The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3685 Top Giant Wars

"Good play is very exciting."

Zhang Bin's gods naturally induced everything, but it was not too interesting. He was will enter the mountain gate.

However, the voice of Long Na's ice sounded, "the mountain river long is long, slow."

Zhang Bin stopped and crossed the doubtful gaze to the face of the long face, and didn't know what he was about.

"I will hand over the secret law of cultivation."

Long drink, "Otherwise, kill innocent."


Zhang Bin said angry.

"Refining the secret law of the middle of the world is the sorrow of our hunting hall."

Long said, "Anyone cultivates, only one in the end, that is, death."

"Oh ..." Zhang Bin made a contempt, "This is the magical practice of our mountain river doration, and it is totally different from your hunting hall. You should go back."

"I will override me, otherwise it will break the mountain gate, and the chicken does not stay."

The Golden Temple took a step, and the body was blamed and horrible to the ultimate momentum.

Let anyone shocked.

And his whole body, all sent dark golden rays, perfect.

"God, the main cultivation of the Golden Temple is full of satisfying the nine layers."

Many giant hormones in the Miya Door have made a shocking shout, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

The hunting god has no more than a good giant, which is a big success. It is far more powerful, but the golden temple is now breakthrough. The hunting hall is really going to rise.

In fact, the Hunting Temple is because of a super genius, it has got golden fruit from the darkness of the dark, so that the Golden Temple once again break the limit.

Can be cultivated so quickly to the top 9th floor.

It became one of the top giant.

"If you pay the skills, will you let go of my mountain river?"

The mountains and the ancestors stepped out of the mountain gate and watched the Golden Temple with a very tied.

"If I hand, I just killed all you. Otherwise, I will sell your body to the zombie door, then sell your soul to Wan Moul." Golden Temple Drink, "Dare to practice, this is the next place."

The cultivation of the nine layers of the whole road, of course, is to make a lot of powerful witness.

The small garthes such as the Shanhe Gate have become a good choice.

After all, the excuses have already been, that is, because the mountain river gates have created the mysterious skills of cultivating many words, the interests of the hunting hall.


There are no madness of the mountains and rivers.

The disciples in the mountain gate also angry to the extreme, and it is still extremely angry.

Today is the threat to zombie gates, and now I am threatened by the hunting hall.

Do you want to die?

"Hahaha ..." Zhang Bin issued a cold laugh, "Golden Temple, you are really bullied? Small silk, go, give him a lesson."

"Yes, the son."

I have been standing in the unsatisfied devil who stands behind Zhang Bin. She said faintly, "the golden hall, come, let's sing, I have to see, have you have a arrogant capital? "

"If you also challenge our temple?"

The hunting hall has a long and jumped out, and the crazy ax is not dead.

Suddenly discolored, the sun and the moon are light.

The horrible murder is bursting out, and it is covered with a sky.

It is worthy of a super powerful cornice nine-layer giant.

"Ha ha……"

Without the demon, her right hand finger suddenly got out.

The same is as follows, and the moment is on the forehead of the other party.


The horrible voice sounded.

The helmet of this guid is broken, and the head is smashed.

I didn't even have time to make it, I didn't move it on the ground.

Thoroughly became a corpse.

Even the soul is also killed.

Take a trick, kill a crowd of nine floors.

The terrorist strength of the unstead of demon, once again show.

The audience shocked, Yasang was silent.

The giant hunter of the hunting hall is dumbfounded, the face of the golden hall has become iron green.

The giant giant of the Miya Door is also a tightness.

They all look at the bodies on the ground with dare not confidence.

That is the super giant gold break of thousands of era, is the son of the Lord of the Golden Temple.

Decorating more than 2,900 days.

But it was even so easy to kill this girl like a girl.

"I rely on, long-lasting is the so powerful one? The second kills the nine floors of the giant."

The mountains and rivers are also stunned, such as the dream.

Even if you know that you don't die, you will kill a nine floors of giant, and Zhang Bin is also secretly cultivated, when you see her so simple, Zhang Bin is also secretly cultivated, when can you practice so powerful?

"The ant ants, also dare to be called in front of me?"

Unexpected Devils took out a piece of paper, slowly wipe the blood on his fingers.

"who are you?"

The eyes of the golden temple shot the cold light, falling on the body of the nephew.

The tone is also the cold of ice.

"I am the mountains and rivers."

Do not die, the Devil said faintly.

"When is there such a mountain river? I am so old. Why don't I know? This lie is too beautiful." The mouth of the mountain river's mouth is ticked.

"You are the devil of dark attributes, how can it be too old?"

The golden temple is black, and it is drinking.

The mountain river door is a fairy door, and it does not have a dark attribute.

"Xianmen may also have a darkness of the disciple, but not willing to open."

If you don't die, I'm really saying that the mountain river door is too old, and it will not be able to show up. "

"Very good, I didn't expect that a mountain river door in the district didn't have a good giant." The Golden Temple said, "But you dare to kill my son, which is your hacking next year. I want to put You have a broken corpse and give my son. "

After that, he went out with a murder.

A kettle appeared in his right hand.

It is the god pot from the zombie door.

He is a super powerful genius, the extreme of the war.

Can kill the enemy.

No cultivation of the nine layers of the top, basically, can basically compare the nine layers of the crowd.

Nowadays, after breakthrough, it is powerful.

He certainly has a rich and confident.

However, he didn't dare to see the Devil God. After all, he killed his son when he did not die.

So, he took out this most horrible magic weapon.

The face of the unstead of Devil has become serious, and there is a very weird magic weapon in her hand.

It is a dark golden branch, and three flowers are opened, a red, a white, a black. The leaves are also nine, crispy.

(The two chapters are not yard, waiting for three hours.)

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