but it is necessary to take fairy medicine to hear. It consumes a bigger." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

At this time, he understood that there is how difficult the internal repair is.

Where do you go to find so much medicine?

"It seems that next time, it is necessary to refine a seven-color firewriter or a seven-color actuator. It takes a seven-color flame and rays. It is easy to spend a lot of robbery, nor does it take so many fairy medicine." Zhang Bin planted in the heart , "But where do you want to find such precious materials?"

He began to hurt the body and quickly repair the body.

Just took an hour, he repaired, completely recovered.

Then his face will show a surprise!

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