The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2505 Little Princess I.


Too long, I suddenly screamed, "She is a little princess, our real dragon is the first day, the first beauty, the status is noble, we have any of our true dragons ..."

Idea is indeed the first day of the real dragon, and it is said that I have to be geniused than the family.

Her strength is of course very horrible.

"I don't care what she is, no matter what kind of genius she is. Anyway, let me be a guard, she must defeat me, otherwise I will think about it." Zhang Bin put a pair of ignorant look, roared.

I still want to have a good time again, but I'm thinking is a swing, saying faintly: "Bowmur, you come with me, we find a place to try once."

She fately, the pen is straight to another island.

Zhang Bin flew up without hesitation, followed.

"Mix, I must kill you."

Finally, the raging long angry is extremely angry, and shouts in the heart.

He is a child of the family, the identity is noble, but he has never won more talented.

And the reason is because it is the talents, plus the peerless beauty, although it is not expensive, but it is sealed as a little princess, the status is high, although he is secretly loving the little princess, but it is not Dare to use strong.

Therefore, he did not take a little hand.

However, all the truths have two views as a pair of natural land.

He is also thinking.

He deeply believes that in a while, I will fall in love with him, and I will be his woman.

But now there is a more powerful genius, and it is easy to defeat him.

And omestically took Zhang Bin to the princess island.

This situation is a bit bad.

No, I'm thinking about the bow.

Zhang Bin quickly caught up ly, and he did not have any scruples, and he flew her side by side.

The silk thus is like a cloud, like a dark cloud, her skin is more than snow, and the face is like flowers.

Her face flew out faint red, long eyelashes flashed.

The white ancient skirt is also blooming faint light.

The bracelet set in Hao wrist is red, exudes a strange breath.

It seems that it is a beautiful arrogance, it is difficult to believe that she is a super genius, and the slogan is strong.

Soon, they landed on an island.

The area of ​​this island is not large, only ten football fields are so big.

But it is picturesque.

Have a mountain, there is a stream, there is a waterhown.

There are flowers, grass, vines.

In fact, these plants are nine-level fairy medicine.

A small building stands in the flowers.


A colorful butterfly came, and the mouth also sent a sound. "The princess came back, the little butterfly welcomed the princess."

A bird like a parrot is also flying, falling on the shoulders of the little princess, and use his mouth to organize the hair halver.

However, Zhang Bin's pupil is shrinkage.

Because he found that these two pets are strong, absolutely can be black.

I'm doing two pets such as such terror, it is really very powerful.

After all, to take such a powerful pet, not super power, you must super genius.

"Bowwood, here is Princess Island, is my island, in addition to my pet and myself, anyone is not allowed to enter." Site, "Do you see, Principal island?"

"Very beautiful, I like it."

Zhang Bin's face is the color, if it can hide in such a small island.

Carefree, how happy it is.

I laughed, and Zhang Bin was turned over on the island, introduced.

Then I took Zhang Bin into the small building, smiled and said: "In the future, you live in the first floor, I will live in the second floor. I usually cultivate on the second floor. You can freely on the island, Be sure to stop anyone from step into my islands. Including the rare people. "

"Don't you say that it is more than Wu?" Zhang Bin's face is forced, "How can I not mention it?"

"Little Butterfly, go to find the old age, pick two 9.3 level fairy medicine and some ordinary nine-level fairy medicine came ..."

I'm smiling and told.

"Yes, princess."

That butterfly went.

There is no chance to let Zhang Bin talking to talk.

Zhang Bin also looked at the little princess whisily with incompetent eyes. He studied her finely. What kind of woman is this?

"Princess, I listened to the long history of our true dragon, I am very interested in Hongfeng? Do you have seen the fragment of Hongfeng?" Zhang Bin asked.

He decided to leave as soon as possible, but we must first steal the fragment of Hongfeng.

It is too dangerous here.

Moreover, he must go out to prepare a terrorist disaster after two hundred years.

"Of course, I have seen it, but it is a fan, nothing looks good."

I said faintly.

"Princess, can you take me to see Hongfeng?"

Zhang Bin puts out a very curious look.

"Little parrosis, go, find too much long and old, borrow Hongmondan, just think about studying."

It's a faint command.

The parrot is respectful to promise, flying away.

"God, this beautiful woman helped me."

Zhang Bin is darkly happy. If Hongfeng is in three too old, he does not have to steal even if there is a magical treasure like Wu American.

However, if it is in the hands, and it is to see him.

He is easy to steal.

Now, I have to consider it, how to escape.

Soon, butterflies and parrots have come back with many fairy medicines and Hongmeng.

Hongmun fan Zhang Bin is of course familiar, because any debris will become a Hongfeng fan.

But all combinations can be completely recovered, in order to see the creation of the creation of the Cave.

"You just see this evening, you will have to go tomorrow."

I'm giving Hongmundan fan to Zhang Bin, and I didn't prevent Zhang Bin at all.

After all, Zhang Bin is the real price of the truth of the goods, and it is still a big demon world. It is absolutely not to come to the Taikoo field, so Zhang Bin is the real dragon who gave birth to the Taigu.

How can she be suspicious about Zhang Bin?

"Thank you Princess."

Zhang Bin thanked.

At this moment, he was full of good feelings.

But the heart is sigh, I'm destined to and she is an enemy.

In the future, I will meet on the battlefield, and a war will eventually happen.

"This is two 9.3 levels of fairy fruit, the value of huge greatness, is also precious, the general Zhenlong is never eligible to eat." Rane and raised two fairy fruits in his hand, say seriously, " Even if you are very talented, it is also very powerful, but you have to take a test through my test. "


Zhang Bin nodded and looked at the two kinds of fairyans like a baby. I can't wait to take it right away.

"The test is very simple, that is, you have to pick up my three swords."

The meaning of omestically slammed the naughty expression, it seems very cute.

"Contact you three swords? No problem, it is a sword, a hundred swords, I can also catch."

Zhang Bin's face has a strong confidence.

With the opponent of the realm, he is absolutely not afraid.

"I haven't finished it yet." Ibly added, "I must not hurt me any flower grass, otherwise, even if you lose. And, if you lose, it is my guard. I have to loyal to me. "

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