The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2199 seizes Kray Armor

"Ah ... I want you to die."

The Mei Xianwei is airtight, and the lungs are almost fried.

He jumped up, there was a sharp ax in his hand, and his body was also a momentum of destroying the land.

Show all the magics.

Moreover, the power of the heavens and the earth is also called.

Although there is no seal, it can also call the power of heaven and earth.

Only the power of the caller is not particularly.

His body lit up the rays of the rays.

The void is also bright, there are countless colored spots from four sides, injecting his body.

His body has risen thousands of times.

He stepped out step out, the ax in his hands took a vast momentum to Zhang Bin's brain.

It is necessary to kill Zhang Bin.


It is another indifferent sound.

The speed of Maxi King becomes slow.

And Zhang Bin was again electronjached, two fists bombarded on the chest of Misshara, like lightning. Just like a sandbag.

Hey ...

Ah, ah ...

The Missing Wang is screaming, and it is rolled down again and fell at the foot of the four emperors.

The ax in the hand does not know where it goes.

People have twisted, squatting.

I can't wait for him to climb, Zhang Bin also flashed again, he reached out, just recruited the ax of the Mei Xiangwang, and he was in the neck of the Maxi King.


A helmet breaks.

Then Zhang Bin once again.

I saw that the cold light flashed, and the neck of the Mei Xiangwang was broken.

The head hurriedly rolled out.

Zhang Bin chased past, step on the head of Maxi King.

If you don't say it, you have found the space container of Maxi King.

And he still reached a trick, taking the broken armor who dropped on the Maxim King.

The mouth is also muttered: "Yes, good, good treasure, I like it."


The Mei Xian Wang wants to die, yell angry, crazy struggle.

But Zhang Bin's foot is like a mountain, crushed him, so that he can't move.

The audience shocked again, everyone saw it.

"Great Square ..."

"The big husband is invincible ..."

Many guards in Yaochi are extremely excited, and they have sent a bad shout.

"Big mutual, you play well, beaten, playing must be good ..."

A voiced sound of a milk is issued from the Yaochi abdomen.

Of course, Zhang Shao Jie is coming out.

Yes, the name of the child is changed, and he is called himself.

Said Zhang Jie's name is too ordinary, the same name is too much.

Therefore, it is changed to Zhang Shaojie.

Since the Antarctic Emperor has not officially recognized that Zhang Bin is a horse, it is, Zhang Bin and Yaochi have already told Zhang Shaojie not yelling from the father before people.

So, now he is called Zhang Bin as a big counselor.

"Hahaha ..."

All immortals were laughed by Zhang Shaojie, all happy laughed.

Even the Antarctic Emperor who is sensing with the knowledge is also crying, and it is depressed and wronged.

But there is an anger that can't be sent.

The four emperors have been alive to bite the teeth.

It is almost committed to yourself.

Nima, how can I be humiliated by Zhang Bin again?

How to Zhang Bin's time is so powerful?

Can defeat the fairy king without sealing?

"He must be Mei Xiu, seeing the book of a good treasure you sent me, I will spare you." Zhang Bin is high to look at the head of the Maxi King under the feet, "Next, if you Also come to me, remember to bring better treasures. "

After that, he released his feet and started to repair the armor.

Mustu Mei Dynasty can't kill, because it will arize in the South Emperor.

So, see it.

Marshal is difficult, anger.

He quickly made his head and the body again.

Looking at the face and run away.

The four emperors retreated with his guards.

"a bunch of idiots……"

"A group of stupid ..."

Yunfei Yang and Yang Xiong Chong their back erected the middle fingers.

" ..." can't fix ... "

Zhang Bin suddenly issued a surprised voice because he found that the array of broken helmets was too metastically.

He can't understand it.

"The big counsel, there is no relationship, I will let the emperor fix, he must repair it."

Zhang Shaojie yelled again, "But after fixing, it is my ..."

"Good, little guy, this armor is attributed to you."

After Zhang Bin said, he finished the armor to Yaochi Princess.

Although this armor is precious, he has a better seven-color glazed treasure tower.

And Zhang Shaojie is his son, how can he be reluctant?

"Mom, take me to find the grandfather, I like this helmet, so beautiful."

Zhang Shaojie shouted excitedly.

The Antarctic Emperor Of course he heard, he was depressed and angry.

What is this?

The helmet that refines themselves is to teach Zhang Bin.

But now not only there is not less lesson, but it turns into Zhang Bin's trophy.

And you have to be repaired?

Yaochi is thousands of fun to Zhang Shaojie, so she has not delayed, and I went to the palace immediately, I saw the Antarctic Xian Di.

The Antarctic Xianpi faces his face and start repairing this set of armor.

Yaochi Princess said carefully: "The father, Zhang Bin is my big case, not only wisdom, it is good, and there is no more war. If he is sitting in the princess, Jiener is safe."

"Zhang Bin is not good?"

Antarctic Xianji frightened.

"But I am worried, there is a more powerful fairy king to find him trouble."

Yaochi princess said.

"The child is going to be born immediately, stabilizing everything, no one dares to let go."

Antarctic Xianmi said very unfair.

The meaning of the words, he will not find Zhang Bin again recently.

Yaochi is big, starting to please Antarctic Xian Di.

Zhang Shaojie also played in the abdomen.

Antarctic Xian Di is happy, saying: "There is no doubt that Jiener's tacit is very good. After birth, the roots can be sealed, so you can prepare it."


Yaochi is happy to be faint.

Thirty emperors, I don't want to get it, it will be safe, and it can be much safer.

I can even recruit troops to build a strong army and forces.

Unfortunately, the Antarctic Emperor did not seal any emperor.

And other fairymen's emperors are almost sealing.

Now, the Antarctic Emperor is going to be sealed? Although it is sealed to Zhang Shaojie, the nature is the same. After all, Zhang Shaojie is her son.

She can't do the fairy emperor, my son is also the same.

She was surprised, and she asked carefully: "Is the father of the father?"

"No, children with eighty Dantian areas."

The Antarctic Xian Di said faintly.

"God, what does he mean by the father of the father? It is said that after Jiener will build a foundation, will there be 80 Tantian District?" Yaochi Princess is extremely shocked, " Dangda area, there is another child? How is this possible? "

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