The unfortunate disciple of the hunting hall is also angry, anger.

However, they did not have a way to deal with "zombie doors."

If it is full of attack, the zombie goddess has the blessing of the blast, of course, is a great loyalty.

And they also don't have any grasp of victory.

The result may be terrible.

That is what they have to fall in the god hall.

If there is no use of the hunting god, there is no use, because the other party will escape the last time.

"let's go."

After a long time, I was a few days, I have left a lot of disciples and left it quickly.

Return to the station of the hunting hall, began to discuss countermeasures.

"Do you have any good way to deal with zombies?"

Mulu black face said.

"We have two ways to deal with them, one is, we combined with other martial arts, attacking zombie doors. Another way is to work hard, improve strength as soon as possible. As soon as you broke your talents, just break through the two floors, That kills them like killing dogs. "The two eyes of a genius disciple shot the light of wisdom.

"Uniele martial arts?"

Milong's eyebrows, the reputation of their hunting hall is very bad, after all, any one of the gods, the gods, the hunting hall will work hard, thus have a lot of big gart.

Anyway, the hunting hall and other gathers have hatred.

How can other menisses help them.

"Long, the reputation of our hunting hall is very bad, but the name of the zombie door is more smelling, but they make a zombie, which is a zombie, which is the object of any gathered." Some disciples said.

"Then let's find a martial art for the zombie door, join forces to deal with zombie doors."

Long bite his teeth and drink.

He has absolute grasp, single-handed killing Zhang Bin and stranger, but the other party will not come out, he will have no choice but to, and his heart is angry and is extremely angry, and I don't want to wait, I can't bear it. I want to kill the zombie door now.

They got a meeting for a while, I chose a martial art.

In the first time, Milong took some disciples to the resident of the Wan Mun.

Starting with the person in charge of the Wan magic door to discuss.

"Teach the zombie door?"

The magic is thin.

The strength of the Wan Migate is no less than the hunting hall and the zombie door, but also does not have any good feelings to the zombie door.

"The teenager named Wenwu is very talented. It is not worthy of me. If you kill him, his body belongs to you." The tone of the temptation said, "and if it is destroyed the zombie door, zombie door Wealth us flat half. "

"This is too big, I must report the headquarters."

Magic said, "Please wait a month."

"Well, then I will wait for your good news."

The heart is darkly happy, with a lot of disciples.

The zombie door station, the white fog is rich.

Zhang Bin is cultivating the knee, and his knowledge is released, covering a large area, and feel the mystery of the new universe.

His face has also floated a brilliant smile.

Because so, don't worry, don't worry that it is very good, the speed of cultivation is also extra fast.

His nails are also slowly changing golden.

Even, the tip of the finger is also getting golden.

The speed of heaven and earth rules in his body integration trial is also accelerating.

The momentum that is emitted by him is the more horrible.

However, the end of the dragon has a worries.

The mountains and rivers are also the same.

Because they have been inherent, I went to find an incomparable wannah.

If two martial arts join hands, it is very terrible, they are really unable to resist.

One month is very fast.

Loanded again with some disciples to go to Wan Moul, and the magic negotiations.

"Magic, what is the result?"

Long Yong asked.

"We have multiple conditions. If you can promise. Then cooperate, if you can't agree. Then you can talk." The magic said.

"What are the conditions?"

Longxiao secretly happy, as long as you can talk, there is basically no problem, the most fear is that there is no chance to negotiate.

"First, we don't know, just make makeup into the god of hunting, the disguise is a reinforcement of the hunting hall." The magic said.

Milk is a little depressed, he hopes to cooperate with the Wan Moumen, not only to kill the zombies universe of the universe universe, but also to do the zombie door of the continent.

However, the wannou is not stupid, and it has come to see such a method, just helping him to deal with the zombie goddess disciples.

After a long time, he is still unwilling to nod him, saying: "Well, I promise you this condition."

"The second condition, that is ..."

The magic is still not mentioned, his face is very large.

Look at the resident of the hunting hall with the eyes of dare not confidence.

"Want to join hands with the girlfriend? Not bad, it is a good idea. But you have a big mistake, I will let you know my bad."

Zhang Bin stopped cultivating, and Zhang Bin slammed a clear laugh. He rushed to the trendy of Wusai, and rapidly went to the station of the hunting hall.

The station of the hunting hall is of course an unparalleled defensive array.

More than the hunting god of the gods.

Unfortunately, I can't resist Zhang Bin's Wusai.

Therefore, Zhang Bin lively and easily drove the Meisan saten into it.

Among the residents, 80 talents disciples are cultivating the knee, and strive to feel the mystery of the new universe.

Loan out negotiating, leaving such a person, naturally became a big flaw.

"Cold ice, ice ..."

The voice sound suddenly sounded.

The cold ice beads appeared, and the horror of the cold is also swept the world.

"Trial, trial ..."

Zhang Bin also appeared, shouting in his heart.

The majesty took out and swept the world.

139 zombies also appeared, crazy attacks.

2,500 magic worms are also flying out, and they have a murder of the sky.

The chills make the body of many disciples of the hunting hall become stiff, and the speed becomes slow, and even the ability of the reaction is reduced.

The attack of the trial, let them feel rich to the ultimate fear, it is difficult to show the gods.

"Hey ..."

... ...

The horrible voice sounded.

The attacks of numerous zombies and miots fall in their body.

Ah, ah, ah ...

The scream of the scream is also ringing.

80 disciples are like cutting wheat, turned into a body, almost there is no resistance.

"You find dead ..."

Long, of course, I immediately got news, nor did you negotiate, and rapidly returned with 30 disciples.

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