The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2503 War League

Zhang Bin is in the heart, but there is no panic, and the other party will show the freight exploration.

He cultivated the gods, but it is known that the real dragon family can say that it is a fairy demon. They also have many Dantian regions, cultivate theory, but they also refine, equal to the demon repair.

So, it can be said that they are demon, and they can also say that they are immortals.

Zhang Bin made a deceived and internal repair secret law, and seized his central Dantian. Let the other party can't see the huge lake of the liquid fairy. If you can't see the dragon, you can't see the first Tianling tree and small Green and numerous nine-level fairy medicine.

Even Zhang Bin also closed most of his internal cultural veins and worried that each other can see that he is repairing.

After all, the other party is that it is familiar with the content of the creation of the creation of the creation. Although it is very terrible because of the problems of heaving

At this moment, Zhang Bin regards the elders of the elders in front of him as a super master like a rime and blood.

He can not care.

In the spring autumn, I explored it for a while, and I took the hand back. His face has also floated excitement and joyful colors. "It's good, it is the second day of the Taikoo demon. This is the same. Ok, no less than me, and it is not worthy of my father. "

"I rely, this guy is a son of Haoyu?"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he felt a touch of fate, when he was in the earth, he bought it with Rane, that time, he was almost killed, if it was not his own wisdom At that time, I was going to be rushed, and now I came to the fairy, but I saw the future generation of Haoyu. It seems that my own grievances are entangled.

Seeing the spring of the spring, I am so praised Zhang Bin. All the true dragons have floated envious and jealousy.

"Month, whis, you all come ..."

The autumn is smiling.

His voice is not big, but it is a space that sounds in the true dragon family.

Let anyone can hear it.


The blanked sound sounded.

A man and a woman come to the empty, the male's instrument is full, the girl is beautiful, the body is also hot.

It is true that people are truth is the Dragon, Dragon in Longzhong.

"I have seen the little family, I have seen the little princess."

All the real dragons respectfully, of course, do not include three too old.

Obviously, the rack of elongation of the minority and little princess is lower than that of too old.


The random and omestically said at the same time.

"Length, small princess, this is the second true dragon in the bow, the Taikoo demon, and the talented is also very good, suitable for the guard, who want to collect him?" Too long, the old man, Spring Festival, laugh.

The gentleman and the omestical eyes immediately projected to Zhang Bin's face.

"If you can pick me up, let you be my guard."

The pride of the long face, said faintly.

He also cultivated to the Demon King of the Demon King, just because of the early days of impacting the demon emperor.

However, now too old, they have to come out.

And to be the guards in the two people, must be a peerless genius.

They certainly have to be assessable.

"We are more than the martial arts, the loser is the other party's guard?"

Zhang Bin put it out of a very innocent look, asked excitedly.

All of the real dragons can't smile, but the gentleman is screaming, screaming: "I am a long, natural is noble. If you are strong enough, you can do my guard."

"If I am defeated, can I get 9.3 level fairy medicine?"

Zhang Bin also installed a little stupid look and asked.

"Ha ha……"

"Nowareness is fearless ..."

"Does he think that our true dragon is really not crushing his genius?"

"Now there is a good show, the minority will learn about him."


Many real dragons smirked, even many elders also shook their heads slowly, even, the three tens of elder faces also slammed the color.

Obviously, they have no one to optimize Zhang Bin.

After all, the rare capital of the raggy is so good. There is 81 Dantian area, and most of the talents are very good.

It can be said that he is one of the best three people in the future generations.

So, his war is extravagant.

In addition to the better, no one is his opponent.

"Kid, pick me up."

The color of the gear became iron, and the body was also blasted by ice cold murderous and horrible.

He is a long son and is a super genius. The status of the real dragon is lofty. Putting with the beautiful woman whose secret love, how can he endure Zhang Bin so unknowingly highland-thick discourse?

His right hand was pinched into a fist, covering the golden scales.

The surface of the surface is also suddenly growing, and the muscles are also high-ground.

A vast power collection to his fist.

The abilities of any cells in his body also brought together past.

This is the incomparable manifestation of the body of the body.

Of course, it is also a magical secret method - Zhenlong9 hit.

This is the secret law learned from the creation of the creation of the creation, and it must be cultivated to the Emperor to start contact.

However, the tacit in the raspty is too good. I have realized a little mystery in the Fairy Kingdom.

Therefore, this punch is absolutely easily destroyed in the middle of the immortality.

His fist is rapidly.

Because the speed is too fast, and the arm is red, the arm is red.

The sound is not too late.

His fist has reached Zhang Bin's nose.

"It's good."

Zhang Bin's face is also serious, because he feels the horror of this punch.

He flew back and stepped away, and his fist was also awkward.

Call the power of the inner universe.

In an instant, the two fists bombarded together.


A loud noise.

Almost at the same time, two of them have retired after standing.

It turned out to be no peer, it is difficult to win.

All true dragons are stupid. Look at Zhang Bin like the monsters, how can I not believe that Zhang Bin actually resists a long fist in the ethnic group.

In the past, any true dragons in the same realm disappeared a punch.

This is simply a miracle.

Even the lives of many elders and three too long lives are surprised.

Obviously, this result is not expected.

Even, even the thought is also curious, and the beauty of the beautiful eyes look at Zhang Bin.

It seems to see Zhang Bin's heart.

Lieni is also shocking, and glaring at Zhang Bin, and he didn't say it for a long time.

In fact, Zhang Bin is also in the heart. He first encountered such a strong and genius, which can block his punch in the universe of the universe, is simply incredible.

He felt that his strength exceeded the other party, but the other party is too weird and special, and a force has played two points. This is a kind of clever use of strength.

This is Zhang Bin's not available, and I haven't worked here.


The rays finally woke up, he screamed, rushed over with the murder of the sky.

ZHANG Bin launched an attack like a windshield.

Taikoo Dragon Claw Hand, Taikoo Dragon Boxing.

Zhenlong Jiuquan.

True dragon body law.

Countless absolute tricks, believe in sticky.

Skillful pole.

The power is big, it is a horrible, too amazing.

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