The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2504 is a meat sauce

For a while, Zhang Bin can only make a counterattack and cannot counterattack.

But he did not panic, he stood there as a mountain.

He danced his hands and blocks all the attacks all over.

... ...

... ...

The fists are bombarded with each other, and the legs are also bombarded.

Playing is slightly dark, sun and moon are light.

In the intense place, 81 bright poles were floated on the back, and then all fused.

That is awkward, there is a mountain in the sea, there is a cold ice on the high mountain, and there is a sun in the cold ice. There is a flame in the hot sun ...

It seems that it is really a glimpse, the scale is very horrible, and it is horrible to be a mess.

However, no matter how he attacks, Zhang Bin is still if there is anything, it will not fall.

His strength has always been so horrible, his skills are slowly improved.

Even, he began a counterattack.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly roared, but he did not defeat a true dragon in the cosmic universe. That's still there? He danced his double punch and launched an attack.

His fist is quite horizontally.

Quickly lightning, power is like a mountain.

No matter what tips, no matter how enemies attack.

He is going to lose ten defeats with the enemy.

All the real dragons that watch the battle can see the head and Zhang Bin, how can it be victorious? It is certainly teach yourself.

They did not know that Zhang Bin faked into a real dragon that was born in the Taikoo gem. It is impossible to learn a lot of attack tricks. Many fighting secrets are not easy to use, and it may be seen.

He can only use this stupid approach.

"Give me down ..."

Sir, smile and shout, his right box suddenly won the face of Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's root will not, it is also a mad man's face.

In this case, they almost bomb each other.

However, the martial arts fist suddenly became a dragon claw, and it turned a lot in an instant, and he grabbed his face.

If it is caught, the head of the Bin must be broken.

And this change is between electric light, Zhang Bin is too late.

"The bow is lost."

At the same time, all the real dragons are embarrassed in your heart.

However, things out of their expectations.

Zhang Bin's two eyes suddenly shot the golden light, and became a golden knife, and he was embarrassed on the other's dragon claw.

He is a secret law that is understanding from Lei Bing, and it can condense the solid light soldier.

The hot, sharp, and power is also extremely huge.


A loud noise.

The long dragon claws are slightly stunned, and the direction of the attack has also changed.

And Zhang Bin's head is biased, he hid.

However, Zhang Bin's fist is a solid bombardment on the face of long.


A loud noise, the slogan is falling in the ground, and the face is also a high level.

Brain is almost exploded.

It is also super powerful, and the defense ability is super strong, and there is no more power.

He toned to roll back.

To pull away and Zhang Bin's distance.

But how can Zhang Bin be so hope?

He chased his lightning, it was very straight to kick on the legs of long legs.


A loud noise.


A miserable scream, raising the sky, is kicked like football.

Look carefully, you can see that his leg is curved, it is obviously the bones are kicked.

"Give me down ..."

Zhang Bin has not yet letting each other. When he flashed, he flew it on the sky, and he stepped on his long's head.


It's a loud noise, and the rapids of, like the meteorite, squatting on the square.

Like a frog that is killed, it is inlaid in the broken earth, it is a moving.

And Zhang Bin fell like a fallen leaf, and the color of a face.

As if, defeat such an opponent, for him, there is nothing.

This battle, Zhang Bin's long-winning of the minority of the genuine dragon family.

The audience is shocked, no one speaks in half a day.

It seems that this result cannot be accepted.

Even the long-term long and long spring autumn is also stunned. Although he checks Zhang Bin's tacit, the war is also very high, but he did not think that Zhang Bin's war is so horrible, and even the rare people are defeated.

You know, even for the past, it is because of the eating of too many fairy medicine, swallowing countless Hongmeng Ziqi, only cultivation is so powerful, Zhang Bin can't eat so many fairy medicine, fighting It should be limited.

"League, climb, we will continue to play." Zhang Bin looked at the long, said, "You are not expensive, so, you can rest assured, I will not kill you."

"Ah ... I have to kill you."

The long-lived gas is almost vomiting blood, anger, and burning.

He jumped up and became a true dragon and attacked Zhang Bin with a murder of the sky.

How is he noble and invincible, when is it so sad?

Of course, be sure to put Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin shouted, greeted, he continued to show the truth of the attack.

Hard hard, two defeatings.

His body is super strong, withstanding the attack, will not suffer from heavy.

But his attack fell in a martial arts, and the rays were completely resistant.

... ...

So, two of them kill a few minutes again.

Zhang Bin took the other side of the dragon claw. He was a dragon tail of the other person, high-spirited, crazy, and it was constantly hitting continuously.

... ...

Hard rock ground collapse.

The smoke is also made.

Ah, ah ...

The long-raised screams of , crazy struggle, his body even emerged horrible flames, light, thunder, and poison ...

But Zhang Bin is still if there is anything, he will continue to crazyly fell the real dragon.

I played the earth and cracked, playing a long bone, screaming screaming.


Even, his moon palace is also broken, the soul has been hit hard.

"Bastard, stop ..."

The genitals of qi shouted.

"Have you obeyed? If you take it, you will live, otherwise I will put you into a meat sauce."

Zhang Bin continued to be crazy, while killing.

The misery is long, and it has to be depressed: "I obey, you will live."

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin put out a silly child without any heart, laughed in the madness, and pulling the gendens of

All Zhenlong is thoroughly shocked, thoroughly speechless.

Looking at Zhang Bin all like the monster, I don't understand how he might be strong to so.

Is it so powerful, that is, such a powerful dragon, is so powerful?

"Bowwood, from today, you are my guard."

I think is a very satisfying look, announced.

"To be your guard, you must defeat me. Otherwise, I want to think."

Zhang Bin looked at methally and found that her is indeed a rare beauty, which can make any man lost.

However, he is the son of the universe, is you waiting for noble and identity? How can I promise to be a guard?

In turn, it is almost the same!

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