Zhang Bin also took a helmet, but his helmet was a bit weird.

Because the two eyes are dug out two holes.


Two gray lights suddenly shot in his two eyes.

With a rich murderous, the eyes of the murder.

The speed is too fast.

Moreover, Milong is issuing a soul attack and wants to kill the staleness.

Anyway, the zombie door of the universe universe is only a deadly person, as long as killing stars, then it is equal to the battle.

So he doesn't want to close your eyes.

Of course, the most important thing is, he has a surprised body, there is a giant, but it is not the soul of Zhang Bin's soul.

To say the soul attack, his golden is ancestor.

Using the soul attack in front of him, it is simply in front of Luban, and Guan Gong dances the big knife.

How can he fear?

In an instant, Zhang Bin's two soul attacks rushed on the eyes of the rumor.

Bang ...

Gray rays detonated.


Detained cracks appear in the eye of the eye.

Gray light is in his moon palace.

The moon is broken, and a hole appeared.

Then the light is on the soul of the rumor.

His soul lamp quickly became dim.

A dead breath is also wrapped in him.

His soul attack is of course very powerful, but does not represent his soul defense ability is also very strong.

The soul of Zhang Bin's soul is particularly strong, and the two rays are gathered together, which is more than 20 times the attack of the two-story giant soul, which is beyond the band of up.


Milong sent a sharp call.

After rapidly, I took a few tens of meters and my face became pale.

The body is also sturdy, almost didn't fall on the ground.

All people who watch the battle are completely dumbfounded, and the face is full of not a letter.

Even the disciples of the hunting hall are also sluggish, and they are shocked as a fool.

The area of ​​the district has just advanced, and it has mastered such a horrible soul attack? Can you threaten the long?

"Hahaha ... How is the top genius of our zombie?"

A crazy laugh was sent by a dead, and his face was also full of arrogance and proud.

And Zhang Bin appeared, of course, it has already bloated the way, it seems to be a dark property of the devil.

He is a genius who posing as a zombies.

Only the powerful combination of power, the fierce and many zombies, let the Long Shao fear, and achieve the purpose, at least one time will be peaceful.

Then he can work hard to practice carefree.

"New Talent Wen Wu?"

Long has recovered over, and his eyes shot a sharp ray of the knife.

"You guess it."

Zhang Bin said coldly. "I took 40 zombies to defeat the universe. I had two treasures in your door. I suddenly attacked, but I looked at them. I passed the news to you."

He is completely to pick up the mountain river door from this one.

It is to let the zombie door and the hunting hall.

Two such evil horror martial arts, broke out, truth is to attack the poison.

If two martial arts can be injured, it is better.

There is a huge benefit of Xianmen on the continent.

"Well, good, the zombie door actually went out such a gallbladder day, I would let you know what is the end of the hunting God." Long smiled and said.

"Oh ... If you are afraid of you hunting gods, I will not shoot." Zhang Bin said with cold smile, "I will come to the purpose of the universe, one is cultivation, the other purpose is to destroy the hunting of the hunting hall here." However, you are not bad, can kill our zombie door so many days, can also trap stamp with hunting gods. However, encounter me, you are also tragedy. So, I am easily stigma, then Hunting you 50 disciples. I use them into a zombie. You see, are they very powerful? "

After saying, Zhang Bin hooks, the zombies that still wear a hunting armor, the zombie of the hunting armor stepped out, and they ghed in Zhang Bin, they looked at the Hunting Temple with the cold eyes, and the mouth was also crazy: " The zombie door is invincible, horses hunting gods. Wenwu is out, the Long Shao ... "

Suddenly, I was bombing the lungs, and many disciples in the hunting hall were also almost vomiting blood.

It is also secretly laughing in a lot of giants.

This hunting of the hunting is, and the vegetarian is a trip to myself. But in the zombie door, it has a big loss several times.

If it is a full range of battles, the hunting hall will not be able to eat zombies.

After all, the zombie door is too evil, and the energy source will end the zombies, and even the bodies of their disciples and the enemy are also made into a zombie. The more it be stronger, the more you do it.

Didn't see it, the zombies door of the universe in the universe is only a deadlock, but now it has become 140 zombies, plus stamping and civil and military this genius, and the strength is not too much. Too much.

After a while, I was calm down, and I was smneped and said: "Wen Wu, you really have a very talent, the soul attack is very sharp. Come, let us, share life and death."

Of course, he does not think that he is not as good as Zhang Bin. He just did not prepare for it, he took a small loss under Zhang Bin's soul attack.

"I heard that you are a peerless genius since the hunting hall." Zhang Bin said faintly, "and there were so sharp artifacts, and there was no horror. Single pick, now defeat you more laborious. However, wait for me to practice to and Your same realm, you will be more relaxed. What more, our zombie door is now there are few people, most of them are zombies. I am busy breeding the descendants. There is no time to pay now, you earn, you can live more. "

"you wanna die……"

The murder is angry, and it is extremely angry.

Eyes have become blood red.

His eyes suddenly stunned, and the 2750 soul attack was taken in an instant. He took a strong death at the eyes of Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he made a heart, the two holes in the helmet have disappeared.

The horrible soul attack bombards in the helmet.

Suddenly the red light is bursting,

Sound shock.

However, Zhang Bin is standing proud, and there is no shake.

The helmet is also safe.

This is because Zhang Bin is an invincible defensive cover and Dragonfly, covering in the helmet.

Let the power of the soul attack have been reduced by 80%.

Of course, the soul attack is also a helmet, just on the eyes of Zhang Bin.

But you can't threaten Zhang Bin.

In the eyelids, moon, soul, soul shields weakened, the power is not big.

"How can this be?"

The giant huge, the disciple of less and hunting the hunting hall, they are completely dumbfounded, and the face is full of not credible.

They know how terrible in the soul of the Lower.

I brought the stalemate helmet before, almost didn't mourn.

But now I can't deal with this teenager?

God, the zombie gate has a super genius, perhaps it can be resistant to Loot.

The hunting hall is troublesome.

"This is your trick soul attack? I don't look very much. Mono you have a virtual name." Zhang Bin said, "And, your wisdom is also very general, and make mistakes many times. So you are only just There are 111 people left. Wait waiting to be my eating zombies. "

(Seven chapters sent, rushing the list.)

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