The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2198, are you coming to send death?

Zhang Bin was surprised to find that the body entered a new world again.

The interior space of activated cells has been doubled and is still slowly expanded.

Even, under the moisturizing of the internal repair, more cells are activated.

The power of terror is flooded in his body, and the spirit is also extremely excited. Obviously, even the soul is powerful.

At this moment, Zhang Bin only has a feeling, that is, powerful!

He took out a new refining to send a fairy array, placed in the hall of the Dongfu.

Then he transferred back to the princess.

I saw Zhang Bin and broke through a bottleneck and cultivated to the later period of Xianjun.

Everyone is surprised and happy.

Especially Yaochi, it's even more like a flower.

Like a little woman, she pulled Zhang Bin's hand, and she was cold.

Autumn clouds and Lanxi are also happy.

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong are also extremely excited.

Because they all know that Zhang Bin is not a general cactus. He broke through a bottleneck, meaning the war rose.

However, they didn't know that Zhang Bin was born in order to break through this time.

I don't even know, I now Zhang Bin is the Lord of Yongdong, and it is also the main point of view.

"Ha ha ha ... I finally became the treatment. I was completely restored. This time, Zhang Bin, how can I get you crush you." Among the four emperors of the four emperors, Mei Xiang Wang arrogantly stood up, and sent a crazy Smile.

He appeared a white armor in his body.

Of course, the Antarctic Xianmie refines the Krevian Armor, which can fight the seven-color Thunder.

It is the four emperors and Di Gui to seek to the Antarctic Xianmine.

And the Antarctic Emperor is obviously to let the Missharma King will repair Zhang Bin and maintain the majestic majesty.

He immediately walked out of the secret room, and the four emperors were excited to welcome it. "He said:" He must kill Zhang Bin, anyway, the father is support us. That slave, actually dare One more and then humiliate, and he is simply do not know how to live. "

"The four halls, you can rest assured, this time, Zhang Bin will die undoubtedly."

The Miss Mingwang is also full of confident, murderous and shot, and hey.

He immediately flew up, and he went to the Yaochi House. He smiled and shouted: "Zhang Bin, you gave me out of death. Last, you actually rely on the light, this time, I want Take you. "

His voice was shocked, so that the immortals in the Emperor were heard.

Suddenly, there are countless immortals come to see the lively.

Their face is full of weird expressions and start talking.

"Heaven, the last time Maxi Wang was crushed by Zhang Bin, stepping on his head, he dared to provoke Zhang Bin? How is it possible?"

"He is ready, you didn't see it, did he wear a special armor? That is the Krevian Armor worth even, can fight the seven-color Thunder, which is used in many precious materials. Materials, it is said to be found from the Tianlei Mountains, only the emperor can get it. "

"That Bin is miserable, you have to be humiliated."

"Not just humiliation, one is not good, Zhang Bin is to be killed by Mi Ming Wang."

"Your Majesty has not come, it is estimated that Zhang Bin is in the sky."


The four emperors also looked with many guards. He laughed in the back and looked at the pole, and Zhang Bin, you have a slave area, and dare to humiliate me and the big emperor. This time, how do you die?

The gate of the Yaochi Princess Government opens.

Zhang Bin took the door to the ghouses of many guards, and his face was full of surprises, "Hey, Maxi King? Are you coming to death?"

"Wow haha……"

" ..."

" ..."

Yunfeiyang Yang Xiong and many guards were ridiculous.

They seem to have seen it, and the beautiful scene of Mei Xianwang was exploded by Zhang Bin.

Only Yaochi Princess is a bit worried, because she recognizes the Krej helmet on Miyun King, but not only can restrain the seven-color Thunder, but accidentally, that is the Antarctic Xianmie refining.

In other words, Misshara is supported by the Antarctic Xian Di.

This is a must teach Zhang Bin.

The consequences are very bad.

"Zhang Bin, come, use your dimension, use your seven-color glass treasure tower, see how I defeated you."

The Mei Xian Wang is so angry, and the murderous is trying.

Zhang Bin has left the past, and his eyes will be found on the Miss Ming King. "Is this the legendary Krevian Antai? Value Liancheng? I like this treasure. Thank you for sending, now You can take off and give it to me. "

Everyone is stunned, and the Mei Mingwang is also awkward.

I can't believe my ear.

Zhang Bin actually looks like Maxi King's shakes?


Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong were smiling, and the more excited.

"you wanna die."

The Mixing Wang Hao smiled and shouted, and the past was rushed, and the right hand was taken.

It turned into a large mountain, like a mountain, squatting.


Since the sound, the air is pulled.

The murder is filled, and you will get rid of the sky.


A indifferent sound rang.

Time will stop lapse.

The speed of Mei Xianwang becomes very slow.

He didn't dare to confidence, looked at it, Zhang Bin rushed over like lightning, and a fist is also getting bigger and bigger, then it is on his face.


A loud noise.


If the Mei Xiang Wang felt a painful pain, he flew out, just like a plane, flying out of dozens of meters, squatting on the ground, suddenly the dizzy flower, the eyes of Venus.

I can't get up half.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

Everyone's eye beads are almost dropped.

Why can't I believe my eyes.

Zhang Bin's time is actually so much?

Even the Miss Mingwang is also hysterestriarging by his time, a trick is defeated?

How is this possible?

"You haven't seen it, Zhang Bin broke through a bottleneck? He has been cultivated to the future of Xianjun, so the time is abilities, and there are a lot of power."

"Yeah, Zhang Bin was repaired in the late stage of Xianjun. His time is too horrible. It seems that it can be better than the Moonlight of Moonlight Wan, and the month, the moon is also so talented, just in the late period, You can defeat the premiere of the fairy king. "

"Hahaha, Misshara King is really difficult."


Some eyes sharply fairy found mystery and shouted excitedly.

And this is what Zhang Bin is expected.

Otherwise, he is too glamorous, inevitably let the Antarctic Xian Di suspect.

That is not a good thing.

"How is this possible? How can he break this so fast?"

The face of the four emperors became iron, and her eyes were hot and hurt. He felt a stunning slap. Playing is a slap.


The Antarctic Xian Di who is sensible in the palace is also angry.

But it is not a way.

He felt that he walked in this year, and everything is unfavorable.

There is no way to teach in a Xianjun now.

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